Week 1 Challenge !!!!!



  • hanginrailranch
    hanginrailranch Posts: 63 Member
    Hi folks!
    logged in food and exercise.
    stayed below my calories....yipppeeee
    exercise: did some since I was driving today; did the mini stepper and upper body exercises w/ weights and whoa...started the crunches...completed 30
    goal this week is to really concentrate on abd exercises--am really weak

    almost finished my water this evening and will get my 8 in before bedtime which means getting up during the night! LOL
  • AprilOneFourFour
    AprilOneFourFour Posts: 226 Member
    I logged everything and was under my allowance of 1420 and well below what my fitbit said I burned which was 2032.

    Did my crunches - found 100 quite hard, but ticked it off.

    Didn't quite manage all the water, but will work up to it. I need to make some of the apple and cinnamon water that somebody posted in recipes a few weeks back.

    I will do my more strenuous exercise sessions this weekend and early next week.

    Have a good day everyone. I will be posting at the weekend because that's when things tend to go wrong for me.
  • zoecollins
    zoecollins Posts: 41 Member
    Only just joined the group as i hadnt noriced it before so sorry im late.
    OK so yesterday (22/8) i didnt do my 100 crunches but i did do 'Ripped in 30-Jillian Micheals' (which i aim to do 5 times a week but ive been slacking recently, hence me joining the group :) ).
    OK so today I did set my alarm to get up extra early to workout this morning but my little boy came into my bed for cuddles and so i didnt get up and enjoyed the extra time with him instead, if i dont get chance to work out later il definitly do my 100 crunches.
    Good luck every one


  • NicksWTB
    NicksWTB Posts: 54 Member
    I'm also a late arrival! I did a 1.5 mile run yesterday (returning from a mild achillies injury), plus I logged all my food and hit the water target (yeah!!). I didn't do the crunches though.

    I will do the 100 crunches after work today and do the water target too.

    My tip for drinking water is that I don't have any hot drinks after 12 noon and only drink water with no added sugar squash.

    I'm really up for this challenge - good luck everyone - we will have abs of steel before we know it!!!
  • jenfoxjercha
    jenfoxjercha Posts: 51 Member
    I think I got 60 actual crunches in yesterday but we do sit in a a group holding our legs off the ground and everyone has to say a little about how thier day went in jiu jitsu class. I have not go the balance down to hold it for a long time yet but boy does it work your abs. I logged my food and the rest of my exercise and I was under my calorie goal. I think I can get this one. I have a glass of water at my desk all day to refill to help me get my water.
  • arains89
    arains89 Posts: 442 Member
    I am unable to view the video but based on everyone else's posts I think I have managed to figure out the challenge. I would like to request though if you are making a video please also list the challenge if you could. I can't watch videos or have sound on my computer at work and when I am at home I don't have time to mess around on the computer. Anyway, Yesterday I stayed under my calories, drank 8 glasses of water, and did an hour of Back and Biceps and did ab ripper X. I did not do 100 crunches as I was unaware of the challenge but ab ripper x has 349 ab concentrated moves so I more than compensated. Have a good Friday!
  • gingerFLA
    gingerFLA Posts: 14 Member
    I've decided to ride my bike to work today...praying for No Rain!!! :flowerforyou:
  • carrielynn62
    carrielynn62 Posts: 400 Member
    aug.22 walked and did my 100 crunches. I also got in over 14000 steps.
    I will be out of town for the weekend and may not be able to log my meals, but I will have my calorie counter and note book to keep track. I will log my exercise sun.or mon. once i'm home. Have a wonderful weekend everyone.Water is always over 10-8oz glasses per day.:wink:
  • gdneff
    gdneff Posts: 279 Member
    I guess I was supposed to post this last night but better late than never. I stayed under my calorie goal, and drink 12 glasses of water, and that included going out to lunch with an old friend yesterday. Wasn't easy to avoid the chips and salsa at the Mexican restaurant, but I did and it felt great.

    As I had posted the crunches are pretty much a no go for me. I wasn't sure what I was going to do but thanks to hanginrailran :happy: I found some exercises that I can do that should substitute nicely. I will def try these today.

    Good Luck everyone.
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,207 Member
    I read the challenge only yesterday evening and it was too late to do anything.
    But today worked fine, I stayed below the alorie limit, drank my 8 glasses of water, did the crunches (50 in the morning and 50 this evening - I couldn't do 100 at once) and walked about 10 km.

