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  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Crackers!

    its a bit quiet on our threads at the moment - hopefully that means everyone is enjoying the good weather (well at least until it rains today) - getting out there and enjoying the fresh air and exercise!

    Yesterday (Sunday) I was up at 6.30am so contacted my friend Susie and we toddled off down to the beach at Thorpeness for a long walk up to Aldeburgh and back. It was fabulous, although by the time we got back to Thorpeness it was getting very warm. I came home to a treat of white baguette and real butter with marmalade for breakfast though so undid any good that I had done (as I had also been out on Friday night for supper and at a horse show on Saturday, so food management completely out of the window).

    Sorry to hear about the potential thyroid problem - although I'm sure its just the GP being careful. Try not to worry MITM!

    LMV hope you are enjoying your holiday and that you get to catch up with MITM. I love that we are all so diverse in where we live and yet we can still be good supportive friends on here.

    My guests are leaving today (after the 'rush' hour) so I will be able to have a few days quiet. Although its Mum's birthday on Thursday so disappointing not be there. Still I must admit I'm ready for a break from them. Then the come back in a couple of weeks time with my neice and her friend in tow. I've decided to get back on a horse with them then too (gulp).

    Off to work soon so talk later - Hopefully a swim tonight.

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hey Carole,

    My Aspire pack arrived today and I have a purple swimming cap. Have you had yours yet?

  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member
    My oh my, I was feeling bad for not calling in, but see it has been very quiet!

    We have had a hectic week with the school holidays, meeting up for play dates, picnics, days out, and generally having lots of fun. Today we have had a trip to the drs for Daisys preschool jabs, she was so good at having them and didnt even cry! Was thrilled, as at breakfast we had had a complete meltdown at Mummy telling her we was going to the Drs, and had been dreading the appointment.

    Zumba is going really well, I still have 2 left feet, and think I must look like a joke, but its burning off the calories!

    I have a bit of exciting news, I had an old boss hunt me down today, and she has offered me a job which fits in perfect with my family life. It is working as a starter/veg chef in a well established restaurant in our local town. Working alternate weekends on a Friday evening and a Sunday lunch. Its not too many hours but I think will balance out life well. I am going for a training session on Friday and officially start the following weekend. I am wondering if things have changed much there, as it is about 13 years since I last worked there!

