Welcome to the challenge! Let's do this!

Another person tried to start a challenge group for people who are doing 5:2 lifestyle but the link didn't work. So I thought I would get it going. Here is my information. If you would like to join in supporting each other please do! The more the merrier!

My name is Autumn and I started the 5:2 lifestyle 4 weeks ago on July 17th 2013
My starting weight : 139
My current weight: 134
Total weight lost: 5 pounds
I weigh in every week on Wednesday

I am a 35 year old mother of 2 little girls living in Thailand while my husband builds his business. I have found that fasting 2 times a week has been an awesome way for me to not only achieve weight loss but it has made me aware of all my prior snacking that was sabotaging my weight loss goals. I am really enjoying this way of life. My husband has even starting doing the 5:2 as well and is looking slimmer everyday :)

I am looking forward to having new friends who are on the 5:2 journy as well!


  • skrentz
    skrentz Posts: 67 Member
    Hi, I am Sarah
    This is my third week and I have lost 3 lbs. I am 40, 4'10" and weigh 137 today, my body fat is 32.1%
    So far so good, but I have been eating around 800 cals since I refuse to rest on fast days. I am doing a loose version of C25K and do 2 miles on the treadmill and then lift heavy weights for about 1 hr and then do 2 miles on the elliptical. I do this probably 4 times a week. Trying to get down to the recommended 500.
    I really like this since I can just move the fast days around my family's social calendar.
    Feel free to add me, any tips would be great.
    BTW going on Vaca in late Sept., so I will be taking a week off, but I'll be back Oct. 2
  • autumnmctaggart
    autumnmctaggart Posts: 41 Member
    Hi Sarah,
    Thanks for sharing! Way to go on the 3 lbs - even at 800 calories on fast days you are losing and doing awesome!
    I went on a short 5 day vacation at the end of last month and didn't loose any weight that week but didn't gain either. I decided to let myself enjoy my vacation and if something was not delicious - I just didn't eat it. That mindset kept me out of trouble :)
  • ct320
    ct320 Posts: 89 Member
    I'm Christine, 25yr old mum of 2 Ryley 5 and Mya 8mths. I started at 169lbs 2 weeks ago and when i weighed last thursday i had lost 2lb but I am not too confident that has stayed off:ohwell: the 5:2 diet sounds perfect for me though as I am good at doing diets for 2 days a week :laugh: so fingers crossed we all see results. im going to weigh tonight so I'll post my official start weight then :smile:
  • pmanco2009

    Just about to embark on 5:2. I am 5'3", and 142.5 lbs. Would love to get down to 126 lbs. Have been reading about people's amazing success with 5:2. Question: How many calories do you eat on non-fast days?
  • Gianna44
    Gianna44 Posts: 124
    Hi - I'm 5'2" and 148. I'm just finishing my first week and tomorrow is my WI day. I'd love to lose 20-25 pounds (will see when I get closer how things are looking :) I work full time and am married with 3 sons (16, 13, 11) - life is crazy/busy in a good way and the flexibility of the 5:2 plan really appealed to me - no food restrictions or "rules" to worry about on "regular" days other than focusing on healthy eating.

    Pmanco - I've heard different things about calories on non-fast days. Some just focus on eating "regular" (not overeating, though) and don't count calories on those days. In fact, that is supposed to be one of the reasons this is sustainable - no counting calories constantly. I believe that overall your weekly calorie count should total what you would take in on a constant, 7 day calorie restricted diet.

    I've logged most days this week just so I can get an idea of how much I am eating in case I find that I am not losing. Eventually I do not want to log on non-fast days, but I am not there yet.
  • mkthav
    mkthav Posts: 16 Member
    HI, I am 5'5" and 164 pounds. I would love to lose 20 pounds. I love the way I feel after a fast. On fast days I try to drink just water but it is nice to know I have the option for crackers or a small meal if needed. Please count me in for the challenge but have patience I am still figuring out this site and don't know my way around perfectly. I would like to set my fast days to Mondays and Thursdays and weigh in on Fridays. Best of luck to you all...
  • acidosaur
    acidosaur Posts: 295 Member
    Hi all!

    I have been doing 5:2 properly for three weeks now. My starting weight is 139lb, I would like to lose 14lb to get down to 125lb, that is my ultimate goal weight.
    I am excited to do this for 3 months as I have found it quite easy so far, I am hoping fervently that it will help me get past this terrible plateau which I have been stuck on since March this year!
  • envbj77
    envbj77 Posts: 78 Member

    I'm so glad I found this group. It's just the motivation I need. I'm a 35 year old mom to 3 girls 17, 3 & 21 months. I've been using mfp since November. I started around 162 and I'm currently at 139.i was doing great until summer started and I really need to finish what I started. I will lose 9 pounds by my birthday in November.

    I have tried numerous times to start the 5:2 and I find I really lack the motivation and since I work from home is very hard to stay busy and out of the kitchen.

    I'm hoping this challenge will get me where I wanted to be.

    Today is fast day 1.
  • ct320
    ct320 Posts: 89 Member
    had my weigh in lost another 2lb :smile: (not on 5:2 only just starting that today) so heres my details

    start weight - 170lbs
    current weight - 166lbs
    goal weight - 140lbs

    good luck to everyone :happy:
  • dmbjewel
    dmbjewel Posts: 17 Member
    Start weight - 222
    Current weight - 218
    Goal weigth - 200 (or maybe 190)

    i fast on tuesdays and thursdays becuase my husband isn't home for dinner those days, so i don't have to cook! on my non fast days, i'm eating 80% TDEE. i weigh in on monday mornings. i'm just finishing my third week on 5:2, and had my hardest day (yesterday, a non-fast day) and my easiest day (today, a fast day) so far this week. but i can tell it working, because even though i wanted to eat everything in sight yesterday (and kind of did!) i still only exceeded my calorie alottment for the day by 150 calories (and finished the day totally stuffed). not so long ago, there could have been an extra 0 on that number! i am definitly getting full faster on less food. yea!

    has anyone done this diet long term? like more than a year or when you switch to maintenance mode?
  • autumnmctaggart
    autumnmctaggart Posts: 41 Member

    Just about to embark on 5:2. I am 5'3", and 142.5 lbs. Would love to get down to 126 lbs. Have been reading about people's amazing success with 5:2. Question: How many calories do you eat on non-fast days?


    I eat around 1200 calories a day on non fast days :) That is about 400 below my TDEE .
  • autumnmctaggart
    autumnmctaggart Posts: 41 Member

    Pmanco - I've heard different things about calories on non-fast days. Some just focus on eating "regular" (not overeating, though) and don't count calories on those days. In fact, that is supposed to be one of the reasons this is sustainable - no counting calories constantly. I believe that overall your weekly calorie count should total what you would take in on a constant, 7 day calorie restricted diet.

    I've logged most days this week just so I can get an idea of how much I am eating in case I find that I am not losing. Eventually I do not want to log on non-fast days, but I am not there yet.

    Hi, I keep track everyday. I live in Thailand and everyone eats out all of the time- it is a cultural thing - they eat their meals together family style. it is actually cheaper for most then doing the shopping and cooking at home. A lot of the homes here don't even have kitchens! So logging my food everyday is a great way for me to keep track of what I am eating. It has really curbed my rice eating- I didn't know before that 1 cup of jasmine rice had over 200 calories! Ouch!
  • autumnmctaggart
    autumnmctaggart Posts: 41 Member

    I'm so glad I found this group. It's just the motivation I need. I'm a 35 year old mom to 3 girls 17, 3 & 21 months. I've been using mfp since November. I started around 162 and I'm currently at 139.i was doing great until summer started and I really need to finish what I started. I will lose 9 pounds by my birthday in November.

    I have tried numerous times to start the 5:2 and I find I really lack the motivation and since I work from home is very hard to stay busy and out of the kitchen.

    I'm hoping this challenge will get me where I wanted to be.

    Today is fast day 1.

    I too work from home and hear you about staying out of the kitchen! It is also challenging feeding the kids on fast days- preparing food and not eating it. But if you can do it so can I !!
  • lilawenta
    lilawenta Posts: 31 Member
    Hello all! Autumn, thanks for starting this group!

    My name is ALSO Autumn (small world - I don't know many other Autumn's) but I also go by Fixie.
    I started 5:2 two weeks ago on August 1st.
    My starting weight : 190
    My current weight: 187
    Total weight lost: 3 pounds
    I weigh myself every day just to keep on track - it sets my mindsets each morning.

    Let's see. I have two amazing daughters who are now 12 1/2 and almost 10. They are the most amazing people I have been blessed to know. They are with their biodad this week (we have a pretty amazing shared custody co-parenting relationship - good parents, bad couple). I have been married to my best friend, Joe, for 3 1/2 years. He is an amazing husband and great dad (despite not being biodad).

    I have always been very active - mountain bike racing, triathlons, running, year round bike commuting, camping, snowshoeing, and also did roller derby for two seasons with the Minnesota RollerGirls (hence the fixie chic - that was my derby name) - and still am. I have legs like tree trunks, but all that muscle doesn't seem to fuel my metabolism. As I have gotten older it just isn't enough to ride my bike every day. I have to push my body and also be very careful about what I eat.

    I love to try new things! I love food and beer and wine and trying new flavors...so that's another issue. It also means I try diets and food philosophies all the time, from Paleo to Nutrisystem to raw food to veganism to macrobiotics. Name it, I probably tried it and also learned a lot from the experience. I love gardening and cooking and fermentation. I am a total nerd for fitness trackers and have tried (and broken) a fitbit, two Nike Fuelbands, and two Jawbone UPs. Am now trying the BodyMedia Link and love all the data I get.

    Finished my Masters in Human Resources Management in May (have been in HR for about 6 years - but an atypical HR practitioner, or so I've been told)! I already miss being in school, but I packed on 30 lbs during my studies, so it is nice to just be able to focus on getting my body and habits back in a more healthful order. I'm secretly thinking of pursuing a PhD in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, but I need to pay off my Masters first.

    That's me! Excited for this challenge!
  • autumnmctaggart
    autumnmctaggart Posts: 41 Member
    Well yesterday was my fast day. It was a little more challenging then my previous fast days. 4 pm rolled around and I was hungry hungry hungry. My little people where asking for some popcorn so I cooked some up and ate 3 cups. Although not high in calories the salt was a killer! I need to have better options around for my fast days.
    For dinner we went down the street and had street food. It was super tasty - Chicken pad Thai and Yellow Curry chicken. I passed up on the rice and enjoyed the curry without.
    My husband has joined me in the 5:2 lifestyle as well and he is doing great. He refused to jump on the scale but is instead using his clothes and how he feels as his motivation.
    So far my stats are as follows:

    Started 5:2 on July 17th
    SW 139
    GW 125
    CW 134

    Total weight lost
    5 lbs in 5 weeks!

    I am very happy with this!
  • Beavergong
    Beavergong Posts: 178 Member
    Hi Autumn thanks for accepting me in the group. Hi all I'm Chris. I'm 60 and started 5:2 with my husband on February 20. We've done 24 weeks and I've lost 24 lbs. After 3 months my blood test showed my cholesterol had gone from 5.9 to 4 and my liver function increased by 100% so the doctor said after 20 years on statins I think you could try without them.I'd like to lose 30 lbs total so 6 more.
    I hit a plateau which meant I stayed on the same kilo losing .1 or .2 (and then staying steady)a week for 2 months. I broke it this week with a kilo loss. What did I do? Well I read Michael Mosley's post on HIIT but couldn't find much information so on fast days I do 3 20 second bursts as fast as I can on the gym bike with a 1 minute warm up before I swim my laps. The first day I tried it the gym bike jumped and everyone laughed . It has never in 10 years done that before I was told.
    I'm moderately fit, swim 60 laps 4 times a week, do 2 gym sessions with moderate weights, Bushwalk once or twice a week and do a Pilates class.
    5:2 has been good for us as its made us more aware of what we eat even on nonfast days particularly portion size.i find we get satisfied with less food. Do others find this?
  • autumnmctaggart
    autumnmctaggart Posts: 41 Member
    Hi Chris,
    Thank you for joining us and sharing. It is so awesome that your blood work showed such positive results. Regarding your question about being satisfied with less food- I have found this to be true as well. I am not sure if my stomach is shrinking or if I am just more aware of what I am eating, how much I am eating and being in tuned with my body more - so I recognize now the feeling of "I have eaten enough now it is time to stop"
  • veganita
    veganita Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everybody! I'm happy I have found this group. I'm very new to 5:2. My first fast day was yesterday.

    Some years ago, I would have a fasting day once in a week but somehow I stopped this wonderful habit and never achieved to get back.
    Usually, the days I used to fast were full moon, half moon and new moon. I'm trying to do this again plus one day somewhere between the "moon" days.
    So, I won't follow the Mon/Thur plan.

    A few things about me:
    almost 40 yrs
    living in Germany
    current weight 132 lbs (already lost some weight without 5:2; but now it's going to be easier)
    goal weight around 123 lbs

  • lilawenta
    lilawenta Posts: 31 Member
    Are we going to do a group weigh in day? Or just report in on our own weigh in days?
  • autumnmctaggart
    autumnmctaggart Posts: 41 Member
    My first thought was a group weigh in day would be cool- but since everyone fasts on different days and weighs on different days I am not sure all would be comfortable doing so?
    So how does a weekly weigh in (you choose your own day) with updates on progress, ups & downs, thoughts etc... sound?
    I weigh in on Wednesdays- and fast usually on Monday and Fridays.