Fast day

bada_bing Posts: 128 Member
So how did everyone's Monday fast day go. I was slightly over the 500 but it is because I didn't calculate how much the hemp hearts and chia seeds would increase my caloric intake. I will do a better calculation on Wednesday. Tomorrow is weigh day for me. Hoping to see some scale movement after a bad week last week.



  • Beavergong
    Beavergong Posts: 178 Member
    After 24 weeks on 5:2 I would encourage you not just to look at weight but how your measurements change. There is a place here when you can record your waist and hip measurements sometimes they will change and not your weight . But overall the program suggests a lb a week is a realistic measure of what you will lose. I have lost 24 lbs in 24 weeks and I'm quite happy with that.
  • bada_bing
    bada_bing Posts: 128 Member
    Yes, I know I should measure but I am a scale watcher...:grumble: . I usually go by the feeling of tightness in my clothes, that generally works for me. And right now the 10 lbs extra is really sucking.

    Anyhow, today was weigh day and I don't have any big numbers to report (after all it was 1 serious day as last Wed was not good). As I said, I actually plan to do 4:3 to get the ball rolling so Wed and Friday, here I come. As I didn't record my weight last week (cause it was over) I do believe that I am down a pound. Now that I am serious about this business, I will be more accurate.

    Today's weight was 149.4 - August 20
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,647 Member
    Yesterday was my second fast day, and I once again lost half a pound, so down a full pound this week! Yay! So happy after maintaining for 3 months.:happy:
  • Beavergong
    Beavergong Posts: 178 Member
    Good one Debbie I took weeks to pass the 10th kilo! Then I lost a kilo in a week!!!
  • autumnmctaggart
    autumnmctaggart Posts: 41 Member
    Hello everyone,
    Well we had a travel day on Tuesday so needless to say I feel like I ate a whale! Airports + 2 children = not so good food choices!
    Not looking forward to this weeks weigh in.....
  • mkthav
    mkthav Posts: 16 Member
    Monday went well and today was even better... The non fast days not so well. I will weigh in on Friday, we will see.
  • bada_bing
    bada_bing Posts: 128 Member
    MK...don't worry too much about non-fast days unless you are constantly going over your daily caloric requirements by lots. If you look at JUDD cycling, it suggests around 600 on low days and about 2200 on alternate days. I know several people on MFP who have lost their weight (both lost 100 lbs) doing JUDD which is upday, downday cycling rather than just 5:2. Personally, I am going to attempt 4:3 for a couple weeks to get the fat

    Second serious fast day went very well and am down another .5. Need to be consistent now and no slacking!!
  • bada_bing
    bada_bing Posts: 128 Member
    After what I thought was a decent fast day, I stayed the same...I will persevere and I am sure that after the fast day on Wednesday I will drop some. Gosh this 10 extra pounds might as well be 50...guess it's a mind game!! Less to lose, easier to slack off.

    How is it going for everyone else?
  • dmbjewel
    dmbjewel Posts: 17 Member
    2nd fast of the week, and my head is not in the game today. I'm cranky, tired, hungry, my knees hurt from my run this morning, and there's a Niners' game on tonight (Go Niners!) and all I can think about is going home, watching the game and having a beer :drinker: - which is of course a no-no on fast days. I keep telling myself that if I can just make to lunch time, I'll have my cucumber (*yummy*) and be ok. But wholly crap is time moving slowly this morning. Don't you hate these days? Grrr. :grumble: I will perservere - but I won't be happy about it. Not today anyways. Maybe tomorrow when I step on the scale I'll be happy.

    Thanks for giving me space to whine a little (a lot). Sucking it up now. Getting back to work. Here's hoping everyone's day is easy!
  • dmbjewel
    dmbjewel Posts: 17 Member
    Phew, I made it. Success
    Go niners!