Bad date experience.....Share yours!

Ok, I a so new to the dating game it isn't even funny. Was in 13 year relationship and am trying to get back out there and sometimes feel like I have no idea what I am doing. But I do know what a bad date is!!

Here's my story.

Guy messages me on POF several times, I wasn't all that interested and didn't reply. Then just out of the blue asks me to dinner. I was in the "just give him a chance" mood so I agreed. He lived out of town so we met in the middle. Right off the bat there is no attraction what so ever, but I was determined to have a good time anyway, you never know you can't have too many friends. I spent the next 2 hours listening to this man talk ***t about his ex wife and how she did all these bad things and left him $30,000 in debt and I probably thought he was a boring loser and on and on and on. I eventually said I had to get home and he says "I had a really good time and I would like to see you again, but you probably don't want to see me." I just nodded and said we would have to see and thanked him for dinner. I made it back home in record time.

What stories do you all have to share??


  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    haha wow! he's a winner, you should take him up on that offer :P

    He is totally not over his ex, and has no confidence in himself... yikes

    I have WAY WAY WAY too much to list on here, but I will humor you all when I have a minute.. gotta head out.
  • OperationSuperKAT
    OperationSuperKAT Posts: 886 Member
    Yikes! I think the weirdest one was the guy who was obviously about 10 years older and 40 lbs. heavier than his pics. He spent the whole date babbling about his work but refused to tell me where he worked and then mentioned he owned his own condo and kind of wriggled his eyebrows at me (seriously, it was really creepy). When I got up to leave after the obligatory hour, he started to put his hand on my arm and then did this weird thing where he slid his hand down the entire length of my arm before shaking my hand :shudder:

    I ignored him for a couple weeks until he wrote me this crazy message about how I'm a b*tch for not talking to him after the "great date" we had. I told him very politely that I didn't feel any chemistry between us and I didn't feel that we needed to pursue anything further. He then tried to convince me to go on another date with him by telling me my *kitten* looked really good in my jeans. I just replied and said "I'm not interested."


    I got this crazy message from him about how it was "so ridiculous" that all these young girls are looking for chemistry right away. You think your parents had chemistry on first sight?! In this age of cell phones and technology, girls are just so stupid and have no idea what they are looking for, on and on and on.

    I was pissed. I shouldn't have even dignified that with a response, but I have this overwhelming need to defend myself with attacks like that, so I wrote him back and said, "sorry if I've offended. I was just trying to be honest. I thought men liked honesty. Please don't ever contact me again."

    Fortunately he didn't. :noway:
  • Mighty_Rabite
    Mighty_Rabite Posts: 581 Member
    These men sound crazy as hell, lol.. the guy who keeps dissing on himself sounds like a buddy of mine, and it's pathetic as hell to hear that, because it always seems like they're looking for the sympathy play. Hiding things is also really shady. The chap who was older and heavier than his pictures needs to get updated ones. There's little more annoying than deception.

    Bad date experience.. well, I have an awkward one from last year. Long story short, I'd been talking to a girl, we ended up really liking each other (or so it seemed), a little while after first date (which seemed to go quite well) she got afraid of the idea/thought of a relationship. During the first date I invited her to a football game [Colts vs. Bills] that I'd mentioned scoring tickets for. We went on a second date in the mean time but kept it more friendly. However after the first date and the second date our communications were creeping slowly towards a halt.

    I like to stick to my commitments and would have felt like a **** and a half if I retracted the invite to the football game - so I kept to it. And yes.. it was fairly awkward the whole time. The goodbye hug was basically like a half *kitten* version of what I would do with a good guy friend, lol. We talked sparsely afterwards and the last communication I received was a happy birthday on my birthday.

    Aside that, I don't really have any bad date experiences. I just don't have a lot of date experiences, lol
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Ok, I a so new to the dating game it isn't even funny. Was in 13 year relationship and am trying to get back out there and sometimes feel like I have no idea what I am doing. But I do know what a bad date is!!

    Here's my story.

