Introduce yourself, and your goals!



  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    Hello! My name is Melissa and I am happy to be in this group. I have about 150+ to lose.

    Phase 1 (8/1/13-10/31/13): 297-->272 -25 lbs

    Phase 2 (11/1/13-1/31/14): 272-->247 -25 lbs

    Phase 3 (2/1/14-4/30/14): 247--> 222 -25 lbs

    Phase 4 (5/1/14-8/1/14): 222-->197 -25 lbs

    **After phase 4 I will reset and do it again. I will have about 50-70 lbs to go after that.
  • Hi my name is Chris and I am a busy working mom to an 18 year old son. I live in Canada and am finally trying to permanently lose the baby weight! I can be a little slow at times :). I'm 5' 6" and have a pear shape; and am 46 year old female.

    I love the show and love the idea of breaking it out into phases. Here is my goal plan:

    Phase 1 (Aug 1 - October 31) 181 - 160 lbs (-21 lbs)
    Phase 2 (Nov 1 - Jan. 31/14) 160 - 145 lbs (-15 lbs)
    Phase 3 (Feb 1 - Apr. 30) 145 - 130 lbs (-15 lbs)
    Phase 4 (May 1 - onward) Maintenance

    HW: 205
    CW: 176
    GW: 130

    I will adjust my goal weight as I get closer if I'm happy with my appearance and size; I'm currently focusing on weight training and realize that muscle takes up less space than weight. If I can get my BF% to a range I'm happy with (18-22%) but am still away from my goal weight, than I'll adjust my goal weight accordingly.

    Oh, and if any women in the group is starting to notice the change coming on, that's one area that I could really use some support with, as I know it can have a significant impact on slowing down weight loss.

    Thanks again for starting this group, I'm so looking forward to the support!
  • Hello there, I'm Rachael and there isn't really much to say about myself. I'm from Michigan. Love watching sports, television, movies and playing video games and that's about all I do outside of working and going to school. I'm looking to change this and am hoping this "extreme Makeover Weight Loss Challenge" is just what I need to kick my butt in gear. So here goes nothing.

    90-day Phase Goals
    Highest Weight: 249
    Starting Weight: 245
    Current Weight: 245
    Goal Weight: 175 (this is my goal weight for this challenge, my actual goal weight is 149)

    Phase 1 (9/2/2013-10/31/2013): 25 lbs (245--->220)
    Phase 2 (11/01/2013 - 01/31/2013): 20 lbs (220--->200)
    Phase 3 (02/01/2014 - 04/30/2014): 15 lbs (200--->185)
    Phase 4 (05/01/2014 - 07/31/2014): 18 lbs (185--->175)
  • ashleysmomjen
    ashleysmomjen Posts: 21 Member
    Hello everyone I'm Jen. About 5 years ago I lost 60 pounds. I went to the gym everyday and I started to get lazy in the last 6 months. I am giving myself a fresh start with a new gym. I have gained about 10 lbs back and I am not as firm as I was. So my goal is to get FIRM again. and to lose what I gained and a little more.

    current weight is 150
    goal weight is 130

    phase 1
    > 145
    phase 2
    > 140
    phase 3
    phase 4
    > 130

    My plan is do some kind of activity everyday and hit the gym at least 5 times a week and to yoga at home 2 days of the week.
    I wish everyone the best of luck on this journey!
  • lilolemeakared
    lilolemeakared Posts: 10 Member
    Hello my name is Susan aka Lil and I have been on a roller coaster with my weight for the past decade. The main thing I have accomplished by my roller coaster diet is giving myself a fatty liver.
    My height is 5' 6"
    HW: 203
    SW: 194 at diagnosis
    CW: 177
    GW: 135
    LW: 132

    90 day goal is to be able to run the entire length of a 5K (3.16 miles) My long term goal is to be at 135 by the end of May when I take my daughter on her graduation trip to Germany.
  • Sarahkoolkatkitty
    Sarahkoolkatkitty Posts: 109 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Sarah and I'm 35. I've been married 15 years this month and I homeschool my 4 kids, ages 3-13. Like a lot of moms, I feel like I've lived my whole life for others and kind of ignored myself. I'm trying to figure out who I really am and part of that is losing the weight I've been hauling around for the last 14 years. I look forward to getting to know many of you better!

    HW 247
    CW 177.2
    GW Keeps changing! Right now, 160. When I hit that, 150.

