Weight Loss tips

I'm a 20 year old colege female trying to lose weight. I've gained 50 lbs within the last two years and to better myself, I want to lose that 50 that I've gained. If anyone has weight loss tips or exercises that will be effective please let me know. Also I have no friends on here so feel freee to add me. (:


  • Changing your diet is a major help. You don't have to change it drastically. Just add in lots of veggies & fruits. Also by drinking lots of water. Soda makes you gain weight.
  • lots of water! 1.5 litres a day i would say (though even i dont drink to that amount normally lol)

    small, regular meals a day - think breakfast, mid-morn snack, lunch, mid-afternoon snack and then dinner!

    though make sure you dont go over your calorie goal on here!

    weightloss is just burning more calories than you consume, so exercise maybe 2-3 times a week (thats the goal, but then again i sometimes dont do that much)

    aim for wholegrains instead of white carbs

    and treat yourself in moderation - if you fancy a choccie bar then make it a once a week or two week things so that it doesnt hinder weightloss!

    try to eat healthily, regular exercise (the usual stuff) and im sure you will be losing in no time!

    goodluck, ive added you for support :)
  • littlemeowmaid
    littlemeowmaid Posts: 114 Member
    It might help you to figure out why you gained it all in such a short amount of time what's changed in the last two years?
    I gained weight firstly because I went from working in gyms and in hospitality to working in an office a year and a half ago, and secondly because I use to be in a terrible restrictive-binge cycle, which resulted in weight gain by the end of it.
    So I'm combating those by getting active again and keeping to a regular diet that involves healthier choices.

    I try not to ban myself from anything because it makes it become to much of a "diet" & harder to stick to.
    If I want chips or chocolate I'll have it, I just make sure I'm staying under my calorie goal.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Weight loss isnt rocket science... Eat at a deficit and exercise regularly.
  • Think that my biggest problem with weight is MOTIVATION and INPATIENTS, I would go on for weeks on end eating healthy, exercising.... the works, then I put on a pair of jeans and get completely sidetracked and self-hating! Have got to get my head in the right place!
  • exie95
    exie95 Posts: 12
    If you're eating a sandwich or something like that, I've heard that if you cut it into fourths you can trick your brain into thinking you're eating more, and you'll feel fuller. It seems pretty logical to me(:
  • I find chewing a piece of gum helps me decide if I actually want food or if I just felt like chewing on something food-like. Keep hydrated because you can think you're hungry even though you may just be in need of a drink. Keep in mind that you probably don't want to drink your calories so if you need an afternoon pick-me-up try the lo carb or zero Monster instead of a frappuccino from Starbucks. You know those little juice box sized yoohoo? I love those when I need something sweet and yummy and they're only 100 calories (and I find 'em at the dollar store!). Hope some of these helped. :)
  • This! Eating more slowly helps too. I used to eat so quickly because I was a) hungry and b) knew I was eating too much and didn't want anyone to have time to comment. Then I'd end up way over eating because my brain hadn't yet realized that I'd eaten, let alone that I ate way too much.
  • i know a few good tips (i've recently lost a lot of weight mainly down to changing nutrition)
    I used to work out before, and never change my habits so i'd never lose weight.

    try not to eat cheese, or stick to minimal use. or something healthier like feta?
    (feta and egg whites is SO good)

    switching everything to wholegrain NO white carbs

    generally cutting down on high carb foods (pasta, potatoes, bread)
    - so for one of my standard meals i'd have chicken breast with tomato & basil sauce perhaps? and lots of veggies
    - maybe some sweet potatoe? or alittle rice. but not tons

    drink ice cold water with lemon (lemon is good for your metabolism)
    - before and with every meal - you won't over eat

    DO interval training - its the best way to lose fat
    so i started doing 2 mins walking 2 mins running intervals for 15- 20mins
    slowly i ran faster/for longer
    always change up your routine with working out because your body adapts to it (make it harder)

    simple things like: stick to water or make your own juices
    look at the fat content of things you buy
    switch to skimmed milk
    cut down on salt/sugar
    have a filling breakfast, try not to skip it. - high in iron and fiber cereals

    you'll find the weight will drop off in no time! i'm no expert but thats how i did it :)