Right Glute Pain

natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
Yes, I have a pain in my butt! Started after my tempo run last Wednesday, and has not completely gone away. Today on my 7.6 mile run it was radiating down into my hamstring. Pain is deep in the glute - about at the sit bone. Anyone with experience with this? Also, wondering if I should do my planned speed workout tomorrow (5-6 x 1200m with 600m recovery jogs). I am going to do it on a treadmill, which does tend to be a little easier on my legs. The pain is not severe or anything - just don't want to aggravate it, but I really want to get all my runs in!!


  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member
    If it were me, I'd go easy, on the basis that it's to a point where it's radiatting to your hamstring. For me, a pain that raidates or moves to another body part is never a small matter.
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I'm going to break out the foam roller tonight and see how it feels tomorrow. If it is hurting, I can just switch to an easy run.
  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member
    That works. As long as you actually listen to your body I think you'll be fine. But easier said than done.
  • eating4me
    eating4me Posts: 239 Member
    Yes, I agree...try the foam roller, and see if it improves. Whenever I have a pain that gets my attention and doesn't go away after a mile or so, then I back off. If you're getting radiating pain, then I'd probably rest it for a day. If you miss a run, in the big scheme of things, it won't matter, but if you continue running with an injured muscle, you may find yourself with a longer rest period that requires a lot more attention. I hope it resolves quickly.
  • barrpc
    barrpc Posts: 96 Member
    I had his happen to me in February. First it became very tight while I was running. The next morning I was limping and feeling pain down my leg. It turned out it was not my glute but my piriformis. A golf ball size knot had formed directly over my sciatic nerve. I went to my sports chiroprator right away. After we got the swelling down and I stretched a few days, he started doing active release massage on it. I could not run for 3 weeks, then I had to start back very short distance and very slow. The knots and grittiness are all gone now but after sitting for 45 minutes or more I get a dull ache. I am able to run walk and stand ok, I just cannot sit for a long time. If you can find someone to check the piriformis muscle for you you could rule out piriformis syndrome.
  • ZenInTexas
    ZenInTexas Posts: 781 Member
    I had his happen to me in February. First it became very tight while I was running. The next morning I was limping and feeling pain down my leg. It turned out it was not my glute but my piriformis. A golf ball size knot had formed directly over my sciatic nerve. I went to my sports chiroprator right away. After we got the swelling down and I stretched a few days, he started doing active release massage on it. I could not run for 3 weeks, then I had to start back very short distance and very slow. The knots and grittiness are all gone now but after sitting for 45 minutes or more I get a dull ache. I am able to run walk and stand ok, I just cannot sit for a long time. If you can find someone to check the piriformis muscle for you you could rule out piriformis syndrome.

    I agree with this. That's what it sounds like to me. I have had something similar before. Did the same thing, Chiropractor and massage.
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    Another vote for piriformis. I use a tennis ball rather than a foam roller in this area since the smaller size lets me roll right over the area in tight circles. I also see a a massage therapist who literally digs her elbows into the muscles and relieves the knots. As long as I give it some attention at least once a week I am pain free. I also do a set of exercises to strengthen the glutes to make sure they are involved as I run.
  • WebbyShoo
    WebbyShoo Posts: 115 Member
    Another vote for piriformis. I use a tennis ball rather than a foam roller in this area since the smaller size lets me roll right over the area in tight circles. I also see a a massage therapist who literally digs her elbows into the muscles and relieves the knots. As long as I give it some attention at least once a week I am pain free. I also do a set of exercises to strengthen the glutes to make sure they are involved as I run.

    Add me to the list of people who think it sounds like piriformis. I had it 2 years go and it sidelined me from running for almost 2 months, was nursing it, stretching, rolling, walking, strength training, using a tennis ball and it healed up. The nerve in my hip/glute was tight and being kind of impinged, I did acupuncture and ART, it worked. I also use a tennis ball (which reminds me I need to start using that puppy again, hurts so bad though, works a lot better for those areas than foamy).

    Helpful video, routine called the "Agile 8" created by Joe DeFranco.
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Thanks everyone - I will research piriformis. I foam rolled last night, but it still hurts today, and my hamstring is very tight. Skipping the speed workout and any running altogether today. Really don't want to derail my training! Maybe if I take the next 3 days off I can still do my long run on Saturday.
  • WebbyShoo
    WebbyShoo Posts: 115 Member
    Thanks everyone - I will research piriformis. I foam rolled last night, but it still hurts today, and my hamstring is very tight. Skipping the speed workout and any running altogether today. Really don't want to derail my training! Maybe if I take the next 3 days off I can still do my long run on Saturday.

    Defo find a tennis ball (or soft ball if you have but even more painfull but effective) and get in there deep by sitting on a hard floor and grinding it into the area where the hammie/glute tie in and hip flexor area on your side, you'd be surprised how knotted it gets in there, maybe do a couple shots of whiskey to take the edge off. ;) Hahah only kinda kidding.
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Took a day off, and did some stretching exercises, and no pain today on my run - just slight tightness. Woohoo. Still looking for a tennis ball.....
