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  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Loving the size of your waffle too! Swim was great - 1200m again, bit wobbly when I got out but this morning was my BIG WEIGH In so it was worth it. I have smashed my 2 stone target which is great. Someone asked me if I was going to have a 'blow out' to celebrate! I have to say a looked a little bit askance at first then said well no, cos I'm not on a diet so I don't need to treat myself. Having thought about it though I do want a nice new pair of sandals so maybe I'll treat myself to that!

    Very happy bunny this morning.

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    MITM I'm taking my sticks, my parents, Dad's fishing rod. several umbrellas. I need to buy a map. I'm starting to put my clothes in the spare room for the holiday (and hoping that I won't need woolies!). Can't wait!

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Whoop, whoop Carole! Big drumroll..........and cymbals!!

    Really well done, it's absolutely fantastic that you've lost two stone and you definitely deserve to treat yourself to something so you have a "blowout" on something other than food! I can hear those sandals calling "Buy me, buy me" Let us know what you get so we can have a look.

    By the way, how much did you lose that you "Smashed" the stone barrier?

    Congratulations or llongyfarchiadau as we say here

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Afternoon Crackers,

    It's been the most beautiful warm sunny day here today which really lifts the spirits. I had a one to one session with my Welsh tutor this morning to practice chatting in Welsh before the exam. That was fun and then I went to meet my husband for lunch. He was extremely late as he decided to go and order a new car. He's been humming and hawing about it, but he's gone and done it. His old car has gone in part exchange and he's been given a runaround by the garage to use until the new one arrives. It's a horrible green colour and known as The Green Goddess by the garage. Anyway he's pleased and I got a couple of hours of Welsh done whilst being plied with tea by the cafe owners. There was a craft fair going on as well with a glass blower (very interesting) and some ladies who had all sorts of fabulous things. I came home with 3 sets of floral buttons, really unusual and so pretty, and the name of an artisan wool maker in North Wales who make and dye their own yarn. She was knitting with some and it was so soft, so I'll be checking that out. Next Thursday, after my exam on Wednesday, my husband is taking me to the wool shop in Abergavenny as a treat and I am planning on getting some yarn for my next project. I shall think of you while I am there BM and will give your love to Nichols!

    As it is so nice we having a BBQ again this evening. I'm sticking to my eating plan and will be having lemon chicken and vegetable kebabs. I've got a couple of sausages for my husband though. For those who are thinking of doing the sweet corn fritters, I would say make sure you have enough chilli to give it a kick, I didn't put enough in. It was a different sort of chilli to the ones I normally use and wasn't as hot as I thought. I would probably stick normal garlic in to give it more oomph as well as the wild garlic leaves are really mild. I cooked them on a medium heat for about the suggested time of 3 mins each side, but I think they would be better on a higher heat for shorter as they were a little bit tough. I think they would be crisper if on a higher heat. Really good idea for the calorie value and you could add all sorts of herbs and flavourings to the basic recipe. I have now signed up for the emails and am looking forward to them.

    New8 - re my colourful wardrobe, you should see how much brown and cream I have! It was Andy who got me into red trousers last year when I went shopping with her. I actually really like them but tend to wear neutral shades with them. There is both red and turquoise in the top so it goes well with both colours. The top was on a mannequin with the turquoise trousers in the shop and as that sort of turquoise/peacock blue was one of my top colours when I had my colours done I decided to go for it. The husband really liked them on too, but that might have been because they were so tight around my bottom lol! The long top hides an absolute multitude until I've lost a few lbs from my hips again! I haven't really noticed a big change in my eating since doing 5:2, but that might be because I've had a few disruptions (Italy, North Wales) so I'm not quite as into it as you. I have also stuck to soup a lot in the cold weather. It has made me realize that we don't need nearly as many calories as we think and how far you can make them go.

    I like your QOTW New8 but I need to think about it. I haven't planned much past June 5 (EXAM DAY) to be honest. I'll post an answer on that thread in due course.

    Well look at the size of my waffle. Does my waffle look big in that?