    (started writing this 1hour ago, and have had to dash off for little one, will complete when I get more time, but hope all is well!) xx
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi, Yes pack arrived yesterday. Planned to spend some time going through it today but work got in the way - with Polly off sick needed to get in early and then it was a 8.00pm finish so a bit of a long one.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    That's fantastic news New8! I'm sure you will love it. Congratulations. PB
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello all. Finally back again and my computer has been completely overhauled thanks to my friend. He says he will try to help me do scanning too so I'm gradually getting into the 21st century! It has been quite a few days away for me so I'm not sure if I've responded to everything I wanted to. I did do a read through a couple of days ago and then got distracted. In any case, I really want to make sure I have congratulated you, LMV on passing that Welsh exam, a real achievement. And, I have read more than once that learning another language or being bi-lingual has been shown to help protect the brain from old age dementia so there is a double benefit there. It's a shame you have to gear down your exercise program at the moment but the swimming should be a good compensation. MITM, you are certainly having a busy summer with visitors and I know from your accounts how hard you have been working on your gardens. You really are in a Catch 22 situation there - feeling compelled to have the gardens presentable for you father-in-law but in doing so taking away an activity that would keep him engaged! Sorry to hear that you need some investigations re your thyroid but it is good that you are being checked out. As LMV points out you do sound very healthy and have done a great job of keeping your weight within reasonable bounds. Congrats too to New82 on being offered a new job. It's great that you are really excited about the prospect. PB, I believe you posted that you may be getting back on a horse. I'll look forward to hearing about it.
    Summer is moving along quickly here. Why does August seem to me to fly by whereas July unfolded quite leisurely. I'm sure it is linked to my many years of knowing that once August came I would soon be fully back into the hustle of school. I have even had some teaching dreams (nightmares!) recently. Will they ever go away? Nellie has recovered nicely from her spaying operation. And recently was the culprit in the Rabbit Incident- she turned up a nest of young rabbits in my back garden. I had no idea they were there but one morning as I was on the patio reading the paper I heard a noise and saw her with something in her mouth. She did drop it when I yelled at her but as I was looking at the dropped rabbit I realized she had something else in her mouth- another rabbit. This time she ran away and literally ate it on the run. It was quite dreadful though I know that is an instinctive thing for dogs to do. I was able to retrieve the first rabbit and found another. The mother was nowhere around so I phoned an animal rescue and was able to at least take the remaining two there, about a 1/2 hours drive away- plus I felt I should leave a donation as they are only able to run the rescue from donations. I have a lot of little jobs around home I could or should be doing but in this hot weather I have been doing considerable reading. A very good Canadian novel is February by Lisa Moore. It is based on a real and horrific tragedy, the sinking on the Ocean Ranger, an oil rig, off the coast of Newfoundland and centres around the wife of one of the men who died. Moore is a very stylish, often poetic writer. A different book I also enjoyed is Unsaid, a story based around the effort of some scientists to teach chimpanzees language, using American sign language. The style is straightforward but the plot is very good, and often there is sadly much truth in the story. I'm just finishing Wild, a memoir that has been on the New York Times top ten for many weeks. The writer, and she does write very well, walked the 1100 mile Pacific Crest Trail after her life went into a tailspin following the death of her 45 year old mother from cancer. I can't imagine doing that, let alone doing it by herself as she does. However, the book is a huge testament to the power of will and determination. It is often very raw, sometimes funny, and has left me in tears for she writes so powerfully of her mother and family. But it is also a book that makes you want to try a little harder - even if my trail is walking around my neighbourhood or local park.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Wow Bracken sounds like you've been reading some good books. I will be finding these (hopefully for my kindle) over the next few weeks. Sound like my kind of books.

    Re: the horse riding - yes its true! I've booked myself a lesson (with my niece and her friend). Becca is a regular rider but her friend Nicky has never been on a horse so I thought it would be a good opportunity. I've booked to ride a horse called Billy who I have good memories of (although not sure how old he is now!). He's about 15-2 and a cob so should be quite sensible. Feeling a little bit nervous and a bit excited too. Hopefully having 2/16 year olds with me will stiffen my backbone (well not literally - bad idea!) and at least get me doing walk, trot and canter. We'll be with Jon-jo who I know very well and trust to take the lesson.