    Phase 1----170
    Phase 2----160
    Phase 3----150
    Phase 4----???

    Good luck everyone and feel free to friend me!
  • AprilMarie85
    AprilMarie85 Posts: 28 Member
    Hello my name is April, I'm a 27 year old single mother of two daughters. I just started my weight loss journey about 3 weeks ago (for the 2nd time in my life). I'm hoping I can stick to it this time and make it a lifestyle change! I may need some help figuring out reasonable goals for these challenges! :smile:

    HW 270
    SW 267
    CW 260
    GW 130-140
  • kcb315
    kcb315 Posts: 160 Member
    hey! I'm new to the group and hopefully I can join in! I'm Krystal and I'm 19 years old. I have always been overweight and have tried losing weight multiple times, but always failed. This time I won't let that happen!

    Hw: 267
    Sw/CW: 244.8
    Gw: 113

    Phase 1 (9/1/13-10/31/13): 244.8-->219 -25.8 lbs

    Phase 2 (11/1/13-1/31/14): 219-->189 -30 lbs

    Phase 3 (2/1/14-4/30/14): 189--> 165 -24 lbs

    Phase 4 (5/1/14-9/1/14): 165-->130 -35 lbs

    I want to reach my ultimate goal of 113 or so by January 1st 2015!! I am going to just lose weight until I love the way I look though and I am happy, whether that be 200, 150, 113, or 100.
  • mandypie92
    mandypie92 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi I'm Amanda, 21, college student, new to the group!

    CW: 148
    GW: 125

    Phase 1 (9/3/13-10/31/13): 148-140
    Phase 2 (11/1/13-1/31/14): 140-130
    Phase 3 (2/1/14-4/30/13): 130-125
    Phase 4-- rest of my life-- maintenance

    I'm really excited about breaking this into longer phases, it emphasizes that this really is a lifestyle change. I know I have less to lose than some people but breaking it down this much makes it realistic and emphasizes how SLOW of a process losing weight really is and how important it is to lose it kind of slowly to maintain it. I threw 125 up as a number but my ultimate goal is to just be comfortable in my body and be confident.
  • Hey everyone, my name is Rob - husband, father to 3 great kids.
    I was my heaviest about 3.5 years ago, lost just over 35lbs & have been pretty consistent ever since.
    I love the idea of taking on a weight loss / fitness challenge 90 days at a time. I look forward to sharing & helping were I can!

    HW: 225
    CW: 195
    GW 180 - 185
  • michellenichole83
    michellenichole83 Posts: 119 Member
    Hello my name is April, I'm a 27 year old single mother of two daughters. I just started my weight loss journey about 3 weeks ago (for the 2nd time in my life). I'm hoping I can stick to it this time and make it a lifestyle change! I may need some help figuring out reasonable goals for these challenges! :smile:

    HW 270
    SW 267
    CW 260
    GW 130-140

    Hey April! Here is what I would do for your goals...feel free to tweak as you would like! Remember, weight comes off faster in the beginning than it does once you're closer to your goal!

    Phase 1 (9/3/13-10/31/13): 260-240 (20 lbs (since it's only 2 months))
    Phase 2 (11/1/13-1/31/14): 240-210 (30 lbs)
    Phase 3 (2/1/14-4/30/13): 210-190 (20 lbs)
    Phase 4--(5/1/14-7/31/14)-- 190-175 (15 lbs)

    and then reset your goals next august! Welcome and good luck!
  • Hi, my name is Michele. I am 45 years old. A Nana to 4 great kids, and Mother to 2 wonderful children. Back in Feb., I was told I would be in a wheel chair within 10 years, if I didn't fix myself. Being in a situation with no money to even think of buying what I would need to accomplish this. I have been watching what I eat and working out to the best of my ability due to severe arthritis in my spine, neck, and right hip. Also have nerve damage around my tail bone. My goal is become the healthiest form of me that I can be.

    HW: 300
    SW: 237
    CW: 212
    GW: 135

    Looking forward to talking this journey with ya'll.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Hi everyone, my name is Therese. i'm a 58 yr old nurse from New Jersey. I've been overweight my entire adult life. I'm a late starter to the challenge so my first weigh in was Monday. i like doing this challenge in phases, 3 months at a time with set goals. I have a lot to lose, so hopefully my goals are realistic. I look forward to getting to know everyone over the next year.