  • phyl303
    phyl303 Posts: 74 Member

    drink lots of water - check

    stay in calorie target - check
    (I'm trying to stay 50 cal +\- TDEE-20% so the MFP goal doesn't always fit.

    exercise - FAIL

    I was under the weather Wednesday night - Thursday and felt like a wet noodle. I'll try today but don't know how much energy I'll have left after work. Yard work this weekend should more than make up though!
  • tleonhardt
    tleonhardt Posts: 85 Member

    Okay, for some unknown reason I did NOT get much sleep last night...seemed like I tossed and turned and checked the clock every hour although I wasn't worrying about anything. Anyway, at 4:30 a.m. I decided to put off my 5:30 spinning class. Still couldn't go back to sleep, but I did get up around 7 and made it to the gym by 8:30. After a short warm-up, I rode the spinning bike for 30 minutes prior to the 45 minute spinning class. By the time I left class, I had burned 800 calories and felt energized! I even did my 100 crunches before I left the gym.

    My daughter came home from college, and she invited me to lunch, which sort of threw my intended plans, but I had an Asian flank steak salad and a couple fortune cookies and water, which wasn't too bad. It's now 3:45 p.m., and I am pooped from sleep deprivation. I plan to eat the leftover salad from lunch and add some extra protein (maybe a shake + flax seed or other fiber) just to keep my numbers closer in line. Tomorrow will be another challenge as I'm helping an Eagle Scout candidate who tends to supply pizza and donuts for the workers (I'll bring a protein bar and an apple or something this time!). I have also committed to a dinner out with hubby and friends. I WILL examine the selections carefully and continue to log. Hope everyone is off to a great start!
  • neon7girl
    neon7girl Posts: 230 Member
    OH Geez.... It's been hectic at work and just saw the challenge...Thank goodness I love to drink water. I have been slacking in the logging dept so I di do that. I have been trying to run 3x a week- i'm a beginning runner and didn't know about the crunches until today, I will do them now and add a few extra in every day.whew!!! I'm doing it! I'm doing it!

    It feels great to be back. :happy:
  • momofrugrats
    momofrugrats Posts: 30 Member
    Exercise: DONE

    Stay under recommended daily allowed calories: DONE

    Water: 72oz

    100 Crunches: DONE

    Today was a good day! The challenge will come later this evening since I have to stay up until 11pm to pick up my youngest daughter from a Girl Scout event. Usually, I gravitate toward food when I am tired and forced to stay up. STAY AWAY FROM THE FRIDGE.
  • Suz67
    Suz67 Posts: 9 Member
    I've been on vacation since this challenge started. I walked a lot and tracked my food. Today was my last day and I slacked off a bit but what the heck I'm on vacation! Going to be easier being home making my healthy food rather than eating out and I will be able to exercise more.
  • hanginrailranch
    hanginrailranch Posts: 63 Member
    got er done!
    drank the water...then some!

    exercise: qigong class plus some upper body weights routine; crunches: 30

    food: staying in my limits! ate healthy
    all logged in too!

    yeppers...a good day!
  • Leeann1979
    Leeann1979 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Friday, August 23 - logged as accurately as I could. I was at a tennis social and it was potluck so no way to really know.

    Drank more than enough water throughout the day. Had about 3 bottles at work, and a giant jug during tennis.

    Went over calories by a bit. No biggie, wasn't by much.

    Played tennis for 2 hours so got my exercise in. I also completed todays crunches!
  • yspen42
    yspen42 Posts: 285 Member
    Completed my 100 crunches
  • AprilOneFourFour
    AprilOneFourFour Posts: 226 Member
    Did my 100 crunches (while feeling the previous day's). Drank plenty of water. Logged everything.

    I was a little over my mfp calorie allowance - even though I had a bun-less burger and salad, no chips for dinner - I did have some wine. But I was 500 under my fit bit calorie burn reading, so that's okay. This is good going for a Friday for me.

    I now need to not completely blow it all this weekend. Today should be okay, I know my host is making something fairly healthy tonight - although I'll need to dodge the snacks and keep a lid on the wine. Tomorrow will be harder, but I have an idea how to handle that.

    Wishing all a good on-track weekend.
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    Friday 8/23:

    Logged all my food.... and had some BAD things in there :( But I stayed with in my calories since I had a great workout to make up for it.

    Drank 8 glasses water

    Exercised.... so 1 out of 3 is done. And did 150 crunches :)