    Did my second mile of the week yesterday evening. Its a bit frustrating that the weight is going more slowly - only half a pound this week but it is going so I need to accept that - and I am getting frequent appreciative comments from men and women around me so that is very supportive.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    PB, good to hear you have booked up for the riding. A 15-2 cob sounds like a great way to get back in the saddle. My two previous horses whom I loved dearly were both around the seventeen hand size. But my present horse is about 15-3 (I've never actually had him measured) and at first I thought he was so small and I wasn't sure he was right for me, especially since I was heavy. But he is cob like in that he is a thoroughbred/part percheron cross and has proven to be the perfect horse especially for my age. He has been so honest and forgiving that I know the reason I have been able to do as much jumping as I have has been because of his wonderful disposition; he will try anything I ask him to do. It sounds as if you are doing well, diet/exercise wise with steady progress. This summer has been rather up and down for me but I am trying to get more focused. At least I have consistently kept to some exercise but now I want to try to do my more intense routines more often. Today I managed a two mile walk and a 15 minute bike ride as well as some fairly active gardening. I'll do another short walk with Nellie before bedtime. I'm still in the midst of freezing a lot of fruit for winter. I found a place to pick blackcurrants and the crop was very bountiful. Now peaches are in and I've got some to do too. I used a last bag of black currants from last year this week to make a breakfast smoothie with raspberries, peaches, a tablespoon of orange juice, a 1/3 cup of milk, 1/3 cup of plain yoghurt and 1/3 cup of black currants. They really give a wonderful flavour to a smoothie I have discovered. Must off to my guilty pleasure now-Corrie!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello all. I see it is rather quiet here for the moment but I am going to imagine how busy everyone is trying to squeeze the last drops out of summer but still giving the occasional thought to the Cracker group even if absent- I know that is how it is for me when I absent as I was recently. Temps have been quite moderate here for awhile which have helped me maintain a reasonable exercise program. I'm keeping to at least two miles of walking a day most days and trying to work in a couple of three miles a couple of times a week. The stable owner and her family are on three weeks vacation so no schooling lessons but I am riding with the two other boarders and we do a few small jumps every time so it works. I went to a nice barbeque at my one sister's last night- she eats healthily so it was quite easy to not overindulge.Plus she is not a dessert eater regularly and although she mentioned ice cream for after dinner, it was forgotten! Of course, it is not as if I haven't had enough ice cream this summer. There was a very interesting article in our Globe and Mail paper today by a dietitian columnist reporting on some research from the journal, Obesity so quite reputable I would think. Two groups of dieters followed a 1400 calorie diet for 12 weeks. The issue here was time and calorie load. One group ate typically 1400 calories at typical times but the others ate 700 cal for breakfast (!!), 500 for lunch and 200 for dinner. This group lost 19 pounds compared to 8 pounds (average per person I assume). Also their blood fats, blood pressure etc. improved. The sample menu showed a very high protein breakfast but did include a milk chocolate bar! (That caught my attention) It appears the old saying eat breakfast like a king, and dinner like a pauper has some truth. There seems to be so many conflicting ideas about what diet approach works best but I found this interesting enough that it has got me thinking that I may at least try to not have so many of my calories later in the day as often happens and perhaps try to do this approach for a couple of weeks in September and see if it helps. I'm wondering if it would be of use particularly if one has plateaued. Off now to try to up my 1 1/2 miles from this morning to at least 2 1/2. Regards .
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Bracken and everyone else,
    It's quiet and I'm sure it is because we are all busy. I had visitors again this week-end, but managed to get a nice long walk in. Sadly my husband's uncle passed away so we came up to England yesterday for the funeral today. A sad occasion although it was a life well-lived. We'll be going hom tomorrow morning.

    We've been using the fine weather to get on with the garden. We've finished putting up the trellis and have created a new gravel garden using welsh slate chippings. I'm really pleased with the results. I have som gorgeous Lavandula Hidcote planted with Stipa gigantica and would like to pu som Heathers or Ericas in for winter colour. It's coming together gradually.

    I think your article sounds v interesting Bracken and I'm sure the "Breakfast like a king, dine like a prince and supper like a pauper" adage has a lot to be said for it. I know that I have far too many calories at the end of the day.

    Right, v tired, time for bed

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi All

    Interestingly enough Bracken, I've always preferred to eat a larger breakfast, good lunch and less in the evening - of course its not really easy when working long hours as you end up very hungry - but I think I might try it! It has been quiet on here - I guess we are all busy with the summer - but I also know I'm struggling with my eating patterns at present. There's definitely been more wine drinking than I feel is necessary, but with friends popping round for a drink and a chat and then the need to put out a few nibbles to go with it, there has definitely been more 'empty' calories consumed than is necessary. Even with the exercise I'm finding it hard to maintain the downward trend. This weekend, parents are coming to stay - with my niece and her friend. I'm not worried about eating at home as I can manage that, but there will be lots of sweet stuff around as my mother has a very sweet tooth. We'll also be going to a theme park where there will no doubt only be fast food available. Mum is bringing a turkey crown so we'll cook that and it will do for sandwiches perhaps. With salad and low fat mayo should be quite nice - but I don't think the girls will go for that - although you never know, teenage girls can be quite figure conscious I guess. We will be busy though so that's good. Working Mon/Tues and then off for a few days - but with plenty to do including a trip to a bit of outdoor Shakespeare involving a picnic. Oh well that should be it then for the summer and then I will be in to Sept and the Aspire Challenge for which I need to start working at raising some money.