    Off to BBQ (well watch the husband)

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    One of the GPs told me he thought I looked 'fantastic' today - what a big boost to my confidence. have to admit feeling really amazine. Am no longer in the BMI Obese range for the first time in many years. This is just an amazing journey
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    CAROLE - congratulations! And what an inspiration you are to our little group of Crackers! If you can do it we all can... I bet you were walking (no longer stomping) around on air after that comment from one of the doctors, and what a wonderful example you are to the patients!
  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member
    Hi all,
    After an indulgent weekend, I got back on track yesterday with the fasting but had a blunder at 10pm last night when I was hungry and bored(huby was away) that I had to eat the cold noodles left in the fridge! Don't think that was planned, and not very happy with myself.
    I have lowered my calories slightly on here for the rest of the week to see if I can save myself by Fridays WI, as scales this morning showed a 3.5lb gain, and I am mortified! Thankfully reading LMV posting of a good loss this morning has spured me on that I can do it too.
    Now for my food talk, as I love talking food! Yesterday I had the Smoked salmon pitta pizza on lavenderandlovage and it was lush! So much so that I am having it again today for lunch and its not even a fast day! It so easy too, just use a wholemeal pitta, garlic and herb cream cheese, salmon, capers, red onion and dill and pop it in the oven for about 10- 15 mins. Lush!
    Has anyone got/tried an Easiyo yoghurt maker, I have took it upon myself to purchase one this morning (from Lakeland, half price!) to give it a go, as the calories are low(er), yoghurt cremier and cheaper than supermarkets apparently. I also don't like the amount of sugars/sweeteners they cram into low-fat/diet yoghurts, so hoping using Easiyo will reduce this. I am going to try the greek coconut one first. Will report back once I have given it a go!
    Now for the garden talk! I planted out my sweetcorn last night, and they veg garden is bursting at the seams this year, I think I need a bigger garden. I also planted my tomatoes into the greenhouse with some basil. I really cant wait to start harvesting. I am going to plant some more salad crops(as first cut and come again has just about had it I think), and spring onions, beetroot and carrots later today. The beans are in and doing well, they too are loving the warmer weather this week has brought us.
    Must go, hope everyone is ok. xx
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    NEW8 - don't panic! I stepped on the scales Sunday after the bank holiday weekend here in Austria which was also a shambles to discover I'd gained an additional 2 pounds - oh no!!! But I got back on the straight and narrow and today when I stepped on the scales I've lost a pound. So keep going!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi all, hope to be back in the swing of things soon. So quick mail, MITM, brilliant loss, fab x x LMV...Pob lwc heddiw x x New8...loving the waffle! So good to read lovely posts, don't worry re the weight, I agree with MITM x x Saffy, hope you are much better x x Carole...congrats on being out of the obese range! I am still there but going to start work soon on joining you in the lower range x x Well, the parents are in Dubai airport as we speak with half of their journey over. They both sounded tired but happy. MITM in answer to your question, they are 70years old, quite young really but Mam has dreadful arthritis which gives her lots of pain. They enjoyed the pool and jacuzzi a lot while here, and we paced the days out we took them on, so hopefully they will be Ok recovering from both the Holiday and jet lag. It is very quiet in the apartment again now, and it was so difficult and sad to see them go. I have to book our 4 weeks in the UK soon, I have usually done it by now so will have to hurry. Wishing you all a safe and happy rest of the week, BM x x
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Afternoon Crackers,

    How are we all? I am feeling on top of the world right now. Not only did I lose the extra lbs I so carelessly gained by being indisciplined, but my exams are over with and I can get my head out of my books and start enjoying life again. My husband took me to the university this morning so I wouldn't have to worry about parking and then picked me up and took me for a restorative cup of tea. I must confess to having a piece of cake with it, but apart from a small piece of dry toast I hadn't eaten anything else all day as I was so nervous. Not the best use of calories but I felt I deserved it. At some point, I am going to have to learn not to reward myself with with food!

