weightloss tips

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  • frenchee40
    frenchee40 Posts: 26 Member
    (1) Green tea, mint, lime—-fat burning, digestion, headaches, congestion and breath freshener.
    (2) Strawberry,kiwi—–cardiovascular health, immune system protection, blood sugar regulation, digestion
    (3) Cucumber, lime, lemon—- water weight management, bloating, appetite control, hydration, digestion
    (4) Lemon, lime, orange—–digestion vitamin C, immune defense, heartburn, (drink this one at room temperature)
  • frenchee40
    frenchee40 Posts: 26 Member
    Oat Bran for weightloss
    Studies have also revealed that oat bran reduces fat absorption in the body by almost 5% and it reduces abdominal fat
    Oat bran is becoming popular for people who want to gain good health and increase metabolism. It helps people in losing weight and gain ing good heart health by reducing bad cholesterol in the blood.
    Oats are not only packed with vitamins and minerals, they are so rich in soluble and insoluble fibers that can lower your cholesterol and sugar levels. Not only that, the same fibers found in oats can also lower your blood sugar levels. Fiber can do this by letting your body slow down its absorption of carbohydrates. If carbohydrates stay long enough in our system it is converted to sugar - the reason why many of us are overweight.
    The regular bathroom trips that come from eating oats also helps stave off bloating. You go to the bathroom regularly - your system is clean, your metabolism keeps working.
    Oats are such high-density foods that eating a cup can have you feeling full longer. Less cravings for fattier, less healthy fare.
    I take about 3 tbsp. a day of oat bran. I mix it in shakes or put it in my oatmeal, ect... I have seen it help me with my weightloss and suggest for you guys to try it out and let me know if it works
  • frenchee40
    frenchee40 Posts: 26 Member
    Flax Seed and Weight Loss Can Go Hand in Hand

    Weight management. This is a dream that has become a multimillion dollar industry, touting miracle natural weight loss product options and quick-fix schemes across the country. We would all like to believe that trimming pounds and inches can be that easy. Yet, long-lasting health habits are not an over-night magical formula.

    Knowledge about nutrition and exercise, and adapting these areas to your unique lifestyle, are the essential factors that will determine success in weight management. This is why we feel committed to give you as much information as possible regarding flax seed and weight loss, how the body works, the nutrients it needs and how to blend these concepts into your present habits.

    How Flax Seed Works as a Natural Weight Loss Product

    Health Benefits of Flax, a certain amount of fat in the diet acts as the ignition for burning calories and maintenance of the metabolic processes. It also helps to give you that "satisfied" feeling when you have completed a meal. Nutritionists term this as satiety – the feeling of fullness. Foods with minimal nutritive value or what is know as "empty calories" leave you still craving food, even though you may have consumed many calories. No one can maintain a diet when they are constantly feeling deprived. In the quest to trim pounds, people often decide to eliminate a lot of the fat from their diets. The theory seems to make sense, yet the mistake is made in the types of fats that are eliminated, and they are usually replaced with foods of little to no nutritive value. Also, total elimination of fats in the diet can essentially cause you to gain weight in the long run.

    Learning what is "good fat" and "bad fat" for your body’s health is essential for long-term weight management. The omega-3 essential fatty acids and fiber content in flax seed will assist you in your weight management. Refer to the sections on fiber and omega-3 essential fatty acids for more information about their important qualities. Link also to the page on flax seed Flax Seed Nutrition and flax seed recipes to see how you can reap the helpful benefits of flax seed.