
Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
Hey all,

I figured I would put together a group for all of us to get to know one another, do some check-ins and just have some fun discussing the progress we are having through Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. It doesn't matter if you start tomorrow with the majority or if you start on the second, even if you started last week, what matters is that you pop in the DVD, turn on the YouTube or power on the BlueRay. The point is that you get your butt moving :)


  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    My blurb:

    I'm starting JM 30 Day shred in addition to minding what I eat. I need to tone up a bit before the wedding and now that I have the all clear from the doctor post C-Section I am ready to get going!

    It's 20 minutes a day, my plan is to finish the routine during my son's morning nap (his nap is 1 hour usually so that is more than enough time to get downstairs, pop in the DVD, complete the routine, shower and be ready for my day).

    Starting Weight: 183 lbs
    Measurements ... will post tomorrow along with a pic, it is way too late tonight to be trying to fumble with a tape measure :)
  • ziggypop93
    ziggypop93 Posts: 133 Member
    I'm in! I just completely day 4 yesterday. Today I took off because Saturday mornings I do Zumba and Group Power. I'm 38, have three kids - 15yo, 3yo and 1yo.

    My stats:
    Weight - 192.5
    Waist - 34.5
    Hips - 41
    Chest - 39
    Arm - 12.5
    Thigh - 24
    Body Fat - 35.9%

    Can't wait to see how this goes! Good luck everyone!
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Hello I have only recently got back on the wagon and have taken it back to what I was doing originally, this time I have my partner at my side doing it with me yay! My start weight for 30DS is 81.9kg (180.5 lbs) I will be doing a mixture of different workouts this month but 30DS is such a great starting point. And just think how much stronger we will all be after 30 days :) all the best and I hope we all achieve our goals :smile:
  • VictoriArt3
    VictoriArt3 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm excited to start also! I'll put my measurements in in a bit :) I don't have the 30 day shred, but I will be using Ripped in 30. I really like that September starts on a Sunday lol IDK why haha. I've tried many times to start it, but gave up within 4 days. I'm happy to be part of this group and as long as we all continue to reply to these posts i'm sure we can keep the motivation up. One thing I do is put the video on mute and have Pandora blasting lady gaga in the background lol... her voice gets a little annoying :-/ I was actually going to start last week but have been crazy sick (weird, but I gained 4 lbs during this week?) I am extremely motivated considering we will have our first ever professional family pics this November... And I WANT TO LOOK GOOD !!! Good luck ladies <3

    SW: 155
    Bodyfat: 34
    Chest: 38.25Arms: 11.75
    Hips: 40.5
    Waist: 33.5
    Thighs: 24.5
    Calves: 14.25
    Height: 5'2

  • RevCO30
    RevCO30 Posts: 176 Member
    Hi, thanks for forming this group. Just what I needed! This will be my third cycle of 30DS and after nearly 2 months of slacking I need to get back on the wagon, so to speak. I am getting married in about 9 months and need to get serious about slimming down, toning up and looking and feeling good. I am currently at 215lbs, not sure what my measurements are at the moment but will take those tomorrow before I start my workout. Wishing everyone luck and success :)
  • joycea123
    joycea123 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi everyone :) I'm up to day 8 of the 30DS but will probably stretch it out over September. I also recently started going to Zumba twice a week, bootcamp once a week, and eating between 1200-1600 calories per day (depending on how much I exercise).

    I'm a post-grad student - the last three years of eating poorly, late nights, and no exercise has really taken a toll on my body and I've gained 20 pounds... I'm going to Fiji in 5 weeks and want to be able to wear a bikini, so think this group is a great way to help me stick with it.
  • JCHH88
    JCHH88 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Jess and this is my second time doing the 30 day shred. I loved it last time and did it all in 30 days in a row. Over the last year I have lost 31kgs .. Although I think I have put on 800g this week due to eating everything in sight. I have just had surgery on both my legs to remove varicose veins and have to wear compression stockings for another week and a bit.
    I have another 18kgs to go and would love to be at my goal of 69kgs by the end of the year. I'm currently lacking motivation and find living in the middle of Australia in, on average 35-40degree weather, a bit deterring. But I need to get back into it, I've come this far, too far, to go back to what's was.

