Who else got the hate-crossfit PM ??



  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    Report her. This is harassment.

    The Terms of Service say that MFP can block her - but I don't know if they are just reluctant, or if they actually don't have the technology.

    Terms of Service:

    MyFitnessPal imposes certain restrictions on Your use of the Website and the Services. You represent and warrant that you will not: (a) “stalk” or otherwise harass any person, or contact any person who has requested not to be contacted;
    (b) Effect of Termination

    Any termination of this Agreement automatically terminates all rights and licenses granted to You under this Agreement, including all rights to use the Website and Services. Subsequent to termination, MyFitnessPal reserves the right to exercise whatever means it deems necessary to prevent Your unauthorized use of the Website and Services, including without limitation technological barriers such as IP blocking and direct contact with Your Internet Service Provider.

    She has also violated multiple forum guidelines: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/welcome/guidelines
    10. Multiple Accounts Are Not Allowed

    Creating a second account for the purposes of deceiving other members or to work around a Forum suspension is not permitted and will be grounds for a permanent ban from the site.
    23. Do Not Troll or Harass Groups

    There will be groups with opinions that you do not agree with. Do not use groups as a way to harass or insult others.

    The proper way to deal with this is to report her to the MFP community manager.
    b) If you have concerns about another poster, or wish to report a guideline violation, the only appropriate venue is to use the Report Post link or to message a moderator or Olivia, MFP's Community Manager. You may not air such concerns on the message boards themselves. If you have a general concern that does not involve a specific member, you may post your question in the Feedback or Help forums.

    Contact Olivia here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/Olivia
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I got a message from her too.

    When she mentioned bootcamp to me I pointed out that if she were educated at all she'd know that most of the bootcamps these days are run by Crossfit boxes or by people who are Crossfit Level 1 Certified but not affiliated with a CrossFit box! So, her "advice" would just lead people to more Crossfit!

    When I told her someone at our Bootcamp in our box hyper-extended their elbows doing bear crawls her response was something like "oh I'd never do those and I'd quit by boot camp if they did them?"

    Really? Do you pick flowers and sing to the rising sun in your boot camp? Because I thought that boot camps, like CF, were about pushing you into areas you would not visit on your own.
  • nashai01
    nashai01 Posts: 536 Member
    Haha I got my message back in May. I was just simply asking in the post about trying crossfit. She sent me a warning email. I joined a crossfit box and posted about my 1st class, she sent me another message lol
  • xX_Samantha_Xx
    xX_Samantha_Xx Posts: 166 Member
    We've all gotten the message! LoL.
  • EB4life
    EB4life Posts: 39 Member
    U have been tagged by health girl! Loll

    I'm new to CrossFit, if u'd like to support me, plz add me :) unless ur name is health girl, then no thank you ahahahaha