Halfway to goal and stuck! Please help!

aspalmer3 Posts: 28 Member
Provide your stats (height/weight/age/bodyfat% if you know it/etc)
5'3, 204 lbs, 37 years old, 36.6 %

What's your current gross intake of calories, on average?

What's your current average intake of protein, carbs, and fats, in grams? (GRAMS, not percent!)
Fat - 46
Carb - 191
Protein - 52

Do you use a food scale and measure everything?
I do measure but I don't necessarily weigh everything

Do you track all of your intake, daily? (Everything?)
Everything...I started using MFP after I had already started losing, and have been tracking by dietminder tracker on paper for a while, just started tracking with MFP again recently.

Do you take cheat days or days off?
Not generally...I will adjustment my other meals if/when I do. That being said I do tend to eat more on weekends though usually stay within 100 calories of goal.

How much weight have you lost so far and over what time period?
MFP says 52 lbs but I have actually lost 62 over 18 months. I have been playing between 199 and 205 since november 2012

Describe your activity (exercise and non exercise) and did you change that activity within the last couple of months?
I have a desk job, so I'm pretty much sitting most of the work day. I have a 45 minute spin class 3 days a week and run 2-3 more days a week. I've just recently added a weight program that is hit or miss depending on kids schedules etc. I think that this may be a "key" for me...increase weights? From the time i leave the gym I am active until bed time (11 or so)

How long have you been stalled and if it is not a complete stall please be very specific as to how much you have lost over the stalled period.
I have been playing between 199 and 205 since november 2012

Are you breastfeeding?
never again, lol

Do you have thyroid issues/risks or PCOS?
I do have PCOS but it has been controlled with diet and exercise in the last year. No meds.

Thanks ahead of time for looking at this for me!! So ready to move forward again!! :smile:


  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    The two biggest issues we have here are as follows:

    1) Since we can't access your history in MFP (you just started using it) it limits our ability to look through your records.
    2) Not using a food scale is a significant detriment to logging accuracy.

    Consequently, we are going to suggest two things:

    - Get a food scale immediately. You can get an inexpensive digital food scale at local retailers (I think I got mine at Target). Use it for the next two weeks on everything. You will gain a great deal of information and it will also help us to make accurate decisions based on results over the next two weeks of doing this.

    - Set your intake as follows over the next two weeks and follow up with us immediately if you have any issues. If you don't have any issues, follow up with us in one week at which point we may tweak this or we may have you go two weeks.

    Lets start by moving you to 1500 kcals with the following targets. Once again this is 1500 carefully measured and food-scale-applied calories and not a 1500 "I'm estimating and not weighing my food" calories.

    1500 kcals
    120 carbohydrate
    60 fat
    120 protein

    Consider that the intent here is to have you get close to the above targets on a daily basis, so that we can monitor and observe what happens to your weight, and how you feel, and how the diet goes, and make adjustments on this moving forward.

    Let us know if you have any questions.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Locking so we can track active threads better. When you re ready to update us, please PM one of us, including a link to this thread, and we will open so you can do so.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    A case of premature locking...unlocked so OP can update.
  • aspalmer3
    aspalmer3 Posts: 28 Member
    So ive been following the calories and macros you set for me for ten days, as of this morning I'm 2lbs down which is awesome since its the first time i've seen the scale move in several weeks!

    A couple of things ive noticed: workouts are great. I am starting Stronglifts 5x5 this week and will strictly go to spinning 3 days and Stronglifts 3 days. Does this seem doable or should I be doing something different? As far as hunger goes, I'm fine as long as I eat every 2-3hrs any longer than that and I'm starving. The only thing I'm finding even somewhat difficult is keeping the carbs down, but thats something I'll always fight because they are my weakness. I had one really carby day yesterday so I've stayed with it with no real issues. Looking forward to hearing how to proceed from here!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    So ive been following the calories and macros you set for me for ten days, as of this morning I'm 2lbs down which is awesome since its the first time i've seen the scale move in several weeks!