    Exams were OK this morning. In fact I was feeling very good about them and quite confident. Then came the oral and unfortunately the nerves got me and I didn't do myself justice. It was a bit of a shambles in all honesty. But never mind, I'm only doing it for my own entertainment so it really doesn't matter!

    When we got home I could see the table is all laid for a meal and my husband says he has everything prepared ready to cook me an end of exam celebration dinner later (when I get back from Welsh class) and I can see champagne glasses as well! I'm a lucky girl, he's one in a million. I expect he will have prepared something healthy for dinner but the alcohol might take me a little bit over my daily allowance today. I'll be doing a lot of running over the next few days to get over it.

    So, with no excuses now, I will be getting out into the garden. The veg patch is full of weeds as I've neglected it dreadfully over the last few weeks and have only done the minimum amount. I shall be doing a lot of bending to get it all ship shape. It might finally be warm enough to do a bit of planting out as well. I don't think I'm anywhere near as advanced as you are New8 so I've got some catching up to do. I've also had a new bed created around one part of the patio so that needs planting up and I shall enjoy thinking about and selecting the plants to go there. I'm looking for low maintenance, good "doers" and have my eye on a rather nice Hebe, a Euonymus, some Hostas for the shady bit, an Hydrangea and then one or two more easy perennials. Perhaps some Alchemilla and something with daisy like flowers maybe.

    The Race for Life is creeping up too so I need to ratchet up the training. Hopefully that will help the lbs to keep moving. Saffy, not long until yours which I think is 30th June. I'm sure you will really enjoy it.

    Tomorrow I'm off to Abergavenny to the lovely Wool Shop for a day out with my husband. I'm sure we'll find something he likes as well! I was due to have some wool as my birthday present, but the weather was so awful at the time we decided to wait and have a day out when it would be nicer to wander around. According to the forecast it will still be nice and sunny tomorrow so I'm expecting to be sitting in pavement cafes with my sunglasses and sunhat watching the world go by.

    It's so nice to be wearing a Summer dress. It feels to me as if we've gone from the depths of winter to high summer in one fair swoop. I can't believe we were still using the log burner a week ago. Long may it continue.

    BM - I'm so glad you have had a lovely time with your parents. I hope my talk of Abergavenny isn't making you homesick, but it sounds as if you will be back 'home' soon anyway. Will you be up to meeting me for a coffee? I know you've said on here that you sometimes find going out a bit of an ordeal, so no pressure if you don't feel like it, but I'd love to meet you in person if you can manage it.

    Carole, you are doing so amazingly well and your continued impetus to do well is certainly helping me to get back in gear. I' Veblen sliding backwards and putting the same few lbs on and off. I have been much better recently and your exercise routine is definitely setting a very good example.

    MITM - I have been completely amazed and staggered at the amazing amount of work you have done in your garden and the calories you have burned. Well done! It doesn't look as if those extra few lbs are going to hang around for long.

    Well, look at the size of my waffle!

    Bfn and lots of love to everyone
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi All - its good to see so many of the Crackers on here - you are an inspiration to me and I'm so glad I found you. I've just come back from doing 90 (1350m) lengths of the pool this evening. For once it was very quiet and I used the lap lane for the entire session. Was going to do 80 lengths but felt good so carried on for another 10 - next target will be to get up to 100 lengths - but I'll stick at 90 for a while.

    had a mixed sort of day GPs being fairly stroppy today so its been a bit of an up and a downer! Went to give blood at lunch time only to discover that the appointment is for tomorrow - which means I have double booked myself so I've had to rearrange my diary this afternoon. Off to the GP tomorrow morning - hoping that I can reduce my anti-depressants down to 10mg as I'm doing really well and feeling very strong now. Not letting the stresses of work upset me which has been an issue in the past. Hopefully, she will be quite pleased with me as I can show her my weight loss and exercise regime is really being effective.

    Have just had a lovely plate of cod with salad which I have really enjoyed. Feeling full now!

    LMV - glad your exam mostly went well and your very special husband is clearly in tune with your need for a bit of pampering -what a thoughtful lovely man.

