What Makes You Eat More Than You Should?

MORECHABLIS Posts: 164 Member
When you're on a diet or not, what are the triggers that make you eat too much, or have a binge? Boredom? Stress? Not Enough Sex? Cold Weather? Feeling weak/light headed?


  • ursiestar
    ursiestar Posts: 45 Member
    Two things for me, stress and boredom :0))
  • Boredom, and feeling emotional in any way (Good, and bad)
  • Patrick0321
    Patrick0321 Posts: 102 Member
    Boredom and drink
  • 127saz
    127saz Posts: 25 Member
    definitely if stressed, tired, emotional and bored - unfortunately most things make me over eat!
  • honsi
    honsi Posts: 210 Member
    Socialising with friends and family, which usually involves lots of food and drink.
    Ive managed to shake off the eating when stressed / bored/ emotional pattern that I used to be in which is a relief.
    MORECHABLIS Posts: 164 Member
    My main triggers for over eating or drinking are; Boredom on some evenings To tired 'to do anything', but wanting to do something... Plus not enough sex... and Stress on occasions for comfort eating/drinking...

    Its trying to 'get through these periods' and through the other side without over eating/drinking...
  • Kaali1985
    Kaali1985 Posts: 41 Member
    Not enough sex=bad mood=eating crap.
    Time of month (chocolate)

    I'm a bit crap really.....lol. :p
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    for me its when Im bored and the kids are quiet and dont need me for anything. I feel at a loss for things to do then decide Im hungry when Im not, Im just looking for something to do. Before kids when I worked 5 days a week I never snacked and ate three times a day and was fine at keeping in my calorie allowance. Im waiting on my other half to get a day hour job instead of day/nights shifts so I can get an evening job then hopefully Il be too busy all day and evening to eat junk!
    BEEUK Posts: 113
    Boredom, and feeling emotional in any way (Good, and bad)


    I hate parties and gatherings where there is a buffet, you just 'pick at' bits too as you don't realise what you're munching.
  • linzijoy
    linzijoy Posts: 109 Member
    Boredom, and feeling emotional in any way (Good, and bad)


    I hate parties and gatherings where there is a buffet, you just 'pick at' bits too as you don't realise what you're munching.

    Yep, being tired / stressed / bored for me and also buffet & "picky" food situations - all mindless eating!
  • harley1968
    harley1968 Posts: 218 Member
    Anything can make me overeat....boredom, bad mood, stress.....
  • ChristyJade
    ChristyJade Posts: 186 Member
    HANGOVERS! haha I'll eat all day when hungover....

    Also tend to eat unnecessarily when I'm tired...My willpower has improved recently so don't tend to eat when bored anymore :)
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    I tend to overeat or, most often, make terrible food choices when I'm tired, stressed, procrastinating on something or when I'm so busy tending to the kid and husband's food/needs (my daughter has allergies so I'm always preparing different meals), that I just need to scoff a bit of toast to keep me going.

    Hot buttered toast is my weakness.
    BEEUK Posts: 113
    HANGOVERS! haha I'll eat all day when hungover....

    Also tend to eat unnecessarily when I'm tired...My willpower has improved recently so don't tend to eat when bored anymore :)

  • iwannabeonthebeach
    iwannabeonthebeach Posts: 146 Member
    Boredom, gets me every time. And I can't have a glass of wine without nibbles, even if I'm going to have something to eat imminently. My excuse is that I'm stopping the alcohol going to my head.
  • drinking leads me to over eat. I tend to have 1 glass of wine on a Saturday then go mad and have more wine... and chocolate... and more chocolate!!
  • spg71
    spg71 Posts: 179 Member
    Any restaurant would fit the bill. Or walking into a MacDonalds with biker buddies and watching them feast on evil dirge. Im sorry but the chicken selects are nice !!!!!!
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,320 Member
    Social situations, especially those involving buffets, are my biggest trigger. I now tend to eat before I go out and stick religiously just to crudités and fresh fruit from the buffet, telling myself everything else is off limits for me. I avoid alcohol for the same reason, as it lowers my resolve and willpower.

    Stress and anxiety - especially in relation to my hubby's health crises - used to trigger poor eating for me, but I've developed coping strategies to deal with that trigger now, so it's no longer such a derailing event for me.

    First time I've ever heard someone cite insufficient sex as a trigger for overeating! ;-)
  • ChristyJade
    ChristyJade Posts: 186 Member
    Any restaurant would fit the bill. Or walking into a MacDonalds with biker buddies and watching them feast on evil dirge. Im sorry but the chicken selects are nice !!!!!!

    I. LOVE. CHICKEN SELECTS! I could eat them all day, hence why I never ever go to maccies anymore haha
  • LilMissDB
    LilMissDB Posts: 133
    Cravings. Not necessarily for a particular food, usually just for a LOT of food - enter binge. I've not binged in ages though which I guess is a good thing.

    Other than that, being busy/lazy - when I had a 1.5hr commute each way from work, if I'd had a really crappy day, the last thing I wanted to do was cook when I got home and most of the time I wanted comfort food!

    Also travelling (especially because I tend to get motion sick if I'm hungry) and social situations.
  • beckifitzg
    beckifitzg Posts: 33 Member
    Mine's probably the same as most - stress and boredom.
    I don't understand how people lose weight through stress?!?!

    Right now I am sitting at my desk bored and I want sweets! I don't want to be busy at work but it really helps with the not eating so much!
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    nibbles :sad:

    I do really well most of the time, much to my astonishment! Counting calories has meant I just don't binge! I'm really impressed!


    Stick me in a room with bowls of crisps, peanuts, bombay mix, dips, all the little savory snacks, and I'm dead in the water! So visits to friends' houses, the pub etc are doom. My hand just reaches out of its own accord, and feeds salty snack after salty snack into my mouth, no matter what I say to myself! And eating before I go makes no difference!

    So it's a good job it's not every week.
  • chezz
    chezz Posts: 69 Member
    drinking and boredom put im trying hard now to break the pattern x
  • LMJS
    LMJS Posts: 157 Member
    For me its always been an emotional connection, particularly when I'm feeling low. I am a terrible comfort eater and chocolate is my nemesis. Thankfully, the love & support on MFP is helping me cope with that :flowerforyou:

    I also seem to have a real weakness when I've got a bad headache - my mind seems to tell me that a sugar rush will cure it lol - no idea what that's all about but your mind totally plays tricks on you sometimes :laugh:
  • brixtonbanner
    brixtonbanner Posts: 71 Member
    HANGOVERS! haha I'll eat all day when hungover....

    If you are well enough to eat then it's not a real hangover....ofisher

    Rant mode on
    seriously it's bad labelling
    Fancy a treat of canned tooth rotting pop or a little ice cream
    ah only 150 calories per serving all good there then
    1 serving is 100ml but the container cantains 387.5ml
    I dont walk around with a calculator!
    I want to know how many calories in the container!
    Deep breath and
    rant mode off
  • Im sorry but the chicken selects are nice !!!!!!

    Chicken selects are lush! I tell myself that I'm being good having them as there's no bread and cheese involved! ;-)

    Back to the original question: it's definitely linked to emotion - whether good or bad. Commiseration or celebration. Socialising is a killer. My family live 400 miles away, so when we get together, it's pretty much carnage washed down with red wine! Really need to stop viewing it as a "holiday" when we visit each other!
  • And buffets! They are the worst, aren't they?! I was quite proud of myself recently. Went to a family member's 40th birthday party and the buffet was immense, but I told myself I'd get a plate (I think this is the key) and filled it up once and didn't go back. Still not ideal, but better than standing next to it grazing all night!