Important stuff will go here one day.
Welcome to the challenge! Let's do this!
Another person tried to start a challenge group for people who are doing 5:2 lifestyle but the link didn't work. So I thought I would get it going. Here is my information. If you would like to join in supporting each other please do! The more the merrier! My name is Autumn and I started the 5:2 lifestyle 4 weeks ago on…
What does your fast day look like?
I generally like to stop all food by 8 pm on the day before and then fast until 12 noon. Then I look for a low cal lunch...salad and tuna likely. For dinner I go for vegetables, salad and a chicken breast. This usually hits the 500 calorie mark when you take in salad dressings and coconut oil for cooking the chicken…
Weigh accountable
Well, after yesterday's fast day, it appears that it is still I did 5:2 with Mon and Wed being fast days. Tuesday's weigh in was no change, however, today's weigh in says I have lost .4 lbs. Yeah....just gotta keep it up. Hoping to do a Friday fast also as this weekend is a long weekend with MOnday being a…
What is your favorite activity on fast days?
I'm so far finding my fast day a good one for puttering around the house, catching up on laundry etc. :bigsmile:
Just started last week..time to kick it up!
Today begins my second week, and lost 3# seemingly effortlessly. Now....I am a total couch potato. Time to add exercise. For the next 90 days, I will add exercise (at least 20 min) 4 days a week. Nothing fancy-schmancy...just plain old getting off the couch, away from the computer, and outside being active! I was about…
Fast day
So how did everyone's Monday fast day go. I was slightly over the 500 but it is because I didn't calculate how much the hemp hearts and chia seeds would increase my caloric intake. I will do a better calculation on Wednesday. Tomorrow is weigh day for me. Hoping to see some scale movement after a bad week last week. Donna
Ugh. Zero lbs lost so far.
OK, so it's only been a week of 5:2, but seriously?? :sad: It's hard to be hungry and not see any results at all. I swear, this time around these lbs are being a B&@$#!! to get off!