Not Trying to Conceive, Just Trying to Manage



  • Me too! Not trying to conceive just trying to be the healthiest me I can be and try to manage my PCOS symptoms as naturally as possible.
  • Hello ladies,

    I'm 25 been married a year. Would love children HOWEVER I am concentrating on getting myself healthy first. I have stopped taking all medication & just focusing in living a healthier lifestyle. I have only lost 20lbs (ideally would like to lose 80lbs total) but I already feel great.

    Feeling much more positive about the future :)
  • I had a kid 10 months ago so I'm in no hurry to ttc again. My main interest is in getting as healthy as possible to make sure I'm a good mum to the kid I have, and controlling the acne would be nice!
  • Me! I've finished my TTC journey (1 year for our first child, 5 years for our second) and now I just want to manage. Fertility is no longer my main concern. It's now all about health and managing my symptoms.
  • mrsmap5
    mrsmap5 Posts: 1 Member
    ME! I am blessed with 3 kids. I'm just wanting to find something that help me manage & Weight loss! I'm not thrilled with my doctor of 14 years (who I actually saw again today).. Docs answer is just eat low carb, excercise and take metformin.. I have never had a blood sugar problem so I'm not sure why she keeps telling me the insulin resistance is why I don't lose weight. I run, exercise 3-4 days a week and watch what I eat, yet have managed to gain 20 pounds in a year!!! I'm looking for what helps and what doesn't and support from people who are in my shoes! Docs have even put me on numerous weight loss drugs (over the last 10 years) and none ever work... leaving them baffled!! Right now I'm feeling like I am fighting a loosing battle! Metformin never really helped me before (although I do think it helped me get pg) and I really don't want to start it again! .... ARGH!!
  • junoja
    junoja Posts: 25 Member
    I am also not trying to conceive. I am a 41 y.o. mom of 2 boys. Trying to control PCOS naturally - diet and exercise.
    Feel free to add me. :-)
  • kenzietate
    kenzietate Posts: 399 Member
    OP I do eventually want to conceive but for now I am working on losing weight and getting everything under control also! Feel free to friend me!
  • hello. I am 46 have no children and have PCOS. I had a total abdominal Hysterectomy about three years ago because I could no longer afford to do fertility and because I was having too many problems with my periods and with the pain from them. I always wanted children also, but after so long and getting up in age I decided the hysterectomy was the best option for me. So after that I thought that things would get better physically for me and no they did not. I still have hair growth and weight issues, so now I am trying to get healthy. I totally understand trying to become healthy and maintain but I also am with everyone when I say it is really hard and having other people who are going through the same things as you is like having a helping hand. So if anyone wants to add me as a friend I am here and we can just chat on those days when we are having a bad day or when we need to celebrate the good days. so please add me, thanks.