    SW: 87.7kg /193 pounds
    Body fat: 32.9%
    Waist: 99cm /38.9inches
    Age: 25
    Height: 173cm/ 5'8
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    Hey I am IN too :happy:

    I am 34yrs old, married with no Kids
    Height: 5.3
    Weight: 160.6 lbs/73kgs

    will start from today hopefully

    will we take a break or continuously do the shredding :laugh:

    GOODLUCK All of U :flowerforyou:
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    Hi, thanks for forming this group. Just what I needed! This will be my third cycle of 30DS and after nearly 2 months of slacking I need to get back on the wagon, so to speak. I am getting married in about 9 months and need to get serious about slimming down, toning up and looking and feeling good. I am currently at 215lbs, not sure what my measurements are at the moment but will take those tomorrow before I start my workout. Wishing everyone luck and success :)

    Hey wuld like to ask as its ur 3rd Cycle how did u do in the previous 2 cycles & how much did u lose?
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    hey all - getting excited there are so many new introductions with awesome stories!

    @jenlarson - welcome to the group, I am excited to have some more mothers participating - will give us an opportunity to bounce additional questions and concerns off one another :) Body changes are always interesting to see, and get used to :) I love that you are also doing Zumba and Power Group. One thing I do notice with a short workout video is that it often lends itself nicely to being worked into life alongside additional workouts - it is a great way to get our butts moving at LEAST 20 minutes a day but can be the trigger to more! Keep it up - what are some of your favourite Zumba routines?

    @Deviant - so glad you are on board and working JM into your schedule along with different routines, as I mentioned above I think the length of these routines lend themselves nicely to be a good addition to an already existing routine or even as a solid starting point.

    @Victoria - Ripped in 30 sounds great, I would love to hear how that one is going for you, it might be the next target - I will have to see how I am with her 30 Day Shred, I think you are among the masses who say that JMs voice is not the most soothing... Lady Gaga certainly has the upbeat music to encourage that next rep :)

    Pro family pics - that will be a lot of fun, I am planning on getting some done when our little guy is a bit older (he is only 3.5 months).

    @Rev - 3rd cycle, that's great - if you keep to posting everyday, or even every other I am sure that you will come up with tips and some encouragement for others as we go through the struggles or obstacles during the cycle. Glad that you are on board. Congratulations btw on the up coming wedding! 9 months... that's a June wedding? Should be stunning!

    @Joycea - FIJI!!!!! Wow that is going to be awesome! What an exciting trip, you will have to let us know how it goes. I am sure that the next 30 days will definitely be a great boost for the swimsuit (bikini) weather :)

    @JCHH88 - Australia! Glad to have someone from down under in the loop, one of my good friends is over there (has been for about 3 years now) teaching, she is loving it and only occasionally misses our Canadian winters :) Hope you can beat the heat and get in your 20 minutes daily! You guys are just coming off your version of winter now right?

    @Hayaa - breaks are totally up to you, I would love for you to take this at your own pace, everyday or a rest day etc. Whatever it is, try and make sure that you are moving more than usual and that you are making good choices :) If this is a getting back into the workout routine than it is advisable that you incorporate a break every couple of days to avoid undue strain :) Work it at your pace and let us know how it is going!

    Welcome everyone to DAY 1!
  • Zamba74
    Zamba74 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi All,

    Thanks for setting this up Sassy and for all that are joining to help motivate each other . I've been wanting to do it for a long time now and kept pushing it off. I am going to be 40 in February and want to drop 25 before then. I also want to get back to my Muay Thai Kickboxing in October and need to get back into shape a little more before then.

    Start weight: 167.5 lbs

    Waist (at the smallest part) 34"
    Tummy (at the belly button) 38.5"
    Hips (at the largest) 43"
    Arm 12"
    Thigh 23"
    Calf 14.5"
  • haleyjester
    haleyjester Posts: 197 Member
    Hellloooo! Im Haley, Ive started this program before but never finished. I got halfway thru level 2...I know I can do it, I just lost motivation.

