Introducing Myself

My name is Jennifer, I am an officer's wife of 5 years, and we have 4 children total. I have a very busy lifestyle as you all can relate to I am sure. But I am here to loose 30 plus pounds! Just need the motivation. :)


  • TA0128
    TA0128 Posts: 9
    same here 4 kids and about 30 to go!!! good Luck!
  • DanaLash
    DanaLash Posts: 59 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I'm Dana. I'm a LEOW, three kids, looking to lose about 30 pounds. Trying to do that around shift work, two munchkins in school, one at home, and I sub-teach...argh! Looking forward to seeking some motivation and advice from you guys and offering some too! :)