    A couple of things ive noticed: workouts are great. I am starting Stronglifts 5x5 this week and will strictly go to spinning 3 days and Stronglifts 3 days. Does this seem doable or should I be doing something different? As far as hunger goes, I'm fine as long as I eat every 2-3hrs any longer than that and I'm starving. The only thing I'm finding even somewhat difficult is keeping the carbs down, but thats something I'll always fight because they are my weakness. I had one really carby day yesterday so I've stayed with it with no real issues. Looking forward to hearing how to proceed from here!

    Stay the course. Everything sounds reasonable based on what you're describing.

    Did you get a food scale as well?
  • aspalmer3
    aspalmer3 Posts: 28 Member
    So ive been following the calories and macros you set for me for ten days, as of this morning I'm 2lbs down which is awesome since its the first time i've seen the scale move in several weeks!

    A couple of things ive noticed: workouts are great. I am starting Stronglifts 5x5 this week and will strictly go to spinning 3 days and Stronglifts 3 days. Does this seem doable or should I be doing something different? As far as hunger goes, I'm fine as long as I eat every 2-3hrs any longer than that and I'm starving. The only thing I'm finding even somewhat difficult is keeping the carbs down, but thats something I'll always fight because they are my weakness. I had one really carby day yesterday so I've stayed with it with no real issues. Looking forward to hearing how to proceed from here!

    Stay the course. Everything sounds reasonable based on what you're describing.

    Did you get a food scale as well?

    I did get the scale and have been weighing everything. I actually found that I had been short changing myself a bit :) thanks!!!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Could you report back to us in 2 weeks for an update, or earlier if you have any concerns or questions.

    Locking to track active threads better, Please PM one of us when you want us to unlock, including a link to this thread.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Unlocked at OPs request
  • aspalmer3
    aspalmer3 Posts: 28 Member
    ok guys...Feeling very frustrated this morning (and freaking out a bit too), I know that this is just part of the journey I'm on, but it's frustrating nontheless.

    I've been following the calories and macros you guys suggested. I do cardio 3-4 days a week (I'm wearing a heart rate monitor so my calories burned are logged correctly when I log exercise) and I started stronglifts about 10 days ago, I'm on my fourth session today. I'm up this week by what I would say is a significant amount (5lbs) It's not TOM, I HAVE changed my cardio a bit and added another day of running in the mix instead of spin, but is this ALL water weight?

    I've gotten really good at putting aside the scale and usually only use it once a week. I've been at the same weight for a long time no matter what I do. EX: ate like S*%T this April - June and exercised MAYBE once a week and still stayed at my hated 204 number. I start logging, weighing, exercising again...doing everything exactly right and lose 2 thinking I'm seeing the scale finally move and I am stoked then BOOM...brick wall...EEK!

    Do I just keep pushing through? Thanks in advance!
  • aspalmer3
    aspalmer3 Posts: 28 Member
    One other think I want to throw out there is I am just freakin exhausted after I do my workouts, and feel pretty good while I'm doing them, but after I could sleep for the rest of the night. This is not normal for me, when I'm done working out, I usually am like the energizer bunny who can't stop. My sleep habits are pretty crappy normally and I usually get about 6 hrs a night, but I would say for the last 2 weeks I've been like this.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You just started SL - you will have a bump in your weight due to water/glycogen retention in the muscles from repair.

    Are all your workouts causing you to be exhausted or is it just lifting or cardio?
  • aspalmer3
    aspalmer3 Posts: 28 Member
    looking at it, it's the cardio I think...I feel awesome after the lifting
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    On looking at your diary from 12th onwards, you are a little shy of calories - averaging 1,376. Try to keep to the 1,500 - this should help your energy a bit. You are doing well on the protein and fat targets from what is seems though.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Give it another week - your water weight should have stabilized by then. Some people find that they stall for a bit due to the water weight (and then get a whoosh).
  • aspalmer3
    aspalmer3 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm ready for my whoosh LOL....thanks Sara!