    Take care everyone!
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Afternoon Crackers!

    Had a very pleasant surprise yesterday, here we are in June and I thought I really must get my 'SUMMER' gardening clothes back out. One pair of battered trousers I wore last summer when I hit full CRACKER status and was at target - oh such heady days!!! I looked longingly at them (on their last legs!) and thought I'll try them on and just see how far away 4 pounds is..... Well I now know the full power of exercise, I've been doing Jillian now since before Christmas, salsacising since last April and the trousers even though I'm 4 pounds heavier are loose on my waist, hips and those huge thighs of mine!! Wow made my day! So keep up the exercise Crackers and take down those measurements to keep you going when the going gets tough and the scales are not shifting!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Evening All

    Almost chickened out of going to the Gym tonight - but the car decided to go straight on for me so I did my routine. Didn't feel I'd enjoyed it much but feel good now its done! Loads of compliments again today which is very nice otherwise a relatively quiet day with only one partner cross with me.... nearly Friday and two weeks to my holidays
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Now that's the beauty of this circle, I read your post CAROLE and it inspired me to get up off my backside and go and do my 15 minutes salsacise which I didn't feel like doing and now just like you, I feel much better for those 15 minutes and I can now eat the cornetto I've been thinking about all evening without the guilt!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Great idea MITM! Just ate an apple though. Carole:bigsmile:
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Oh should have said - my second attempt to give blood this afternoon was thwarted when I got there to find they had had a power cut and couldn't do any donations that afternoon. Is the universe trying to tell me something? :ohwell:
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Your influence is working wonders I've just had instead of the cornetto a delicious lettuce (from the garden of course) sandwich. The cornetto I will have tomorrow as I normally do on Fridays when I allow myself a little icecream!
  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member
    Just a really quick call in before hubby catches me on here and not doing work!

    1lb gain this week (which is better than 3!) and I have been perked up today with a comment from a mum at the pre-school to say I that Im looking great and you can tell Im losing weight! Thrilled!

    Had my first attempt at Easiyo yoghurt maker, and oh my it is lush. Lovely really creamy yoghurt, and calorie wise is a little lower than my normal low fat yoghurts, less sugar too. I have ordered some of the 'low fat' yoghurt sachets (which cal wise are a lot lower) and hopefully they will be just as nice. MITM - they also do ice-creams mixes! So, so far so good!

    As some of you know, I have had a bit of a dramatic week. Hubbys works van got broken into Tuesday night, and he lost the majority of his work tools. I am absolutely gutted and am feeling quite victimised at the moment, so wont ramble on too much about it as Im trying to be a bit more positive today.. I was impressed with myself though, as I still managed to fast on Wednesday with all the drama!

    So tonight I am at the O2 again to see Paloma Faith, really cant wait for this one! And we are having a nice meal out, to compensate for the rubbish week!

    MITM - Well done on your salsa! I agree how ready other positive steps makes you make better choices. Also noticing that we quite often have bad weeks together and then someone picks up again, which gets the rest of us going again!
    CAROLE - You are doing so well at the moment reaching personal targets, getting out of the obese catergory. Well done!
    LMV - Hope the exam went well and you are feeling a little more rested now. Tackle the garden in little sections so its a little less daunting.

    Right, off I go for a coffee and to do what im actually meant to be doing! Paperwork! x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    I've just discovered that I'm 6 lengths off swimming a mile! I did 100 lengths tonight and one of the leisure team tells me that I need to do 106 to have swum a mile. And that was despite someone trying to crowd me out (the pool was virtually empty but she had to swim right next to me and she was doing a fast crawl to my slow but sure breast stroke!) Have a had a lovely day altogether. Had a lovely hamburger (good quality meat and very tasty) plus a slice of lemon drizzle for lunch - thoroughly enjoyed it. Have used so many calories today with my swimming that I can still have a baked potato with my chicken and salad tonight.

    Hope everyone else is well and keeping focused.

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    CAROLE - I wish I could remain 1/2 as focused as you!