Anyone weigh around 200-something & couldn't run at first?

teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
Anyone weigh around 200-something & couldn't run at first? Did you finish the program? How long did it take?


  • Squirkie
    Squirkie Posts: 135 Member
    I was around 205 when I started. It was very difficult for me the first week. I kept coming back here reading everyone's post and realized that I was running or trying to run too fast. The first week was a lot of gasping, wheezing and coughing for me. I slowed it down to a pace that I probably could walk faster and it made a huge difference. My legs were sore for a few days but they got stronger.

    I'm currently in Week 9 with two days left and I love it. Its taken me a little over 12 weeks to get here but that was just because of my schedule and a few high humidity days (I have asthma so that is definitely not the time for me to run). I still can't run a 5K but my endurance has increased significantly. From not being able to run 30 second spurts to running for 30 minutes. I love this program and plan to do it again but use distance instead of time the next time.

    Good luck! I'm sure you can do it and hopefully you'll love it too.

    Just keep checking this group for encouragement. The people are great and give excellent suggestions and guidance!
  • babyshme
    babyshme Posts: 310 Member
    I found that a normal c25k had me doing to much, to fast. I found the Zombie!Run! 5k App. I love it. It has you start out at 15 seconds of running and go from there. It does cost 2 dollars for the app though. Also, Zombies have to be your thing.

    Also, I have found treadmill jogging and out side jogging are two different worlds. At least for me, I find it a lot easier to run on the treadmill and can go a lot longer, then I can out side. So this is also something you might want to look into.
  • tmullennax
    tmullennax Posts: 6 Member
    I recently joined C25K Beginners Running Group and was barely able to breathe the first two days and actually skipped my "Homework" day (The 3rd day of training, we only meet twice a week) for the first two weeks! I am in my third week and am LOVING it! I am able to complete the running periods and actually feel GREAT afterwards. I've found myself wanting to run/jog/walk even more on my "rest/off" days.

    I am having problems with my shins, but I literally did ZERO exercise until I started the C25K group and the coach said that it is because of my shoes. (Nike Running Shoes)

    Celebrate the small victories, if you can only run/jog 3 out of 6 times the first time, try to do 4 the next and trust me in a few weeks you'll be surprising yourself at what you're able to do! :)

    Good Luck!
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    @Squirkie Wow, 30 minutes. I hope to be able to run for 5 minutes at a time over the next few months, so that is very encouraging.

    @babyshme I have the Zombie app, too. It was a bit confusing. I couldn't tell if running faster helped you run from the zombies faster or not. I will check it out again, though.

    @tmullennax I think that's part of my problem. If I can't do something all the way, I tend to see it as a failure. So, I was able to run some of the laps, but not all of them. So, I just stopped the program. I will just do what I can.

    Thanks, you guys. I didn't know that there was a support forum on this site for the app. I will try again tonight or sometime this week. My goal is to at least stick with the program, even if I can't do each lap (if that's what it's called). Good luck!
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    Also, I have found treadmill jogging and out side jogging are two different worlds. At least for me, I find it a lot easier to run on the treadmill and can go a lot longer, then I can out side. So this is also something you might want to look into.

    Forgot to reply to this part...I noticed that, too, and figured out it's because your arms don't get so exhausted. My arms get tired before anything else when running on anything other than a treadmill.
  • Ronda73
    Ronda73 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm on my 3rd time trying the program. When I first started it I was very early in my weight loss journey and extremely out of shape. So I went back to just walking and going for faster and longer walks. Then I tried it again about a month later. It was easier but I still struggled some days. Then I moved to the land of heat and humidity and had to start over. Couldn't handle the temps so I took it inside. I'm starting week 5 tomorrow. While I love the program and running I'm not a fan of the treadmill. I get so bored looking at the same thing. But I'm going to suck it up for now and work on my endurance then take it outside. I have a race the end of next month and it's on grass and trails so I'll have to get my rear outside sooner rather than later.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Have you read the pinned thread "what to do before you start"?
  • driley9330
    driley9330 Posts: 28 Member
    I am 217.8 pounds and I am about to do my 3rd 5K next month. I COULD NOT run to start off with. I started off jogging at 230lbs and did 10 secs of jogging and 30 secs of walking. Now!!! I can run! I can run straight for 60 secs and then I walk for 20 secs. Even though I am still over 200 lbs I try my best and I know one day I will be able to run for the whole 5K (3.12 miles).
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    I was in the 190s when I started the C25K program (my starting weight when trying to lose was 214). I did the program continuously pretty much, and I finished in mid-July 2013. I ran a 5K on July 28, 2013 and finished it. I had to walk a brief bit in the 5K, but mostly because of the really hilly course. I finished it running though. I am now around 173 pounds.

    The program really does work.

    ETA: I was seriously sucking wind during the first 60 second runs. Like red-faced, couldn't talk, thought I was dying. Now I am doing the C210K program (currently in week 10), and this morning I did three intervals of run 15 minutes, walk 1 minute. I'm not fast by any means, but I can do it.
  • jmm083
    jmm083 Posts: 28 Member
    I was/am about 220ish. I couldn't run in the beginning. I don't think I have ever in my life ran long enough to be considered a 5k. I am now on week 6 of the program (I repeated week 2). I just ran 20 minutes straight for the first time in my life. The first week I thought I was going to die running a minute. I followed the program, never let three days go in between runs, got a good pair of running shoes, and have been very successful. Send me a message if you have any other questions, I would be happy to answer them!
  • ruwise
    ruwise Posts: 265 Member
    I started running in July when I weighed about 220. I find it hard as I have a chronic sinus infection which makes the breathing part tricky so I've been repeating some days but I am up to Week 4 Day 2 tomorrow.

