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  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Oh, God bless you both Mitm and LMV. My deepest sympathies go to you both on your losses. LMV what you said re life is for living is just so true, I have given up waiting to be 10stone and happy, I just try to get through each day. MITM, I do not for one minute think your reaction to the driving was over the top. It was as you rightly say other things which were more difficult to accept and face, ie your daughter going away. Your reaction was so like something I would do it hit such a chord with me. 2 hours before "the wedding" last summer I was in bed and OH was trying his best to help me get out of it! I did not think I could face all those people and felt totally worthless. As you say, we deal with the big things but it can be the little things that tip us over!
    LMV, a shame your weekend away was under such a cloud, but I hope you managed to enjoy some of it anyway. MITM, being away from my children has been the hardest thing I have ever had to do, as a one parent family for such a long time it was a wrench to leave the UK. However, it seems my "children" (They are all in their 20's!) have and are thriving and have accepted the distance between us far easier than I have. I sincerely wish you and your daughter all the best, also sex on the kitchen table doesn't sound so bad to me, always providing you have moved the shlikprafen(!!!!) first! lol x x
    Wishing all the other crackers a safe and happy week. BM x x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Crackers
    I've managed more exercise than I thought I would - with walking yesterday and swimming today - also going for a walk tomorrow morning - but i've been a bit naughty on the food front this weekend so not sure if I will have lost anything - although I do seem to be building up huge amounts of extra calories on here which is great! Here's hoping that tomorrow brings good news.

    For those of you who've been having a tough time - my philosophy is that the good times are even better when you've got through the bad. Its sad to lose a friend who'se been around forever though and they do leave a gap don't they - even if you didn't seem them often - and how nice to have someone you 'write' to - we don't do enough of that do we? I was thinking that the other day. My friend that I go on holiday with is now in her mid-80's and we used to write to each other all the time but these days we write at Christmas and scribble for birthdays - and pick up the phone the rest of the time. She's going in for a hip op in June - I'm hoping that she will be more agile after it as she has been miserable being so limited. I often wonder though what I will do when she is no longer with me as she has been my 'holiday friend' ever since we met on an OU course more than 30 years ago. I can't believe its so long!

    Take care all and I hope you've had a good bank holiday weekend (if you are getting one where you are!)

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello All,

    Thanks for the thoughts ladies.

    MITM - why do our men think we are mad when we burst into tears? You would think they would know after all this time! Very sorry to hear about your friend......big hug. We're both having a "Tired and emotional" week-end aren't we? Such good news about your daughter although it is obviously a twin-edged sword. A fabulous opportunity for her (you must both have impressed everyone at the school when you visited) but you will miss her dreadfully. I don't have children myself so can't know exactly how you feel, but I know how much I miss two of my Godchildren who are now in Australia and it will be so much worse for you. The most important thing you can do is bring your child up to be able to fly away and make her own way in the world, and if you do, she will surely always fly back to you. It will take time to get used to it and to re-establish your identity, but you can do it. It will be a new chapter for you too, and when you get used to it, it could be a very exciting one. Change is always unsettling, at least I think it is, but once things settle down you'll adapt. Perhaps your daughter could become your new pen pal and you can start a correspondence with her while she's at school. It could form the basis of a lovely book in a few years' time as I seem to remember you saying you would like to write one.

    BM - your hand of friendship is always so reassuring and I'm sure MITM feels reassured by your lovely post. I did.

    Carole - thanks too for your philosophy on good and bad times. It's very true and we all ought to enjoy and revel in the good times and recognise them for what they are while they are happening. We have another sunny evening and beautiful views across the estuary so we're going to BBQ again and enjoy a glass of wine. I'm not going to feel guilty and I won't complain at WI, I'm simply going to enjoy it. Well done on all your exercise. You're going great guns and will surely get a good result.

    Right, off into the garden to sit in the sun and enjoy the view.

    Be happy all
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Evening Crackers!

    Thank you ladies for your support!

    The husband dragged me out this afternoon as we'd spent the morning working, up high above the village. Whilst we were out we met a farmer who had to rescue his sheep that were up in the alm when the snow came Friday, luckily his flock lived but he fears there will be many that didn't... which made me also think you have to live for today. We also visited the Aunt to tell her, I would be picking her up after-all!! The husband showed me 3 places where I could safely park and is going into work early tomorrow, just in case he has to rescue me!! Well I've a further hour of schlipkrapfen ahead but I shall watch choccywoccydoodah and be licking my lips.

    After my weekend, I'm just aiming to stay the same this week!!!
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Morning Crackers!

    I'm just drawing with a very thick marker pen, a black line under my eating behaviour of late!!!