    Guy messages me on POF several times, I wasn't all that interested and didn't reply. Then just out of the blue asks me to dinner. I was in the "just give him a chance" mood so I agreed. He lived out of town so we met in the middle. Right off the bat there is no attraction what so ever, but I was determined to have a good time anyway, you never know you can't have too many friends. I spent the next 2 hours listening to this man talk ***t about his ex wife and how she did all these bad things and left him $30,000 in debt and I probably thought he was a boring loser and on and on and on. I eventually said I had to get home and he says "I had a really good time and I would like to see you again, but you probably don't want to see me." I just nodded and said we would have to see and thanked him for dinner. I made it back home in record time.

    What stories do you all have to share??

    :laugh: That totally just reminded me of this scene
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    Supposed to meet a girl at a coffee shop. She calls me last minute and asks me to meet her at a gym, says she is "just doing some pullups" and will wrap up when I get there. I show up. It's not a gym, it's an acroyoga studio. She is 40 pounds heavier than her pics and in a full body Jane Fonda like spandex outfit.

    As soon as I walk in, she has a teacher come up to her and start doing really weird massage moves to half her body. The teacher insists I repeat the same moves on the other side of her body. I am uncomfortable with touching strangers in general, it really makes me crawl out of my skin. I'm also incredibly polite.

    I spend the next 20 minutes kneading dough wanting to kill myself. Way too intimate. I politely decline when it is "my turn" and get the *kitten* out of there.
  • Carlyannabelle
    Carlyannabelle Posts: 621 Member
    Supposed to meet a girl at a coffee shop. She calls me last minute and asks me to meet her at a gym, says she is "just doing some pullups" and will wrap up when I get there. I show up. It's not a gym, it's an acroyoga studio. She is 40 pounds heavier than her pics and in a full body Jane Fonda like spandex outfit.

    As soon as I walk in, she has a teacher come up to her and start doing really weird massage moves to half her body. The teacher insists I repeat the same moves on the other side of her body. I am uncomfortable with touching strangers in general, it really makes me crawl out of my skin. I'm also incredibly polite.

    I spend the next 20 minutes kneading dough wanting to kill myself. Way too intimate. I politely decline when it is "my turn" and get the *kitten* out of there.

    Wow! Ummm. You win!
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    I went to the restroom on a date once. When I came back she said "Wow! You came back! I guess this must be going well".

    She wasn't joking around. Poor girl. She had a really severe nervous tick.
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    Supposed to meet a girl at a coffee shop. She calls me last minute and asks me to meet her at a gym, says she is "just doing some pullups" and will wrap up when I get there. I show up. It's not a gym, it's an acroyoga studio. She is 40 pounds heavier than her pics and in a full body Jane Fonda like spandex outfit.

    As soon as I walk in, she has a teacher come up to her and start doing really weird massage moves to half her body. The teacher insists I repeat the same moves on the other side of her body. I am uncomfortable with touching strangers in general, it really makes me crawl out of my skin. I'm also incredibly polite.

    I spend the next 20 minutes kneading dough wanting to kill myself. Way too intimate. I politely decline when it is "my turn" and get the *kitten* out of there.

    You definitely win. And I thought I was incredibly polite...

    I had a few bad ones but none that horrible.

    1. The guy looked REALLY handsome in his profile pic...which happened to be old and cropped to show only his facial features. I was young and naive and also had the "give him a chance" mindset. Bad idea. Also about 40 lbs overweight, dressed horribly/dirty and barely resembled his picture. I felt horrible. I think he must have known because we only talked for a few minutes before we parted ways.

    2. Met him at a bar that my friend co-owns. No physical attraction whatsoever. I'm REALLY not this shallow even though it may come across this way, but he was also dressed horribly...and somewhat 80's. (Acid washed light jorts, high white ankle socks, black sneakers, light blue ALMOST felt(the fabric)-like/cloud-like tshirt, buzz cut...Sorry, but I can't. He talked about football and work. We had 1 beer and left.

    ETA: 3. This guy was crazy short and must have lied about his height on his profile, which is obviously his biggest insecurity. Even though he knows I'm in law enforcement, he talked about how he was in jail before for a "minor violation". Then a couple walked past us and sat in the booth behind us. They smelled VERY strongly of marijuana and he thought it was the coolest/funniest thing...:noway: Clueless and juvenile...I declined dessert.

    4. NEVER EVEN MET THIS GUY. We exchanged numbers and started talking on the phone....and he wouldn't stop. He literally had me on the phone for 2 hours one time, to the point where I couldn't even get a word in to hang up. He's one of those people that adds a story onto a story and another story, etc..."and then, but that happened because, then she said, and I was like"..........:explode: Come to find out he was also in prison at one point. He slipped that in very slyly during the 2 hour conversation of which I kept saying "Right..uh-huh...right...yeah..." Eventually I had to cut him off and say "Hang on my mom is calling". I texted him later. I think the next day I said I wasn't interested. He begged me to tell him why and texted me about it twice after that. I just said I wasn't feeling it... then he sent me a picture while he was on vacation a few weeks later because we had talked about it. :indifferent:
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    Nice ones, Lauren. So when does one let the jail thing out of the bag? Hypothetically speaking, of course.
  • BattleTaxi
    BattleTaxi Posts: 752 Member
    I haven't accepted a date from anyone since this winner:

    Met a guy on OkCupid, we lived about 45 minutes from each so we agreed to meet somewhere in the middle. At the time I was finishing my undergrad degree, and I had finals coming up. So I was basically “living” in the studio, trying to finish up several paintings that were due the following week; I had previously informed him that I was basically going to be unavailable until after 7pm. That didn’t stop him from leaving multiple messages on my phone and calling me relentlessly until I finally answered after the 10th time.

    So I answered, and he then went on for 5 minutes about how hungry he was and he kept asking me when I would be ready, etc. Mind you, it was still only the afternoon, not even close to evening yet. I reminded him that I was busy working on final projects and could not meet up sooner. (We had planned on 8pm.)

    I met him at the restaurant and he’s 4’’ shorter than his profile stated, even with the 2’’ heels on his snake skin boots that made me die inside a little. Height isn't necessarily a priority, however I do appreciate honesty. He isn’t very polite, shakes my hand and drenches it in his sweat, and then opens the door for himself to walk in. We sit down in the otherwise empty restaurant and order drinks. He continues on about how hungry he is and orders some massive meal. By this time I’m so put off by his behavior that I’m not even hungry. He doesn't hold back about his disapproval of my food choice, and then begins to talk about video games for 20 minutes.

    I’m a huge nerd, I love computers, I build them for fun and I play loads of games. That does not equate to wanting to form a relationship with someone based off playing video games. If that is the only similarity between us, then it will likely not work out when I roll higher on that uber sword you were also drooling over.

    It’s now time to pay, and the waitress brings out the bill as he is pulling small papers and what not out of his pockets. He beams up to me happily and goes on about having found coupons and an old gift card to pay with. (Wtf?) The waitress comes back after swiping his gift card and coupons, to give him the bad news: they are all expired. He lets out an extensive sigh, looks in his wallet at the two plastic cards in it, and then sighs heavily again, “I guess I’ll just have to use my debit card.” Finally I chime in and offer to pay instead, since it seemed to be such a burden for him. He declines, the check comes, and I thank him for dinner.

    He asks if I want to go out for drinks next, I decline and fib about needing to finish up a painting. I borderline run to my car, lock the doors and leave in a hurry.

    The next few days after he sent me text messages about what a great time he had, that I flew out of the restaurant like a “bat out of hell”, and eventually, after I still hadn't responded, he left me a rude voice mail crying about how horrible I am.

    No comment.
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    I haven't accepted a date from anyone since this winner:

    Met a guy on OkCupid, we lived about 45 minutes from each so we agreed to meet somewhere in the middle. At the time I was finishing my undergrad degree, and I had finals coming up. So I was basically “living” in the studio, trying to finish up several paintings that were due the following week; I had previously informed him that I was basically going to be unavailable until after 7pm. That didn’t stop him from leaving multiple messages on my phone and calling me relentlessly until I finally answered after the 10th time.

