Week 2 Challenge

fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
Hi Guys! I am sorry that I did not get this posted earlier. I had a CRAZY busy day today and I kept hoping to squeeze in some time to do a video for this weeks challenge..... BUT that was not possible. So rather than delaying the challenge any longer, I decided to just post it on here for you guys.


Physical Challenge: This week's challenge will be to BURN some SERIOUS CALORIES! I will be aiming for 2500 cals burned this week. You can try to meet this number or set your own personal goals. Part 2 of the Physical Challenge is a personal challenge that I am trying to overcome! I have the weakest arms ever! So I thought it would be a good idea to include push ups to this weeks challenge. Please research how to do proper push ups and I will be aiming for 10 perfectly executed push ups daily! My trainer tells me it is more important to do a small number of perfect ones rather than 100 bad ones. So, again you can set your own personal goals.

Nutritional Challenge: Let's try to eat as CLEAN as possible. Eliminate the processed foods and incorporate clean fresh items into your diet. If you have any recipe ideas, please post on here. With Labor Day around the corner let's share some recipes!

As a side note, in our challenges you are asked to focus on the Weekly challenge..... however the previous challenges should be incorporated into your lifestyle..... so do not forget to continue logging your foods, drink your water, exercise and get your crunches in! Remember this is lifestyle change...... road to healthy and happy :)

Good Luck with Week 2!!!

Pam :)


  • AprilOneFourFour
    AprilOneFourFour Posts: 226 Member
    Great, I take it that's a 2500 exercise burn in addition to daily calorie expenditure? That's a good level challenge for me, will have to ramp it up some!

    I was hoping you would never say push ups, but 10 sounds bearable and I will try.

    Of course will keep logging and 3+ workouts are essential to meet the new challenge. I will keep on being conscious of water in-take and will crunch - possibly not 100 every day though.

    I don't eat processed food or takeaways at all. If anyone needs help with food ideas / cooking / healthy eating, I am happy to try to help.

    What do you eat on labour day? We don't have that in the UK.
  • AZRunnerGirlinErie
    AZRunnerGirlinErie Posts: 98 Member
    Sounds great!

    Okay my goal will be 50 regular pushups each day.
    For the calorie burn since I'm still recovery from my cold it is going to be less than normal so I will say 1500 for the week.
    I will also incorporate fresh food into my diet and eliminate greater amounts of processed food.

    Thanks again for these challenges :)
  • yspen42
    yspen42 Posts: 285 Member
    Thanks Pam...I have issues with my arms as well so I need to do push up!

    Gotta find a way to make the scale move downward!
  • carrielynn62
    carrielynn62 Posts: 400 Member
    Love this challenge! I still haven't been cleared to do more than walk , but I will do what I can. Eating clean has helped my in the past as much as exercise.:happy:
  • tleonhardt
    tleonhardt Posts: 85 Member
    I don't know if I'll be able to amp up the calorie burn more than I did this past week! (LOL). I am challenging myself to do 2 workouts/day. Usually, the evening workout is walking the dog or power walking with a friend and the morning workout typically occurs at the gym. Push-ups are difficult due to shoulder issues, but I will commit to 20 knee push-ups/day, as I think I can manage that without reinjuring myself. Will keep up with logging, water, crunches and will try to eat CLEAN!
  • hanginrailranch
    hanginrailranch Posts: 63 Member
    great week 2 challenge....I like how each week is a specific focus...and still keeping previous week's tasks...
    thanks for cheering us on!
  • Alsison
    Alsison Posts: 626 Member
    Awesome challenge Pam!!

    I have started off today with a 297 calorie spin... 2203 calories to go..

  • Leeann1979
    Leeann1979 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I probably wont meet some of this week's challenges. I don't eat very clean, I don't eat all processed crap but I do eat a lot of it and probably wont stop lol. I did however stay under calories today.

    I didn't do push ups either. I will double it up tomorrow.

    I will aim for 2500 calories burned this week. I burned 223 calories tonight on my elliptical.

    2277 remaining
  • momofrugrats
    momofrugrats Posts: 30 Member
    Great challenge...right now I am averaging 1800-2000 calories a week so 2500 is a push but I am up for the challenge. 10 push up, okay will do. Let's make this a great week everyone!!
  • gingerFLA
    gingerFLA Posts: 14 Member
    Greetings from South Florida!

    I'm ready for the Week 2 Challenge!

    I gave up fast-food during the entire month of May, and felt great! Getting rid of processed, carb-laden food has helped me lose what I've lost so far, and will be necessary for me to reach my end goal....no better time to do it than right now!

    When I first started working out, I did upright push-ups (standing up) pushing against the wall....maybe some first-timers might try that out....?? See demo- http://ow.ly/ooRvp

    I burned approx 2100 calories with exercise this week....so I'm hoping to add one more workout and match the 2500 goal.

    Good luck, ya'll!
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,317 Member
    I already planned to eat more healthy food this week, so your challenge is perfect for an additional incentive. As for push-ups - hmm, I am really bad at them. I think I have to do knee pushups, I don't think that I can do the real ones. I will do 20 of them per day to make up for it.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • neon7girl
    neon7girl Posts: 230 Member
    Just saw this today... did 25 push ups and 100 crunches. I burned approx 1500 cals last week and will shoot for 2000 this week. Will try to add on the weekly physical challenges.
  • pmhandlo11
    pmhandlo11 Posts: 101 Member
    My arms def need some attention!! This is a good challenge because for me the arms are always on the back burner!!
  • WendyCollinson2004
    WendyCollinson2004 Posts: 146 Member
    I am excited about week 2 challenge. I try to eat as clean as possible. I usually try to incorporate fruit for my afternoon snack. Sometimes I am able to add them to my meal.
    Anyway, I burned a total of 2741 calories from these dates, 8/24, 8/26, 8/27, 8/28. I will work towards a 3000 calorie for the week. To start I burned 600 calories today. I walked after my run, but I didn't log the 9 minutes, so I am over 600 calories burned today, but will only take the 590 or estimate up to 600 burned.
    Good luck to everyone.
    I will start on the push-ups, I am taking a fitness/wellness class this semester and push-ups is on of the things I need to do. I don't like them, but I don't dislike them as much as I do crunches. :)
  • WendyCollinson2004
    WendyCollinson2004 Posts: 146 Member

    What do you eat on labour day? We don't have that in the UK.
    Everyone is different, but it is the last weekend that we usually get to grill out, so people go all out for eating burgers, hot dogs, brats, and then all the sides like potato salad, beans, etc..
    oh and if there is a carnival around people usually go there and eat the carnival food, which is very good.
  • 6mimi
    6mimi Posts: 1,439 Member
    Thanks for the challenge Pam. I should do pretty good on the eating clean. I will push it even more than usual. I can't do the arm exercise due to Dr. orders but will challenge myself with squats instead.
  • Leeann1979
    Leeann1979 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Yesterday was a write off, lol. It was my last day at my job and the girls made cupcakes and brownies, and my boyfriend ordered pizza for a treat. It was a celebration day. But I was proud of myself because I didn't eat too crazy for the rest of the day. I tend to go all out when I give myself a treat day.

    I was over calories by a lot. I drank a bit of water, not enough though. I am working on eating cleaner. I will never totally eliminate anything from my diet, but I am trying to have more fruits for snacks instead of packaged stuff. I am not much of a veggie eater, but I keep trying.

    I didn't exercise at all yesterday. I was so tired. We were all passed out on the couch last night after supper.

    Today will be a good day. Off to hopefully play tennis if the rain holds off!
  • Alsison
    Alsison Posts: 626 Member
    T: 288 calories
    F: 288 calories
    S: 672 calories

    1248 down... 1252 to go


    Ohh.. I had crocodile, camel, kangaroo, wild boar and venison sliders at the PNE last night.. Not exactly what you would consider clean eating but I had to try them...:wink:
  • Leeann1979
    Leeann1979 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Stayed under calories today. Had some poor food choices, but it was my sisters birthday so I really don't care!
    I didn't drink much water today, just what I had while playing tennis, but it was so cold out I really didn't want much.

    I played tennis for 2 hours, but I didn't do pushups.

    Total calories burned for week 2 so far: 1161
  • hanginrailranch
    hanginrailranch Posts: 63 Member
    OK...yesterday was a wash with attending social functions all day...did much better today..
    am doing del in logging in and drinking my water, except yesterday...
    I am back on track...may this coming week continues!!!
    hope all are doing well.