    Yesterday because of my appointment with the Aunt, I had to have my breakfast far earlier than usual. Since I was going into 'town' which I rarely do, I dressed with abit of care in my outfit that I wore to the school and I was feeling rather pleased with the reflection in the mirror. One pound and 1/2" off everywhere and the trousers fit so much better as I climbed confidently into my car to pick up the Aunt!

    Dropped her off for the appointment which didn't have a time so I knew she would be waiting awhile to be seen. I met up with my friend. By 1pm I was starving, so along with a cranberry fruit tea which was so refreshing, I succumbed to the most inncocent looking roll available; egg slices in what can best be described as a savoury croissant. Nothing food! Just lots of calories which don't fill you up.

    Eventually got home went for the daily walk with the friend. She too had been to the doctors. Her doctor's advice as she can't seem to lose weight - stop eating her evening meal!! Typcial Austrian dieting answer! My whole family then had our hair cut by my friend who is a hairdresser (because the moon is in the correct position so it won't grow fast!!) so dinner was late on the table. And that sadly was the last straw I ended up eating rubbish for the rest of the evening.

    I decided to brave the scales this morning and put an offical end to this behaviour over the last 4 days and start afresh. So instead of being 2 pounds from target I'm back to 5!! Can't believe being so close to target after weeks of slowly losing weight I can blow all my hard work AGAIN!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Oh dear MITM - been a bit of an up and a downer - still you did your duty by the Aunt and your family have all had their hair cut - although I'm not sure about the moon being in the right quarter - that's a new one on me! Well done on facing your demons - thats a good way to deal with anxiety if you can - although not easy.

    Have only done the usual stomping about the office today - you'd have thought we had been closed for a month the way the phones were ringing this morning! - but still managed more than 9600 steps today by the time I got home. Am now sitting in a comfy chair having eaten my favourite comfort food (beans on cheese on toast) for tea plus a pear - all within my calorie count for the day so not feeling too bad. Weather permitting - nordic walking tomorrow evening!

    take care all
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Carole - that is impressive stomping about! I'm guessing you're wearing a pedometer during the day?! Did you always like exercise before starting the diet or has that just recently come about? I read your recent blog on TD and loved your comment about your cat!!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    I've had a lovely couple of days after the emotion of the week-end. I'm just relaxing listening to a new CD which my friend and her daughter recorded together. Delyth plays the harp and Angharad the fiddle and they've recorded a Celtic folk album together with both traditional music and compositions of their own. Their album was launched in the middle of May so they have been really busy with PR but decided to hold a garden concert for a few invited friends. The weather was awful so we had it in Delyth's living room instead. It was a fantastic evening and really intimate with only about 20 of us, I felt quite privileged to be one of the invited few. Anyway, it's lovely to listen to album now having heard all the stories behind the tracks. It was Delyth's birthday last night so we went out for a meal. I drove so I wouldn't be tempted to drink and I stuck to a fish dish with no starter or desert so I managed to stay within my calorie allowance.

    Wednesday is normally a "fast" day, but we had visitors today. A friend of mine from Hertfordshire came over with her husband and Mother. We're second generation friends as my Mother and hers grew up together in Wales and both ended up in Hertfordshire although she lives in Wales again now. It was great to see them and I cooked the Hairy Dieters' Tangle Pie which went down well and I managed to stay within my calorie allowance despite a glass of fizz. I made crumble with rhubarb from the garden for pudding and used Gweneth Paltrows's healthy crumble topping which has a lot of oats in it. So, despite all that, I still have 400 cal's to last for the rest of the day. I'm feeling like I'm getting things back under control again and what's more, I want to keep things under control. I've gone through a long period of not really being that bothered about keeping an exact track of what I'm eating. That laxness has been the cause of the lbs creeping on but I'm definitely in a more focused phase which can only be good.

    Was hoping to get out for a run but another friend has rung and asked if he can drop by, so maybe it'll be a session with Rosemary later instead. It's clouding over and the wind is getting up so I think I'll stay inside. What a wimp!

    Carole, I want to know what you said about your cat. Can you cut and paste your blog onto here?

    Hope everyone's well.

