New and tried everything

Hello---I am new to the groups, but not to My Fitness Pal. I have tried just about every diet in the world and can't stick to anything. I am 67 years old and fairly healthy except for osteoarthritis and occasional indigestion. Just had a total hysterectomy and bladder surgery last fall and couldn't do much for a few months afterwards and re-gained some weight I had lost the previous spring. So now I am just trying to eat healthy and count calories. My husband still works, but I am home all day without a car because when our other car broke down we decided not to replace it since he will be retiring soon and we won't need two cars. So I am bored and overeat. Because of my osteoarthritis which affect my knees and ankles, it is too painful to go on walks. So I have become very overweight. I am trying so hard to lose weight.


  • mermaidmom48
    mermaidmom48 Posts: 17 Member
    Welcome, we are all on the same journey. Most of us are ladies of a certain age (cough cough) and I expect we all have a touch of the same issues you mentioned. I just went to the chiro today, and had a back therapy done. My back and feet are my biggest pains.

    I am like you, I lost last year....30 lbs in 6 months. I am back to lose about another 15-20. I gained back about 5 lbs of the 30, but happily did a lot better than I expected at keeping it off. I think this website helps tremendously because we see in black and white the sum total of our food intake.

    You have taken the hardest have begun....join us and we will follow the yellow brick road......:love:
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Hi and welcome...... sorry to hear that you are struggling........ health issues do play havoc with out weight and good intentions....... good luck on your renewed efforts...being on here every day and chatting and logging what you eat deos help.

    It's a pity you can't get around...we are both retired but both have different interests husband is always going to football matches .... have to say I would be lost without my car....being able to drive to a lovely place for a walk is one of the things I enjoy....boredom is not a good dieting friend.........especially if you can't get about........ slowly but surely will hopefully become your motto...... as the weight comes off you should become more mobile hopefully......

    Make this a positive thing in your life ... read books and online stuff about weight loss and it's benefits... anything to stop the boredom ...

    Looking forward to hearing your success srories :flowerforyou:

  • Joe_Atlanta
    Joe_Atlanta Posts: 66 Member
    Welcome back! Congratulations on getting back into it. Any kind of activity can raise your metabolism and help with your weight loss, it doesn't have to be walking. Whether it's a simple program of basic movements (whatever you are capable of) like arm and leg raises, using resistance bands and /or weights or (if available) pool walking, swimming or water aerobics. Start slow (for the fest few weeks) to get comfortable with the exercise, then push your pace or repetitions until you are breathing harder and breaking a sweat.

    And on those days when it's simply to painful to exercise, check out the MFP blog on losing weight without exercise :
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    Hi swimmersue2,

    Welcome to the groups. We are glad to have you here. There are a bunch of wonderful people here in our group and they will encourage you every step of the way.

    We all have some health issues, mobility being one of mine. I was walking a mile a day until a year and a half ago when my leg "gave out" and since, it hurts like heck to put weight on it. I miss those walks, but, I have an elliptical which is kind to my knees and legs, so I use it. It also has a seat so subs as a stationary bike, which also is easier on the joints.

    As Joe said, there are lots of exercises we can do without hurting our joints. Find what works best for you.

    I had been posting a weekly challenge here for us and took the past 2 weeks off. I will post some this Sunday evening, come check it out and maybe you will find some that you can do.

    Good luck to you on your journey!
  • dianefisher47
    dianefisher47 Posts: 234 Member
    Welcome to the group, feel free to add me as your friend......I would be lost without my car. Hubby keeps saying that when mine is finished we will keep only one car and I say noway:flowerforyou:
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Just weigh everything and log it. Many have lost without exercise, Joe's link above is a good one on how to do that.

    Welcome to this group just come visit with us when you need encouragement, a place to vent or whatever. :flowerforyou:
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Hi Sue! I have osteoporosis in my knees and fingers (not real bad yet, thankfully) also trouble with my back for years. When my back hurts I try to take it easy, but still try to move around a little, not always successful. I have some breathing issues, too, that frequently get in the way of exercise, so I try to watch the calories.

    This is a great place to be with lots of others with the same or similar health issues that we are trying to overcome or work around. Lots of support and encouragement! So welcome.