    So I answered, and he then went on for 5 minutes about how hungry he was and he kept asking me when I would be ready, etc. Mind you, it was still only the afternoon, not even close to evening yet. I reminded him that I was busy working on final projects and could not meet up sooner. (We had planned on 8pm.)

    I met him at the restaurant and he’s 4’’ shorter than his profile stated, even with the 2’’ heels on his snake skin boots that made me die inside a little. Height isn't necessarily a priority, however I do appreciate honesty. He isn’t very polite, shakes my hand and drenches it in his sweat, and then opens the door for himself to walk in. We sit down in the otherwise empty restaurant and order drinks. He continues on about how hungry he is and orders some massive meal. By this time I’m so put off by his behavior that I’m not even hungry. He doesn't hold back about his disapproval of my food choice, and then begins to talk about video games for 20 minutes.

    I’m a huge nerd, I love computers, I build them for fun and I play loads of games. That does not equate to wanting to form a relationship with someone based off playing video games. If that is the only similarity between us, then it will likely not work out when I roll higher on that uber sword you were also drooling over.

    It’s now time to pay, and the waitress brings out the bill as he is pulling small papers and what not out of his pockets. He beams up to me happily and goes on about having found coupons and an old gift card to pay with. (Wtf?) The waitress comes back after swiping his gift card and coupons, to give him the bad news: they are all expired. He lets out an extensive sigh, looks in his wallet at the two plastic cards in it, and then sighs heavily again, “I guess I’ll just have to use my debit card.” Finally I chime in and offer to pay instead, since it seemed to be such a burden for him. He declines, the check comes, and I thank him for dinner.

    He asks if I want to go out for drinks next, I decline and fib about needing to finish up a painting. I borderline run to my car, lock the doors and leave in a hurry.

    The next few days after he sent me text messages about what a great time he had, that I flew out of the restaurant like a “bat out of hell”, and eventually, after I still hadn't responded, he left me a rude voice mail crying about how horrible I am.

    No comment.


    I've told this one before, but i'll tell it again:

    This was after my 2009 divorce: 40 years old guy, looks tanned on his pic, I think he looks great, we exchange emails, talk on the phone, decide to go on a date.

    I get there, he's heavier than what he's showing, wears some kind of "spank" type undershirt, his face looks like brown leather (he admitted using oil on his skin to cook, oops, to tan his skin), I could easily think he's around 55 years old. We go for dinner at a restaurant, he picks me up, seems nice enough. We get there and we are waiting to be seated (20 minutes). He keeps talking and talking, but he also keeps telling himself: " (his name) shut up, you talk too much". This basically went on all evening. I was being polite about it and ignored it. He drove me back home said he would contact me later for a motorcycle ride. He didn't call me back.

    Later that week, he sent me an email basically saying that he didn't recontact me because he was afraid he would fall in love with me too fast. :laugh:
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    I've shared this little tid bit before but its to good not to trot out again. This was a guy I was kinda sorta seeing (FU buddy sorta). We would meet up at a gth club on Wednesday nights and hang out. He wore eyeliner an fishnet sleeves (I thouhgt it was hot lol) So we'd been playing around for a while. That night I asked if he was coming back to my house and he had said no. I threw my purse and platform boots in the trunk when I drove home and I was to tired to go get them before I went inside Well I wake up at 11 am to find him shivering in a puddle on the floor of my living room. My roommate had let him in. Apperantly he had decided to suprise me by coming over , had lost control of his car on the turnpike and drove his car nto a canal. Then he decided to walk all the way to my house.I just picture this man dressind in all black and metal trying to hitch a ride on the turnpike at 5 am lol. When I asked him why he didnt wake me up or get a towel or shower he said he didn't wnat to bother me.!!!!!!!!
  • BattleTaxi
    BattleTaxi Posts: 752 Member
    @Temporalia - Oh my gosh!!!!! He sounds like a real keeper! Glad I'm not the only one with crazy stories!

    @jenbit - Too funny!