
1nt2Lose Posts: 64 Member
I'm curious to hear if anyone is seeing weight loss yet. I have been doing this for a week with an additional exercise each day (kettle bell swings, Ab Ripper X, or doubling up of 30DS) and sticking to a 1200 or less calorie diet and I am not losing. I started to, but then it crept back. I am hoping it's muscle gain...? :ohwell:


  • drbskinny
    drbskinny Posts: 120 Member
    Your calorie intake seems a little low for the amount of exerxise you're doing/calories you're burning in a day. I'm definitely not any kind of expert when it comes to nutrition (obviously,) but maybe that could be a possible reason for not seeing the type of loss you're aiming for???

    Also, during my first round of the shred I noticed my weight stayed pretty much in the same area, give or take a few pounds, but my measurements (& the way my clothes fit) saw a much bigger change in the end. I was pleased enough to go again! Don't be discouraged :smile:
  • 1nt2Lose
    1nt2Lose Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks for chiming in. I'm really not doing that much exercise and I feel like I am eating plenty. I usually end up around 1200 calories after exercise and additional calories are accounted for, At day 10, I'll take photos and measurements and hope I see some improvement, I guess. It's discouraging though! I do feel a lot stronger and less jiggly, though, which is a plus!