It's The Weekend! 8/24 & 8/25

PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
Happy Saturday, everyone! What's on your agenda for the weekend?

I woke up early so I got my run in right away - 4 miles today. I have nothing else on the agenda for today except my usual household chores. Tomorrow morning I've lined up a walk with a friend since my gym is closed for remodeling and Sunday is usually a gym day. There's a chance of thunderstorms, in which case I'll pop in one of the many workout DVDs I have. I'll be seeing my trainer a couple times a week while the gym is closed, weather permitting (we'll be working out outside), but still I'm kind of a creature of habit and my routine is being disrupted so hopefully the next few weeks go okay.

Have a great weekend everybody!



  • krk5235
    krk5235 Posts: 220 Member
    OK Friday nite was our team's final scrimmage before the season starts. Last year we had the studs of the Northern Tier league, this year we'll be competitive but the boys will have to work harder if they are going to repeat as champions.
    Saturday, we froze sweet corn and beans from the garden, one of the coaches stopped by - recently split up with his wife, so we drank some beers. Sooooo much for 199 again!!!

    Sunday anyone else wanna come on by, I have beer wine soda waters and limited choice of booze in the cupboard???? We could make some tomato sauce!
  • abikinibyjuly
    abikinibyjuly Posts: 330 Member
    Last night I went to the Hollywood Bowl with my family. I packed us a yummy picnic dinner and bottle of wine and over indulged plenty. Spent some time at the gym paying the piper this morning.

    The rest of the weekend will be driving my kids to their various social activities and will end with a swim party Sunday late afternoon/early evening. Hoping to get a hike or workout in Sunday morning before the chaos.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Got my yoga done yesterday and my run this morning. Need to do yoga tonight and then I'm done what I promised myself to do.