    Well that's about it for me speak to you all soon I hope!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello all. Yes, PB, I can sympathize with your struggles. I think for most of us summer is not a time of consistent regularity. Lots of celebratory gatherings and visitors and a general feeling of going with the flow. But it feels as if you are not doing too badly so I'd say just hang in as I am trying to do- putting together as many good eating days as possible, knowing there will be inevitable interruptions, but at least sticking to some kind of exercise. It seems to me that you have got a lot of swimming in and moreover have a firm plan in place for your Aspire swimming challenge, along with LMV, I believe. I did manage to get 3 miles of walking in yesterday and 2 1/2 today. However, today's eating was not as good as it has been for the past week plus though not totally a disaster. I'm planning on trying to focus better tomorrow again as the way I have been eating has certainly made me feel good recently and I have been managing my GERD well. Regards all.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Missing everyone but realizing it is still summer. In fact, summer as summer aficionados like it is returning for a number of days with temps to 30C plus the dreaded humidity again. After a lot of rain earlier, we have now been in a dry stretch and I had to do a lot of watering to revive some drooping plants- more like resuscitation for some! It is 8:34 at the moment and I hesitate to say it but it is getting quite dark. Another sign of the passing of the seasons is the chirping of crickets. They only begin chirping in late summer. Yet yesterday I had a lovely young cardinal on a fence post- definitely young but able to easily fly short distances, enough I hope to be safe. This is quite late to see such a young bird. I was quite pleased that it had grown up around my yard I think as I had seen adult cardinals in the back garden trees. One thing I have not had at my garden this summer is a single monarch butterfly. These pretty orange and black butterflies are quite unique in that they migrate all the way from parts of Canada to Mexico. I have previously had a few in my garden as I have allowed milkweed plants to grow; these are the only plants the butterflies feed on but a lot of farmers consider them a weed/nuisance and they have been sprayed with pesticides a lot. The Globe and Mail had a sobering account of their decline this year. For example, one area that did a count last year and this year had over 700 last year but only 39 this year. There has been a lot of wildlife stories in our press recently, one of which was picked up by the international presses- the strangulation of two young boys by a large boa constrictor that escaped from its cage below the apartment where the boys were having a sleepover with a friend. Then this week another place in Ontario was found with forty such snakes, all in poor condition and now another 40 or so in B.C. Canada has extremely lax/virtually non-existent laws about the keeping of exotic animals. However, woe betide anyone who exceeds the legal number of cats! Well, tomorrow I am off to Hamilton, about 2 hours away for a shower for my nephew and his fiancée. Nellie will stay at my brothe'rs in the country for the day so she will probably not miss me! Exercise -wise I only got in a short walk today, less than a mile but yesterday did get 2 1/2 miles and a nice ride with a few jumps. But I am in need of a concentrated effort on this diet/exercise journey. And tomorrow doesn't look promising with a long car ride and then a large nosh up at the hotel where the shower is being held. Thinking of you all. Regards.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Bracken and everyone else,
    I've been busy. I had 10 to dinner last night for my murder mystery dinner party. It was set in 1967 and everyone entered into the spirit and dressed up for their parts so it was enormous fun. I was Wiggy (Twiggy) and made myself a psychedelic 60's mini dress. I would never have dared to wear something like that 18 months ago so I've come a long way even though I still have more weight to lose. I had my hair done in a 60's style with lots of backcombing and for the first time ever I had false eyelashes which the hairdresser did for me. Wow! I love them and may keep them permanently! I finally stopped dancing to the 60's music and got to bed at 3 o'clock. I'm pleased to say I wasn't the murderer!

    Diet wise, I wasn't very good and haven't been much better today eating up the leftovers. I did go for a walk though including a very long, very steep hill so that mitigated it a little. We had 5 staying over although ey have all gone now. The beds are stripped and sheets washed ready for our next guests who arrive on Tuesday. After hat we have a break for a while, no more guests until the middle of September..........phew!

    Well, I'm exhausted so it's an early night for me.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,
    I knew the day would come when I would face up to the scales again. I got on them today for the first time in 4 weeks and have put on 5lbs. I knew I had just by the feel of my clothes but I felt ready to face the music and take back control. I know I have quite a hard week ahead of me with visitors arriving tomorrow (not today as I thought) and then we're away visiting friends from Sunday to Tuesday. The physiotherapist is still banning me from all sorts of exercise so I can't run or jump to burn the calories either. My goal for this week is simply not to put on any more and I will count that a success.