  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi All, just got in after taking the parents to see "Dirty Dancing". We saw it in the theatre in the Marina Bay Sands. The buildings weren't finished last time they visited so they loved seeing inside of it. The musical was excellent and we had a box so were able to get up and have a jig around, I am going to log it in my calories! lol x The man who played Johnny was just sooo gorgeous and a very good dancer. Have to be honest Patrick Swayze never did anything for me in the film. OH and Dad didn't seem all that impressed with the story, but they had never seen the film, Mam and I loved it. Just over a week to go till they return to UK and I am trying to watch what I eat, although as usual it is the Chardonnay every time that gets me! They have both said that this will probably be the last time they visit as the journey is a bit much for them now, so I refuse to feel guilty about enjoying myself whilst out with them. Hope everyone is Ok. I am not too sure if this is where we are all posting or if we are just doing the little daily one's where our calories are recorded, can anyone advise? Also has anyone heard off Bracken? x x
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    BM, I was obviously posting the same time as you. I'm doing longer posts here in the Cracker area and put my exercise and weigh in comments on the threads we have set up.

    Glad you enjoyed Dirty Dancing. I think it is definitely more of a girl show so am not a bit surprised it wasn't your Dad's cup of tea! Patrick didn't really do it for me either. What's wrong with us? lol!

    Re Bracken, I have today written a letter to her which I will post tomorrow and hope that she might join us here after that.

    Enjoy every second with your parents and absolutely don't feel guilty. Make new memories to store up and cherish.

    Lots of love,
  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member
    I have just read through all the posts.....I think its been near on a week since I caught up with the 'group' message boards. I tend to use mfp on my mobile, so only access the group when Im on my laptop, so apologies if I miss anything and for my waffles on the news feed! I think this may be the case for Saffy too, as I havent seen any posts from her.

    MITM - now up to speed on daughter going to England, where is she going to be studying. Letting go of children is hard, I even found it hard when Daisy started pre-school and I had those few hours without her so can only imagine it gets harder. Im sure you will miss her hugely, and the wows of amazement at you doing Jillian! It will be a great life experience for her.

    LMV - could you share the healthy crumble topping with us? The tangle pie is one of my favourites from hairy dieters. Are you fasting another day?

    BM - I saw DD in Londons West End for a friend hen party and it was fantastic, the man who was Johnny likewise was gorgeous and when leaving the theatre we bumped into him and had our photo with him - oh my what a gorgeous body he had! Will leave it at that!

    Carole - Very impressed with the pedometer!

    So today started at 4.30am with my not so darling daughter waking up when Daddy went to work. By 9am she was so ratty and Nanny offered to take her out, so I could go swimming. I didnt try to break any records with the swimming today, but am pleased that I went. I am fasting tomorrow, so have made some carrot soup and have my leftover butternut squash curry from last night to make up my 500. I am finding the daytimes fine, but come evening am lethargic and getting headaches which stop me from sleeping. I am going to try to drink more, as I think I am cutting down the fluids come evening(so im not getting up too many times in the night!). Saying that, today Im not fasting and have a headache again, so maybe its not the fasting? Will keep an eye on that.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi All

    Well yes I was wearing the pedometer at work which means that all the stomping about I do (its a big surgery and I like to keep connected with everyone) gets logged.

    LMV you were asking about my cat? Well actually I have two - Portia is round so often called Portly and Bentley has a curly tail so often called Bendy. They arrived as semi- rescue (a friend persuaded me to take them on after their family broke up and those who could have taken them were going into rented accommodation where a cat couldn't be kept). They are very amusing as they are brother and sister and they often groom each other wihch usually ends up in one attacking the other. They are both black and white and have little white bikini's. BEntley has an impressive set of whiskers too.

    Just got back from Nordic walking this evening - last class. Now have my own poles so can go any time I like - but I think it will be swimming tomorrow evening as my joints need a break.

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    LMV - also meant to say - tell us more about the folk album - what is the name of it - where can I find it????

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Crackers,

    Beautiful day here in sunny Wales so it was an absolute pleasure to go out for a run this morning.

    Carole - your cats sound lovely. I love cats and we always had some while I was growing up. I had a lovely black and white cat called Jemimah who had a great set of whiskers. Re the album, it's called Adnabod which means recognize or identify in English. It has DnA in it which is the name of the "group" Delyth and Angharad. If you go onto YouTube and search for Brandy Cove you"ll find a video they shot of that track. They filmed it in Brandy Cove which is very near where Delyth lives (and not far from me either) and Angharad wrote this track. If you like it, I can let you know how to get the album.

    New8 - Gwyneth's crumble mix - 4 tbsp spelt flour, 100gm rolled oats, 50gm unrefined dark sugar, 1/4 tsp cinnamon, pinch salt, 50gm un salted butter. 500gm of whatever fruit combination you want and stir 1tbsp spelt flour into the fruit. Bake at 180C gas 4 for 45 minutes. Serves 6 so works out at 200 cal's per portion for the crumble plus whatever fruit you use. Flour mixed into the fruit included in the cal total. It's not really low cal but not bad for a decent pudding.

    I've got a quiet day today so it's time to get on with some Welsh before some friends drop round later for a cup of tea. I'm fasting today so I'll rustle up a small plate of Welsh Cakes to offer them and resist eating one myself. I intend trying the corn and wild garlic fritters today - did you like them New8? I'll have to scavenge some wild garlic leaves but won't have to go far, there's plenty in the garden at the moment. I'll have to nip up to the farm and get some eggs as well.

    Right, enough prevarication, time to do some revision!

    Have a good day all

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Ps forgot to mention I bought a new top and cropped trousers in M&S the other day. I can still squeeze into the size 14 trousers but they are a bit snug lol. I'm going to shrink into them so they are a looser fit.

    What do you think? Product codes 03016824 (gypsy top multi colour), 05908776 cropped chinos described as jade, but really turquoise.. The top looks great with the red trousers I bought last summer after my day shopping with Andy too.

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi LMV - thanks - they are pretty good. Though my first cat (Frodo - I didn't name him either!) was quite a character. He was huge (as in tall and strong) and all black and he had lost an eye. He used to sit on a bench because he knew that children would come past on the way to/from school - then he would expect to be petted and cooed over. He was a real character and I think he still is here sometimes although we buried him in a corner of a friends garden with her late pets.

    Thanks too for the info about the album. I'll take a look when I get home tonight - wil be late as I'm going for a swim.

    Speak soon
  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member

    LMV - love the trousers. At first was a little unsure on the top, but on second look think it looks nice and you would be able to pair it up very well (good prices at the moment too!). It sounds like you like your colour with red trousers too.....I have to admit that I am going through a play it safe neutral wardrobe at the moment which could do with more colour, maybe things will change as I get more body confident! Thanks for the crumble recipe - will have to get some spelt flour. I havent tried the fritters yet, so let me know what they are like, am loving the lavender and lovage emails though! Have you had a look at thefrugalcook.blogspot.com for 5:2 recipes/tips etc.?

    I have to say, Im loving the 5:2 way of eating, and it is really changing my approach to food and food choices. I am discovering food/recipes that I would never have tried before and learning that I can make basic(and sometimes boring) vegetables exciting. It has also made me more aware about how much food the body can survive on, and how hugely we can overeat at times! Have you noticed any changes/improvements to your body(apart from weight changes!).... I can feel the inches from my tummy and have noticed a skin improvement.

    I have worked out today that the headaches are caffine ones - I had switched from my normal tea/coffee to peppermint tea after lunch and I think this is the cause. Today I have had tea overload and feel fine!

    Carole - good on you going for a swim after work! Hope you enjoyed it, and joints are all ok. We had a cat called Mitzi for 18months when I was pregnant 3 years ago. Her city pub owners imigrated back to New Zealand so she came to live with us out in the country. I was never a cat lover, but she was such a character and being out in the country gave her a new lease of life. She was 15 when we took her in, and sadly we had to make the decision to have her put to sleep about 15months later from thyroid related problems as I would not let her suffer the treatment(with poor success rates) when she was so old. I would have another one, but feel I need to be careful at the moment having a young child as it would be unfair of me to take one in for it , to be pestered by Daisy!

    Right, im off now. I doubt I will get on here tomorrow, as we are off to the O2 London to see Alicia Keyes, not really my normal cup of tea, but hubby booked the tickets, Im sure it will be an enjoyable evening out though! Next Friday we are going their again to see Paloma Faith. I saw her in February, and she was fantastic, hence me booking to see her again. These concerts/events always come at the same time though dont they! Take care. xx
  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member
    (Just seen the size of my posting, and apologise for all the waffle!):laugh:
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Loving the size of your waffle New8! xx
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Wow I'm gone for all of a day (husband requisitioned my laptop very irritating) and I return to find so may posts!! How lovely!

    LMV - I've checked out the outfit; very bright and cheerful so very you, now all you need is the weather!! I've just ordered a pair of navy brogues to go with my many, many navy outfits ready for the autumn or more likely for now as summer is never going to arrive ha! Then again I had a good chuckle at you in your fleece! Oh and very pleased to hear that you've written to BRACKEN.

    CAROLE - what are you planning to take with you on your holiday to Ireland? And are your sticks going too?

    BM - enjoy your last week! May I ask how old are your parents? Mine are driving out to Austria as they've always done, but my brother and his family will be going back the same time so he can help drive them home, as we think it's all abit too much. They fly out at Christmas time.

    NEW8 - I too enjoy the lavender and lovage emails but I do get very distracted by the cake recipes!! Talking of which I have guests arriving tomorrow and I've got to bake.... so I must choose wisely!