Here we go. Again.

kjf1982 Posts: 102 Member
So, started MFP in January after having an epiphany. In June my aunt got very sick. In July she passed away. Also in July I was prepping to move. August I was unpacking and settling into the new place with my boyfriend and also have been working many extra hours at work. I'm stressed. Because I'm stressed, I eat. I've gained 8 of the lost pounds back.

As of today, I am picking up where I left off. I hate to say starting over, because really, I am no where near where I was when I started. My mind set is different though, I no longer feel invincible. I know this is going to be a struggle. And it scares me.

Anyway, I'm just venting. I'm going to need some stronger support this time, because I just don't have the motivation I've had in the past.

Thanks for reading. Any helpful tips to regain lost motivation, please share.


  • misswallie2u
    misswallie2u Posts: 28 Member
    Sorry for you loss... You may not be motivated now but, if you can tough it out and stick with it you will start to feel more motivated. You can do this!!! We can all do this together!
  • WalkingRita
    WalkingRita Posts: 20 Member
    Do your best everyday and everyday your best is different. I just restarted my journey and gave myself three daily goals to work on. Im not perfect everyday but the next morning i get to start over. Good luck!! You can do it
  • SucculentGoddess
    SucculentGoddess Posts: 42 Member
    I posted this in answer to someone else motivation tips
    so I hope I dont offend by reposting

    I got motivated by hypnosis
    I have never ever been slim or normal weight range and was over 300 pound before finishing high school
    I am now 48 and changing my health
    While I was getting my brain ready to be a different size I borrowed a friends hypnosis CD
    It has four hypnosis on it
    See yourself slim
    Eating Healthy
    Faster metabolism
    Exercise motivation

    And athough i started my weight loss journey on 1 July at 416lb and am still pretty new to it
    Recently when i was hormonal - when i used to devour lots of chocolate i hear this voice in my head saying
    I choose food wisely
    and a made a different choice.

    So I made mp3s of the hypnosis ... I play them on my iphone while i sleep
    I have never actually been awake for more then the first 5 minutes
    (hehehe i did read the scripts to ensure i did not have any issues with what was going to be said to me though)
    and I am playing them once per week just to reinforce this

    Anyway ...this is my two cents worth .... just another thought
  • eys81
    eys81 Posts: 61 Member
    I too am just getting started over. I went into summer thinking that since I wasn't taking any classes that I'd have all this time but it was an epic fail and I started over a week or so ago worse off than at the beginning. For me it is just about being realistic about what I can and cant do, planning what I'm going to eat for the day, not letting myself slide. When I get a little down I go to the success board and read the success stories. I'll find a thread about people's reason for losing weight or what their final straw was - it helps remind me why I'm here and that I'm not alone in this and is almost more inspiring than the success stories. I also started soul searching/meditating/journal writing again. I don't know if I will ever really understand what it is that let me get this big but I do know that if I don't take care of my emotional/spiritual well being that I always self sabotage in the end.

    Feel free to add me. I'm on just about every and would be happy to help cheer you on as you try again.

    I also watch this video:

    a lot!
  • lindseydavis07
    lindseydavis07 Posts: 64 Member
    I just started over for the last time in June. Since then I’ve lost 37 pounds :) I know after a death in the family and all the stress It’s hard to get back into gear but it can be done :) I’m just fed up of being the fat one and all my joints hurting... You have to want it bad enough to make a change :)

    You can do it!!

    Feel free to add me! I log every day and give support when I can :) Keep it up!!