    I'm hoping to go and check out the National Pool today where I intend to do my channel swim and when we get back from our couple of days away I shall start swimming. That should definitely help me take the pounds off again.

    It seems with holidays and picnics and fun days out that a few of us are having a hard time with our weight at the moment. I'm definitely looking forward to getting back into more of a regular routine and getting those scales moving downwards again!

    Be good all!!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello all. It seems as if a day of reckoning is coming to us and you, LMV, and I have been first. I too had not been on the scales for awhile and have been living in some kind of denial as if all the summer extras would somehow not count. It is diabolical how easily weight can come back on and I now find myself over 9 pounds from my best. I think some of it went on very quickly in the past week when I really started to notice snugness in clothing too. The shower in Hamilton topped it as it turned out to be a traditional Italian luncheon with a separate pasta dish that would have sufficed as a meal in itself- a very rich cheese and dried tomato dish, very delicious of course. The salad featured goat cheese and the main course had chicken, again with cheese and tomatoes and some kind of crust. Of course there was dessert and of course, lots of bread and wine. I don't know what it is about having meals like that for which you say it was so filling that you don't need to eat for the rest of the day but in fact, in the evening when I returned home I did eat again. It is as if one loses the usual sense of fullness. Of course, no one meal adds all that weight and I think some of my eating has been stress related too- family drama. I've got another meal out tonight with a brother and sisiter and families. But whatever the reason, the bottom line is I really dislike where I am at at the moment and will not be satisfied until I get a grip on this weight. I even took measurements today which did indeed confirm the truth!
    The only positive through this is that I have been consistent with walking thanks to Nellie and I do absolutely know my endurance has improved. I have walked 2 miles today but may not get more in as we are back to 30C temps. I have gone and bought the companion exercise journal to my Ultimate Diet Log as I do like logging exercise and am making a goal to work on the Jillian videos and weights again. The nice thing about an exercise journal is that it is always positive- you do something active, you log it. The diet log (which I will continue) is a messier affair, with the poor days filled with unmeasured amounts of food that seem to shout back, "What were you thinking!"
    LMV, your murder mystery dinner party sounds like a lot of fun. I'm familiar with doing that; it was surely a lot of work for you. It's lovely that you could be a Carnaby girl in a mini-dress so don't overlook the bolster it was to your self-assurance. You are right to focus on how far you have come. I am amazed at how you can make any progress considering the extraordinary amount of meal prep and entertaining you do. Your plan to maintain for the next week sounds like a good one considering you are also dealing with exercise restrictions. Enjoy your time with your friends. As we get back into a regular routine, we can all look forward to support from here. I know I am.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi All

    Well, its not been a good week for the diet and I've put on a little weight (about 3lbs) - darnation. still the good news is that I did get on a horse yesterday and really enjoyed it. It wasn't for long and I only did a little walk and trot but actually I did quite enjoy it and although I was a bit wobbly at times and my ankles went stiff but I managed to stay on board and was not frightened so a good result after more than 10 years not in the saddle - also my friend Maria just got a young cob who is about the right size for me and looks like a good ride so I may have to try that next.

    Still my visitors have all gone home now so I can relax a little. Went to the hairdressers this morning then spent some time going round the local shops asking for raffle prizes for the surgery - we have a raffle every year during the flu campaign. I'm going to raise the money for Aspire alongside my fundraising for the swim so hopefully will get a reasonable amount of money from it all. we can have 1000 patients in an afternoon for the flu jab afternoon so lots of opportunity to sell raffle tickets - but need something a bit better than I've got so far - a few books from W H Smith and one bottle of wine. Lots of places said they would help though if I gave them a formal letter of request which I can do easily next week.

    Anyway, its back on the straight and narrow for the next few weeks and hopefully the swim will help me to lose a few more pounds

    Hope everyone else is OK

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Afternoon Crackers!