    I've also visited the Doctor and got some medication which hopefully will solve my sinus problem once and for all.

    Keep going. My husband started running about 5 years ago. When he first started he ran around the block, had to stop 3 times to do that but he kept going and this year ran the Paris marathon.
  • phoenixgirl81
    phoenixgirl81 Posts: 309 Member
    I weighed 110 kg (242.5 lbs) when I started the c25k training app.

    How long did it take? I followed the programme as it was set out. I DIDN'T repeat weeks, I DIDN'T repeat days. I just ran as it said to run 3x per week for the entire c25k course.

    After 6 weeks (December last year) I ran my first 5k in 47 minutes. I was very slow and I wasn't convinced my "run" was actually anything more than a butt-wiggling race walk, but it was definitely faster than my normal walk so I called it a jog, but I did it. And I jogged the entire way without a walk break. And then I kept going with the c25k app as it said to do and I just got faster.

    I've just finished my first 14km race and I only took 3 very small walking breaks and I finished in 1 hour 47 minutes. I am now 74kg (163lb).

    ETA: Week 1 Run 1 I nearly died. My heart felt like it was going to explode and I was gasping for breath in those 60 seconds. I had NEVER run in my life. When I first started with MFP in March 2012, I couldn't even walk up my driveway without stopping 3 times (It' a REALLY SHORT driveway with a small hill) and I weighed 140kg (308 lbs). I realised that I was running too hard out during my run times in W1D1 so W1D2 I slowed it down to a jog and I found this MUCH more sustainable.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    I weighed 110 kg (242.5 lbs) when I started the c25k training app.

    How long did it take? I followed the programme as it was set out. I DIDN'T repeat weeks, I DIDN'T repeat days. I just ran as it said to run 3x per week for the entire c25k course.

    After 6 weeks (December last year) I ran my first 5k in 47 minutes. I was very slow and I wasn't convinced my "run" was actually anything more than a butt-wiggling race walk, but it was definitely faster than my normal walk so I called it a jog, but I did it. And I jogged the entire way without a walk break. And then I kept going with the c25k app as it said to do and I just got faster.

    I've just finished my first 14km race and I only took 3 very small walking breaks and I finished in 1 hour 47 minutes. I am now 74kg (163lb).

    ETA: Week 1 Run 1 I nearly died. My heart felt like it was going to explode and I was gasping for breath in those 60 seconds. I had NEVER run in my life. When I first started with MFP in March 2012, I couldn't even walk up my driveway without stopping 3 times (It' a REALLY SHORT driveway with a small hill) and I weighed 140kg (308 lbs). I realised that I was running too hard out during my run times in W1D1 so W1D2 I slowed it down to a jog and I found this MUCH more sustainable.

    I found this funny (especially the butt-wiggling race walk) and encouraging. Thanks. And, is that you in your pic after losing about 145 pounds? Wow! Excellent job.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    Thanks to everyone who shared their sucess stories. This lets me know that I can do it!

    vardaeml, yes, I read it. I just have to get a dreaded checkup.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I can tell you that it wasn't race walking. Race walking is *hard*
  • grubb1019
    grubb1019 Posts: 371 Member
    I am currently around 204, starting the 7th week tomorrow. I could only run 30 sec. when I started and that about killed me. I just ran W6D3, which is a 22 minute run and could still even talk when I was done. I can't hardly believe it myself, lol! Don't give up, it gets easier every time.
  • Tctr
    Tctr Posts: 24 Member
    Started running at 310lbs three months ago.

    Bought a pair of brooks ghost 5's (i think 5's) and started C25K.

    Repeated days of week one and two due to HORRIBLE shin splints and foot pain in general. I mean horrible, couldn't walk, couldn't lift my feet. This was just for the first two C25K weeks. Once the pain stopped and it did, completely, I moved on to week three.

    Lost a bunch of weight thanks to MFP, karate, running and sporadic weight training which is probably a huge reason why it got easier.

    Just finished week 9 day 3, just 20 min ago :).

    Still over 200lbs, 238 actually (haven't updated profile in a week or two).

    Male, 6 feet tall, 41 years old.

    If I could/can do it ANYONE can.......if they want to.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Started running at 310lbs three months ago.

    Bought a pair of brooks ghost 5's (i think 5's) and started C25K.

    Repeated days of week one and two due to HORRIBLE shin splints and foot pain in general. I mean horrible, couldn't walk, couldn't lift my feet. This was just for the first two C25K weeks. Once the pain stopped and it did, completely, I moved on to week three.

    Lost a bunch of weight thanks to MFP, karate, running and sporadic weight training which is probably a huge reason why it got easier.

    Just finished week 9 day 3, just 20 min ago :).

    Still over 200lbs, 238 actually (haven't updated profile in a week or two).

    Male, 6 feet tall, 41 years old.

    If I could/can do it ANYONE can.......if they want to.

    I am SO happy for you. You overcame some major had really good excuses to quit...and you didn't. Congratulations on your success.
  • I am right at 200 and never jogged unless I had to (gym in high school) but I downloaded the C25k on my phone and thought I could "try" it. I am now on week 6 day 2 and I LOVE it!! I did my first 5k today! Walk/jog and there were some beast hills but I pushed through! I completed it in 53:37, not great I know but I am really proud that 1) I did it and 2) when I did it on the treadmill at the gym my best was 56:47!!
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    Wow, 30 minutes. I hope to be able to run for 5 minutes at a time over the next few months, so that is very encouraging.

    Exactly three weeks ago, I wrote this. Last week, I was able to accomplish the 5-minute goal. :cry: