New to the bisexual lifestyle & want some new friends

chelsiem87 Posts: 316 Member
Hello Everyone! So i've been on mfp for almost a year now. However, I'm learning and finding new things out about myself. I've recently come to admit that i'm bisexual. I am fairly new at the lifestyle and I have a lot that i'm thinking about and I would like to become friends with some people of the same interests (male or female). It would be even better to have someone that is super motivated to become fit or loose weight like I am, as well. Message me or add me, if you'd like to become friends! Thanks all! :heart: :flowerforyou: :smile:


  • chelsiem87
    chelsiem87 Posts: 316 Member
    Yea, I got some FR :) Thanks for your add, luv! :flowerforyou:
  • rjs0416
    rjs0416 Posts: 23
    Calling being bisexual a "lifestyle" might have put some people off. Your sexual orientation is not your lifestyle. You're on MFP. You are attempting to achieve an active lifestyle while, perhaps, living a middle-class lifestyle.

    Just food for thought. :-) Best of luck in your continued weight loss journey.
  • chelsiem87
    chelsiem87 Posts: 316 Member
    rjs0416, i'm not sure what you mean by not being a lifestyle. I beieve my sexuality IS part of how I LIVE my life. That's why I wrote it as I did. I understand where you are coming from, but I have to disagree with you, to an extent. I'm obviously new and fresh at the discoverance on my behalf, so it has become a heavy part of my lifestyle since i'm learning and experiencing new things.... Just food for thought.

    Thanks too, btw. :bigsmile:
  • rjs0416
    rjs0416 Posts: 23
    I understand that, Chelsie, but many of us who have come out as LGB a while ago cringe at hearing our innate capacity for sexual attraction and love referred to as an all-encompassing "lifestyle".

    It's a term that the conservative and/or religious right utilize more often than not to promote the "gays can change" idea.

    I believe that the gender of the person you're dating or having sex with is an irrelevant fact and has nothing to do with your lifestyle. It's not an important enough derivation in sex or romance that makes it any different than heterosexuals.

    One can change his or her lifestyle habits, but one cannot change his or her sexual identity.

    See what I'm getting at?
  • I agree with rjs0416. But you seem really cool :)
  • rjs0416
    rjs0416 Posts: 23
    Agree. Don't get me wrong. You seem really swell. Toss it up to you "being new to the lifestyle" :-P
    I agree with rjs0416. But you seem really cool :)