    I have not abandoned ship, it's just that I'm still out at sea hanging on for dear life to a rubber ring - life boat due 9th September - and then I will be back and feeling more buoyed up I hope!!

    It's been a long, hot, (too hot), exhausting summer. My house has been full of demanding guests from start to finish... In fact I'm awaiting the latest to arrive as I tap but that's to be expected as naturally everyone wants to say goodbye to my daughter before she leaves for England on Monday. My emotions are in tatters, I've held it together all summer long, running around like a headless chicken but once the main packing was done and departed with my family, I had my first and only bout of tears; 'what have I agreed to?!' My daughter's future happiness... So I wiped my tears away and didn't let her see. I'm now calm again (too busy to think!) but I fear come the 9th when I return to Austria alone I might have my head in a bucket of icecream!!

    Like everyone else with the arrival of summer, the diet went out of the window. With my husband doing the bulk of the cooking when we had 8 for dinner each night, it's been like a hotel and I've been the pastry chef (how's the job going NEW8?), chambermaid, waitress and washer upper... At least all the vegetables came from the garden; broad beans, mange tout, carrots, salad leaves, cabbage, cucumber, tomatoes, runner beans... and with all this wonderful weather I've got apricots, peaches, raspberries, blackberries, gooseberries which I'm now struggling to pick and freeze before I leave. Plus I've had to work non stop most evenings late into the night to ensure we've got enough schlipkrapfen whilst I'm gone.

    So although I've done no exercise apart from a few much needed walks with the daughter to remain calm and running continuously between floors and the vegetable garden (sadly my family were not fit enough and what with the heat) I have somehow managed to maintain my target weight of 9.7 which I'm delighted with. However 2 stressfull weeks in England.... I'll just have to wait and see but I intend to walk lots.

    Be good Crackers and keep supporting one another!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Goodness MITM I'm feeling tired just reading your blog! It must be very hard to send your child away like that and I feel for you - but I guess with your busy lifestyle it won't be long before you suddenly realise she is on her way home! There will be plenty to do in the garden before the winter sets in. The roads here are infested with tractors and extra large farm machinery as the harvest is brought in. And I do now have some ripe tomatoes in the garden - the last of my own harvest. Not sure how to keep my potatoes from going green though there are far too many for me to eat all at once!

    Off to put in a swim today after doing nothing for a week (well except for the riding and a couple of walks). Its going to be hot today then wet which isn't good as I'm meant to be going to open air Shakespeare this evening.

    Flies are really bad this year too. Glad when they die off!

  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member
    Hi all,

    Thought I had better call in - the reality of summer has hit me tonight. I have been feeling a bit fed up the past few days, and although I have Zumba this evening, am feeling a bit down even tonight and have worked out that it I am down as my eating has been quite bad and motivation low. Basically I need a good kick into gear!!
    I have been feeling really lazy with the cooking side, as hubby has been away and it seems such an effort to cook so eating not so good food. Can anyone inspire me with dishes???
    I am not really all together sure how the scales lie at the moment, so I am going to WI tomorrow morning and make an effort to improve my eating and drinking.

    Right, pushing grumbles aside. School is back on next week, and I have had a lovely few weeks with Daisy. At the weekend we took out National Trust membership, so I am keen to use this for lots of nice walks and days out. I had membership a few years back, but then wasnt using it enough, but I now feel that Daisy is getting to the ages where we can do more with her at some of the sites.
    The new job is going well, and I am working with some lovely ladies - 80% of which were working at the restaurant 14 years ago when I was starter chef there at weekends! I am really enjoying the 'adult' time and earning some extra money! This weekend is a working weekend, so not a lot else is planned.

    How is everyone else getting on with weight losses/gains over summer? How is the aspire training going ladies?
    I will be on here a bit more again now summer hols are over, so hopefully you ladies can help me move the scales in the right direction! Must go and wiggle my hips now!

    ps.... which Rosemarys do you use? Mine have arrived and I have the slim n salsa and shape up and salsa - havent looked at them yet as I cant decide which one to do (excuse!). The plan is to do these in between Zumba days!