    **90-day Phase Goals**
    Highest Weight: 334
    Starting Weight: 332.4
    Current Weight: 332.4
    Goal Weight in a year: 199
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 150

    Phase 1 (9/1/13-10/31/13): 40 lbs (333--->293)
    Phase 2 (11/1/13-1/31/14): 34 lbs (293--->259)
    Phase 3 (2/1/14-4/30/14): 30 lbs (259--->229)
    Phase 4 (5/1/14-8/1/14): 30 lbs (229--->199)
  • AprilMarie85
    AprilMarie85 Posts: 28 Member
    Hello my name is April, I'm a 27 year old single mother of two daughters. I just started my weight loss journey about 3 weeks ago (for the 2nd time in my life). I'm hoping I can stick to it this time and make it a lifestyle change! I may need some help figuring out reasonable goals for these challenges! :smile:

    HW 270
    SW 267
    CW 260
    GW 130-140

    Hey April! Here is what I would do for your goals...feel free to tweak as you would like! Remember, weight comes off faster in the beginning than it does once you're closer to your goal!

    Phase 1 (9/3/13-10/31/13): 260-240 (20 lbs (since it's only 2 months))
    Phase 2 (11/1/13-1/31/14): 240-210 (30 lbs)
    Phase 3 (2/1/14-4/30/13): 210-190 (20 lbs)
    Phase 4--(5/1/14-7/31/14)-- 190-175 (15 lbs)

    and then reset your goals next august! Welcome and good luck!

    THank you very much, ill try my best!
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I'm Ros, from Sheffield, Yorkshire, UK. I'm 46, married with 3 kids and have a stressful job in mental health. And when under stress, I drink too much, eat too much, don't find time to exercise and don't sleep enough, which explains how I got into this state- quarter of a century of hard yo-yo-ing.
    This year is a big one for me as I am finishing my training and will be trying to get my dream job, and my kids are growing up so I have more time and energy for me. Time to tackle those bad habits...

    Current weight/ highest weight: 239lbs
    Goal weight: 145lbs
    Total to lose: 94 lbs

    Phase One (3rd Sept- 31st Oct 2013): 19lbs (239----220lbs/ 15st10)
    Phase Two (1st Nov- 31st Jan 2014): 30lbs (220----190lbs/ 13st8)
    Phase Three (1st Feb- 30th Apr 2014): 25lbs (190----165lbs/ 11st11)
    Phase Four (1st May-31st July 2014): 20lbs (165----145lbs/ 10st4)

    Here goes!
  • Hello All! I'm Rebecca. I'm 45 years old and I live in NW PA. I've been overweight my entire life. My weight began to skyrocket when my mom died unexpectedly in 2006. I went from 190 pounds to currently weighing 240. I want to lose about 90 - 100 pounds in the next year. I love Chris Powell and his passion for helping people to become healthy - I watch the show every week. Hopefully this is the venue for me to finally begin my journey. Thank you for starting this group. Good luck to all!!!!!

    Highest Weight: 240
    Current Weight: 240

    (4) 90-day Phase Goals

    Phase 1: 9/3/2013 - 12/3/2013
    Phase 1 Goal: lose 25 pounds
    Phase 1 Goal Weight on 12/3/2013: 215 pounds

    Phase 2: 12/3/2013 - 3/3/2014
    Phase 2 Goal: lose 25 pounds
    Phase 2 Goal Weight on 3/3/2014: 190 pounds

    Phase 3: 3/3/2014 - 6/3/2014
    Phase 3 Goal: lose 25 pounds
    Phase 3 Goal Weight on 6/3/2014: 165 pounds

    Phase 4: 6/3/2014 - 9/3/2014
    Phase 4 Goal: lose 20 pounds
    Phase 4 Goal Weight on 9/3/2014: 145 pounds
  • cassfill30
    cassfill30 Posts: 21 Member
    I work a full time job from home while homeschooling my youngest (older 2 are in college). 6 years ago, I lost a lot, felt great, but lost the drive to finish. Finally ready to completely lose the weight and keep it off.

    90-day Phase Goals
    Highest Weight: 204
    Starting Weight: 204
    Current Weight: 187
    Goal Weight: 135

    Phase 1 (9/1/13-10/31/13): 16 lbs (187--->171)
    Phase 2 (11/1/13-1/31/14): 18 lbs (171--->153)
    Phase 3 (2/1/14-4/30/14): 18 lbs (153--->135)
    Phase 4 (5/1/14-8/1/14): maintain/tone (135)

    aiming for 1.5 per week.
  • thickemadama
    thickemadama Posts: 41 Member
    Hello My name is Wanda and I have seriously started MFP 8/13. I enjoy walking, water swimming, and aerobics. I am a wife and mother of 3 children, two boys and a girl.. I am enjoying getting healthy, fit and making this life style change. I want to complete this chapter of my life of losing weight and get to enjoying life in maintenance mode...keeping it off!!! I look forward to meeting great people in this challenge and pray that we can all be of support to one another no matter with the situation is. Have a wonderful journey and I am so glad to be a part of it...Be Blessed

    Hw: 250
    SW: 236
    CW: 228
    GW: 175

    Phase 1 (9/3/13-10/31/13): 236-216 (-20 lbs)

    Phase 2 (11/1/13-1/31/14): 216-201 (-15 lbs)

    Phase 3 (2/1/140-4/30/14): 201-186 (-15 lbs)

    Phase 4 (5/1/14-8/1/14): 186-175 (-11 lbs)
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    Hi. My name is Sue. I am a 68 year old pastor's wife with degenerative arthritis which has destroyed my knees. I live a very sedentary life, because I can only take a few step around my house, using my walker. Outside my home, a wheelchair is my only mobility. I took up swimming again after 50 years of fearing to be seen in a swimsuit. With my doctor's approval, I can to laps for an hour; and I love it.

    I have lost 69 pounds since Thanksgiving of last year. My surgeon set a goal for me to lose 70 pounds to qualify for double knee surgeries, and that is what got me started on my weight loss journey. I am on the preop list for my first of 2 knee replacements. That surgery will take place sometime in the next 6 months. Now that I have satisfied my surgeon, I reset my ticker goal to 145 pounds. This is my own goal, which reflects a much healthier weight for me.

    Highest Weight: 285+ (Sometime in 2011. I stopped getting on the scale, when it got that high.) :noway:
    Starting Weight: 207.9 (November 2012 - I joined MFP at the end of December 2012, just to count calories.)
    Current Weight: 202.2
    Goal Weight: 145 to 150

    (4) 90-day Phase Goals

    Phase 1: 9/3/2013 - 12/1/2013
    Phase 1 Goal: lose 20 pounds
    Phase 1 Goal Weight on 12/1/2013: 182 pounds

    Phase 2: 12/1/2013 - 3/1/2014
    Phase 2 Goal: lose 15 pounds
    Phase 2 Goal Weight on 3/3/2014: 167 pounds

    Phase 3: 3/1/2014 - 6/1/2014
    Phase 3 Goal: lose 12 pounds
    Phase 3 Goal Weight on 6/3/2014: 152 pounds

    Phase 4: 6/1/2014 - 9/1/2014 or sooner
    Phase 4 Goal: lose 7+ pounds
    Phase 4 Goal Weight on 9/1/2014: 145 pounds (My goal weight and lowest weight in more than 45 years.)

    I consider these to be realistic goals for myself, as I will be facing 2 surgeries and rehab, during the come year. I hope to be out of a wheelchair and riding a grannie bike by this time next year. :wink:
  • christchick7
    christchick7 Posts: 533 Member
    Hi I'm Sue...

    I've been at MFP for about 11 months(September 14 is one year). I'd lost 18 pounds in that time, mostly through Leslie Sansone's
    walking DVDs and most recently, the NuStep that Chris uses on Extreme Weight Loss. I now work out 30-45 minutes a day, but I
    used to do 2 hours. In the process of reading both of Chris' books, and even though I'm trying to carb cycle, I have been failing at
    it more than not. I kind of get low carb days, but absolutely DON'T get high carb days. I just don't understand...Just this morning, I
    found out that I've gained 5 pounds since July. I'm not at all happy, and could definitely use a lot of support. I use a walker to do LS
    because I have cerebral palsy.

    Let's see, goals...

    Highest weight: 189 in the mid 2000s

    SW: 160

    Lowest weight: 110 in 1992 just before I started gaining

    Height: 5'0"

    Phase 1 (9-14-2013-12-14-2013...12 pounds 134 pounds in other words)

    Phase 2 (12-14-2013-3-14-2014... 8 pounds 126 pounds)

    Phase 3 (3-14-2014-6-14-2014... 5 pounds 121 pounds)

    Phase 4 (6-14-2014-9-14-2014... 6 pounds 115 pounds)

    I am MAJORLY challenged when it comes to math...please correct my figures if they are wrong.