    I am 24 and have a 2 year old son. I go to school full time and work part time. I will be starting 30DS tomorrow and will post all my stats and pics tomorrow!

    Thanks for starting the group =)
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Two more members - that's awesome!

    @Zamba - another February birthday! Awesome (I am also a Feb baby :smile: ) This should be a great kick-start to your Kickboxing - I am totally jealous btw - I nee d to look into a mixed martial art class around me, I used to do kick boxing - pre-baby and now I am missing it! Let's do this :)

    @Haley - sounds like you have a busy schedule, school, work and a little guy. I am glad you have joined, hopefully we will be able to keep up your excitement and get you to pop in that dvd for 20 minutes a day. You've got this!
  • Zamba74
    Zamba74 Posts: 65 Member
    Sassy, I definitely recommend Muay Thai! It adds to regular kickboxing as we use our knees, elbows to strike with. My classes are 2 hours...start with a 30 minute boot camp warm up, just over an hour of combos on each other and then another 30 minute burn out (boot camp) at end, it'd awesome.
  • jmunn95
    jmunn95 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm Jordan. I'm starting at 160lbs, 18 years old, and I don't have my mesurements yet, I'll get them soon. I'm wanting to finally lose this extra weight I've had all my life, and figured this was a good place to start.
  • homeechez
    homeechez Posts: 94 Member
    Hi Everyone! Thought I would introduce myself since I am getting back on the workout bandwagon and I haven't shared anything about me since joining (fail).

    I am 36, not married, and no kids, but a niece and 2 nephews who are like my children since they stay with me all the time!

    I just got back from working at a summer camp down in Texas, where the last month of camp, I started walking around the camp at night and doing squats and planks to start losing weight and getting motivated. I have to say that if it wasn't for runtastic, I would not have been walking at all! I LOVE that it keeps track of all that cool stuff!

    Sorry, I tend to get on a tangent like that. Anywho, I have done 30ds before, but stopped halfway through and said no mas. This time I am determined to get all the way through!

    I addition the 30DS, a friend of mine has started up a group at school where we do Insanity as well, which I decided to join (what was I thinking) as well as continuing my walking regiment since I have some 5Ks coming up and all that jazz.

    So my starting weight is 232. We shall see how that goes from here.

    I am super excited to join you on the journey to healthy living! Best of luck to everyone!

    WE CAN DO THIS!!!!
  • caramellips06
    caramellips06 Posts: 82 Member
    I was about to create a group n ran across this one which is awesome. My name is Jamilia age 29.I have done the shred before but never finished even though i seen results. I have my Big 30th Birthday next month so I want tp look good for party. Im mother of 3 age 12,8, n 15 mo. I ave lost a total of 70 lbs since july of 2012 i have about 38 more to hit my goal weight. So good luck to us all ill start tomorrow my weight is 190.6 lbd since i Weigh in on saturday at my weight watchers meeting.
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    This is m first time shredding. I'm 51 years and today is my Day 5. I have my measurements in a spreadsheet and will post it all up at the end.

    My starting weight getting to MFP was 210 and this morning I am at 189.3
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm Jordan. I'm starting at 160lbs, 18 years old, and I don't have my mesurements yet, I'll get them soon. I'm wanting to finally lose this extra weight I've had all my life, and figured this was a good place to start.

    Hey girl - glad that you are joining in and having a blast (i hope). This is a great place to start making healthy life choices :smile: I heard somewhere that it takes 21 days to form a habit, the program is 30 days, 20 minutes a day - let's work to making this a habit, fitting in some personal time to do what it takes to lead a healthy life - 20 minutes at a time :smile:

    I know it is difficult to hold onto a couple extra pounds - my family has struggled with that for their whole lives, I never really appreciated their struggle until having my little boy a few months ago. It isn't easy looking into a mirror and not loving what you see, I encourage you that you are beautiful (love the dress in the profile pic - very flattering) and that you will gain so much throughout this program. Lets stick with it - the next 30 days are about you :flowerforyou:
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    @mspoopoo - welcome to the group - Happy day 5, I can only imagine the successes you have already achieved so far. I am looking forward to your progress chart and hearing about the changes that come with completing level 2 - bring it everyday :smile: