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Hello I am....



  • What's your name? Ryan T
    How old are you? 25
    Where do you come from? Fort Collins, CO
    How tall are you? 6'3
    Are you married? Yes
    Where do you live? Loveland, CO
    Do you have any children? No
    What do you do in your spare time? I like to watch historical documentaries, write, read, go on walks with my wife and our dog Gidget.
    What sports do you like? Basketball
    Do you have a car? Yes, a black Kia Soul
    What's your favourite film? Ghostbusters
    What's your job? I hope to soon be a High School History teacher
    Do you have any pets? A Portugese Water Dog named Gidget
    What kind of music do you like? Punk, musicals, classic rock, jazz, and classical
    Whats your family like in general or towards your diet? My family has all been sucessful at dieting, My sister lost over 100 pounds doing Ideal Protein.
    What makes you splurge on your diet and what do you reach for? Homemade pizza when I am stressed!
    Do you have a calling? I work with the Teachers
  • What's your name? Katie Marie Farrens :)
    How old are you? 19
    Where do you come from? California
    How tall are you? 5'4
    Are you married? Not yet
    Where do you live? California
    Do you have any children? Not yet
    What do you do in your spare time? Crocheting and selling things on Etsy
    What sports do you like? Horseback riding!
    Do you have a car? Not my own
    What's your favourite film? Thrillers
    What's your job? Selling crochet items on Etsy, working at houses my dad and uncle buys and driving an elderly lady around
    Do you have any pets? Yeah, 2 dogs, a cat, two fish, a hamster and guinea pig!
    What kind of music do you like? Hip-hop, alternative, pop, country
    Whats your family like in general or towards your diet? They don't care :P I'm more just getting in shape than dieting though
    What makes you splurge on your diet and what do you reach for? When I see or want the food I like. Like french friens, donuts and Italian food
    Do you have a calling? I'm a teacher in the YSA relief society :)
    Do you have a testimony you would like to share? Well, for one, I know the church is true. For a while, I questioned the church and didn't care about it really. I made bad choices and wasn't happy. I was the only child, out of 6, that was active and I was struggling. Then, one of my brothers came back to church and went on a mission. I knew he was so, so, so much happier! I wanted to be that happy. So, I started to listen to the talks and lessons in church, I read my scriptures and prayed. By doing those things, I stayed away from bad things, made better choices and was very happy. I prayed to know that the church was true. I know, that without the gospel, I wouldn't be where I am today. I love going to the church and giving lessons. I'm going to be going on a mission and I don't want to do anything that would keep me from being worthy to go to the temple. Withough the gospel, I wouldn't be very happy and would probably continue to make bad choices! I love the church!! :D
  • LexxyV
    LexxyV Posts: 60 Member
    What's your name? Lexxy Vorpahl
    How old are you? 26
    Where do you come from? Arizona
    How tall are you? 5'1 1/2
    Are you married? Yes
    Where do you live? Brighton, Missouri
    Do you have any children? Yes, a step son & furry children ( cat & gerbils)
    What do you do in your spare time? Crafts, Sewing, Video games
    What sports do you like? Hockey & tennis
    Do you have a car? Well yes! My husband and I have a Mazda Miata! Her name is Arabella ( and just because I love Brutus our Ford F350 I will make mention of him as well)
    What's your favourite film? Howl's Moving Castle
    What's your job? Full time student, I also have an etsy shop
    Do you have any pets? Lils the cat and two gerbils Ms. Bitey & The Chunky One
    What kind of music do you like? I like many genres!
    Whats your family like in general or towards your diet? My husband and me are the same page- but I am staying with my in-laws while he is on a hardship tour to Korea- it is hard to eat gluten free with people who do not get that you can't eat wheat.. I have to remind my granny I cant eat that!
    What makes you splurge on your diet and what do you reach for? Hmmm this is hard.. usually something like wheat pizza
    Do you have a calling? not at the present moment
    Do you have a testimony you would like to share? I have a strong testimony of the power of prayer.. Knock and it shall be opened, seek and ye shall find. Heavenly Father is always listening, always there to help. I also have a strong testimony of Christ's love for us. His unconditional love for us and his sacrifice- we are truly blessed. I also believe that if we ask the Holy Ghost to be there with us during difficult times, we will be guided. I was inactive for over 10 years and the Holy Ghost spoke strongly to me to return to church. I was going through a dark time and the Holy Ghost was there to help me find my way as I pondered on going back to church and becoming active again. Since then I have had so many changes in my life, my husband who was also inactive has started attending church as well. He even quit smoking! I am truly thankful for restored gospel.. . And ya'll are the first people I have shared my testimony with in a very long time!!

  • MrsCarolGreene
    MrsCarolGreene Posts: 3 Member
    What's your name? Carol Greene
    How old are you? 53 (almost 54)
    Where do you come from? NY
    How tall are you? 5 6"
    Are you married? Yes
    Where do you live? Henrietta (near Palmyra)
    Do you have any children? our children have fur and four paws (Bullmastiffs)
    What do you do in your spare time? Our fire district's photographer
    What sports do you like? swimming, tennis, football
    Do you have a car? Yes and a motorcycle
    What's your favorite film? Comedy Romance & Marigold (Bollywood movie)
    What's your job? Semi-retired (aka: unemployed)
    Do you have any pets? See above children
    What kind of music do you like? Mostly country mixed with Rock & Roll with a little Pop
    Whats your family like in general or towards your diet? Very supportive. He eats what I eat and for the most part that is very healthy, No sugar no flour (which is no processed sugar and flour) I lost 50 lbs. the first time I was on it and that was amazing for a carb queen. LOL
    What makes you splurge on your diet and what do you reach for? Boredom and feeling sad
    Do you have a calling? Fire Chief's wife (it's kinda like a Bishop's wife but different)
    Do you have a testimony you would like to share? Yes I have a testimony of the church still even though I have been inactive for a few years. I fallow the precepts that I have been taught my whole life. We life our lives as spiritual as we did before and treat others as we want to be treated, we just don't go to church…right now. It's coming though.
  • What's your name? Penny
    How old are you? 51
    Where do you come from? my parents...LOL Upstate NY. Horseheads, Big Flats.
    How tall are you? 5'3"
    Are you married? not anymore :)
    Where do you live? Puget Sound Region
    Do you have any children? Yes, 1, a girl age 21. Majoring in computer programming at the University of Washington
    What do you do in your spare time? Sleep, read, garden, facebook, movies, crochet, hiking
    What sports do you like? hiking, volley ball, baseball (when I was younger...have a bad knee)
    Do you have a car? Yes
    What's your favourite film? Howl's Moving Castle
    What's your job? Teacher at an alternative contract learning program.
    Do you have any pets? 6 cats.
    What kind of music do you like? all kinds except the head banging kind
    Whats your family like in general or towards your diet? We are all trying to eat healthy
    What makes you splurge on your diet and what do you reach for? love sweets but have been replacing them with ZONE bars. CHEESE
    Do you have a calling? Wolf Den leader, VT, VT district supervisor
    Do you have a testimony you would like to share? The Gospel is true. Jesus Christ is our brother and redeemer. Looking forward to teaching with him in the next life.
  • Nice to meet you! I am living in WA state right now. I am a convert like you. Joined when I was 17. Great place to be, great peace knowing that our HF watches out for us and loves us, no matter who we are, what we weigh.

  • What's your name? Rich
    How old are you? 60
    Where do you come from? HF..... by way of California
    How tall are you? 5'9"
    Are you married? yes to my best friend and forever partner
    Where do you live? Abingdon VA
    Do you have any children? 3 and they are all married (two in the Temple) and we are expecting our 9th Grandchild
    What do you do in your spare time? What spare time... I am Retired... Church work, Temple Work, Family Work etc..
    What sports do you like? Can't play sports anymore...
    Do you have a car? Yes and a Truck
    What's your favorite film? I have to think about that one....
    What's your job? being Retired...now working for fun and the Lord
    Do you have any pets? two dachshund's one 11 yr miniature long hair girl and one 3 yr wirehair standard boy
    What kind of music do you like? all kinds
    Whats your family like in general or towards your diet? My wife and I are by ourselves now we are both working on it.
    What makes you splurge on your diet and what do you reach for? Ice Cream.....
    Do you have a calling? High Council, Stake YM's, Temple Worker, Boy Scout Council Leader... and local political leader
    Do you have a testimony you would like to share? I had to learn how to walk and talk again after a bad auto accident in Feb 2007 and I was disabled and then force to retire a over a year later and what has pulled me though all this was my faith and attitude and some great Priesthood Blessings and a wonderful wife who has had to deal with a lot of issues of her own who has help me get to where I am today. I have gained over 85lbs due to the 9 epidurals and being a insulin Diabetic hasn't help any either. Findley off the pain meds and have a good doctor who is helping me get my core muscles back in shape. It taken a long time to get to where I am at today but I know Heavenly Father and Jesus is helping along the way and I still have a long way to go to get back to where I was but I know I will be able to do it
  • jgriffeth72
    jgriffeth72 Posts: 1 Member
    What's your name? Jeff G.
    How old are you? 41
    Where do you come from? Los Angeles
    How tall are you? 6/3"
    Are you married? Yes
    Where do you live? Texas
    Do you have any children? Yes (x3)
    What do you do in your spare time? Run
    What sports do you like? Running
    Do you have a car? Yes
    What's your favourite film? Don't really like movies
    What's your job? Sales Manager
    Do you have any pets? No
    What kind of music do you like? Country
    Whats your family like in general or towards your diet? We generally eat healthy in the home.
    What makes you splurge on your diet and what do you reach for? Soda :(
    Do you have a calling? Sunday School President
    Do you have a testimony you would like to share? I love this Gospel and know it's true!
  • pandahead76
    pandahead76 Posts: 122 Member
    What's your name? Randi
    How old are you? 36
    Where do you come from? Southern California
    How tall are you? 5'4"
    Are you married? Yes, going on 16 years.
    Where do you live? Colorado currently.
    Do you have any children? 6 amazing kids
    What do you do in your spare time? Ha! What's that? Seriously, though: writing, art, knitting, reading, piano...
    What sports do you like? To watch: Football. To play: Swimming
    Do you have a car? Yep. Big ol' Chevy suburban.
    What's your favourite film? All-time favorite: The Princess Bride
    What's your job? Stay-at-home Mom
    Do you have any pets? Nope.
    What kind of music do you like? My taste is eclectic, but I gravitate towards alternative rock a little more than other genres.
    Whats your family like in general or towards your diet? Supportive.
    What makes you splurge on your diet and what do you reach for? Hormones do me in, and usually chocolate.
    Do you have a calling? Yep. Visiting teacher & secretary in the Primary presidency.
    Do you have a testimony you would like to share? I know the Savior lives and that He knows each of us individually. He cares about the little things troubling us in our lives as well as the big things. He celebrates our small successes and our big ones. He never leaves us alone.
  • bev101cats
    bev101cats Posts: 1 Member
    What's your name? Beverly
    How old are you? 50
    Where do you come from? Originally from Paris, Ky
    How tall are you? 5'4"
    Are you married?yes
    Where do you live? Cincinnati, oh
    Do you have any children? 3 step children, 4 step grandchildren
    What do you do in your spare time? Facebook, exercise, reading, watch tv, camp, hike etc
    What sports do you like? like to watch UK basketball
    Do you have a car? yes a Honda Fit, Jeep Compass and Jeep Rubicon
    What's your favourite film? The Notebook, Ghost, Gone with the Wind, anything with Julia Roberts
    What's your job? House Honey
    Do you have any pets? 7 cats
    What kind of music do you like? depends on my mood, everything from rock to classical to blues etc
    Whats your family like in general or towards your diet? My hubby and I are doing this together, so lots of support

    What makes you splurge on your diet and what do you reach for? stress, chocolate
    Do you have a calling? Relief Society Activities Member
    Do you have a testimony you would like to share? I am back in church after being away for 30 years, I am going to the temple this weekend for my endowment. I am so nervous and so excited, and all of this is possible because I know the church is true.
  • amach0727
    amach0727 Posts: 3
    What's your name? Alexis
    How old are you? 18
    Where do you come from? MA
    How tall are you? 5'4
    Are you married? No!
    Where do you live? BYUI as of this winter!
    Do you have any children? no
    What do you do in your spare time? Draw, play guitar!
    What sports do you like? Tennis, running
    Do you have a car? Lincoln!
    What's your favourite film? Peter Pan
    What's your job? Beach Staff
    Do you have any pets? Cat and a dog
    What kind of music do you like? Country/alternative/indie
    Whats your family like in general or towards your diet? My parents want me to lose weight, My brothers are mostly supportive. Rest of my family doesnt know about it
    What makes you splurge on your diet and what do you reach for? Brownies, Donuts, Steak&Cheese subs
    Do you have a calling? I teach CTR!
    Do you have a testimony you would like to share? I know that prayer has helped me start and stay with my weight-loss. I'm doing Ideal protein, and things are going really well. Itwas definitely an answer to my prayers. Without God, I wouldnt be able to do this!
  • ashsmile78
    ashsmile78 Posts: 3,528 Member
    What's your name? Ashley
    How old are you? 35
    Where do you come from? California
    How tall are you? 5'5"
    Are you married? yes!
    Where do you live? Virginia
    Do you have any children? no
    What do you do in your spare time? play on the internet, camping in the summer, chess when i can find someone to play with
    What sports do you like? football, basketball, ultimate frisbee
    Do you have a car? yes a convertible chrysler seebring :-)
    What's your favourite film? most recently pitch perfect
    What's your job? Day treatment clinician (I work with kids with behavior problems in an alternative center)
    Do you have any pets? 2 sweet kitties: Mango and Roxy
    What kind of music do you like? hip hop, jazz, pop, some country
    Whats your family like in general or towards your diet? Hubby and I are both trying to lose weight together.
    What makes you splurge on your diet and what do you reach for? tired, getting too hungry. Sweets, chocolate, cheese, crackers,
    Do you have a calling? primary teacher
    Do you have a testimony you would like to share? i know The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lord's true church on earth. The atonement is real. There truly is power in prayer and the Book of Mormon is true.
  • ElBence
    ElBence Posts: 291 Member
    What's your name? Spencer
    How old are you? 31
    Where do you come from? Utah
    How tall are you? 6'0"
    Are you married? Yep
    Where do you live? Nebraska
    Do you have any children? Two
    What do you do in your spare time? Give it to my children
    What sports do you like? Swimming, basketball, surfing, water polo, just about anything involving water
    Do you have a car? Yep
    What's your favorite film? Probably A River Runs Through It.
    What's your job? Law school student
    Do you have any pets? Nope
    What kind of music do you like? Just about anything except metal, country, and dub-step.
    Whats your family like in general or towards your diet? My family is very supportive of my eating habits.
    What makes you splurge on your diet and what do you reach for? Ice cream and ice cream.
    Do you have a calling? I'm a ward missionary.
    Do you have a testimony you would like to share? Sure. God lives. Jesus is our Savior. We should strive for the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. Joseph Smith was a prophet and spoke with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Applying the principles learned in The Book of Mormon will bring you closer to God than any other thing you can do on earth. There is a living prophet today. Christ guides His church through living prophets. We can receive personal and world wide revelation.
  • DallastheGemini
    DallastheGemini Posts: 60 Member
    What's your name? Donna
    How old are you? 27
    Where do you come from? Silver Spring, Maryland, USA
    How tall are you? 6'0
    Are you married? No
    Where do you live? Silver Spring, MD
    Do you have any children? 2 Doggers (Dog Daughters)
    What do you do in your spare time? Play with my two girls, watch tv, hangout with my family, making latch hook rugs, collecting celebrity autographs...
    What sports do you like? Football, Baseball, Professional Wrestling
    Do you have a car? Yes, a black Kia Soul.
    What's your favourite film? Monsters, Inc.
    What's your job? I'm disabled
    Do you have any pets? 2 dogs, Josie (Pit Bull), Ginger (Australian Shepard Mix)
    What kind of music do you like? 80's-90's new wave, pop, love songs.
    Whats your family like in general or towards your diet? My mom and brother are happy for me.
    What makes you splurge on your diet and what do you reach for? I really like the Atkins caramel chocolate nut rolls.
    Do you have a calling? No
    Do you have a testimony you would like to share?
  • banannikamarie
    banannikamarie Posts: 3 Member
    What's your name? Annika
    How old are you? 18
    Where do you come from? South Jordan, Utah
    How tall are you? 5'4"
    Are you married? Nope
    Where do you live? DC
    Do you have any children? No
    What do you do in your spare time? Study for the LSAT, spend time with friends, bake, write, Pintererest!
    What sports do you like? Figure skating
    Do you have a car? No
    What's your favourite film? Too hard to pick one
    What's your job? Student/intern
    Do you have any pets? Three cats and one dog
    What kind of music do you like? Michael Buble, Taylor Swift, Broadway, etc.
    Whats your family like in general or towards your diet? Supportive to the point of being pushy
    What makes you splurge on your diet and what do you reach for? All the food at college and church socials! Give me peanut butter and I'm a happy girl.
    Do you have a calling? Relief Society Chorister, Welcoming Committee, LDSSA VP
    Do you have a testimony you would like to share?
    I believe in a God who made blind men see. I believe in a God who helped the lame walk. I believe in a God who gave hearing to the deaf. I believe that with enough faith, a woman who no one for 12 years had been able to heal needed only to touch the hem of Christ's garment to be cleansed. I believe in a God of miracles, so I believe in a God that can help me to lose weight in a healthy manner.
  • What's your name? Stephanie

    How old are you? 27

    Where do you come from? Earth but I was raised in Las Vegas, NV which some people consider Hades

    How tall are you? 5'3

    Are you married? Nope

    Where do you live? Las Vegas (just recently moved back)

    Do you have any children? Nope

    What do you do in your spare time? Read, play Harry Potter games, spend time with my wonderful nieces and nephews

    What sports do you like? Soccer

    What's your favorite film? While You Were Sleeping and You've Got Mail

    What kind of music do you like? Musical theater, alternative, soft rock, classical

    What's your family like in general or towards your diet? My family is weird (no worries, I like weird things).... My little sister is my biggest supporter :)

    What makes you splurge on your diet and what do you reach for? There is no specific trigger that I have been able to figure out for myself. I just love ice cream, especially moose tracks.
  • What's your name? Alexandra
    How old are you? 29
    Where do you come from? San Fransisco
    How tall are you? 4'9"
    Are you married? Yes!
    Where do you live? Stil In Cali
    Do you have any children? Yes a four year old boy and a 1 1/2 year old girl
    What do you do in your spare time? I moderate a chat room on Deviant Art
    What sports do you like? Swimming! I love it and it's the one of the few things I can do with my condition
    Do you have a car? Yes, Thankfully
    What's your favourite film? So hard to decide (depending on my mood) Lord of the Rings, Harry potter, Twilight ...
    What's your job? Full time Mom ... though I am looking again now that my 4 year old is in school.
    Do you have any pets? Nope, not since childhood
    What kind of music do you like? Again, Hard to decide (depending on Mood) Classic rock ... musicals ...
    Whats your family like in general or towards your diet? Two picky kids and a chef for a husband ... I gained a lot of "happy pounds" LOL! I'm very thankful That hubby and I are fully supporting each other In our weight loss goals now.
    What makes you splurge on your diet and what do you reach for? Sweet breads are my weakness: cookies, muffins brownies...
    Do you have a calling? Yes, Relief society chorister
    Do you have a testimony you would like to share? I have a strong testimony about the word of wisdom: with all the work i have to do to get healthier, I'm so thankful that I don't have the added stress of giving up coffee, alcohol or worse.
  • Sorry. Due to technical difficulties I had to make a new account. *This* is me, Alex and I'm happy to join this group.
  • What's your name? Fishgutts. Can't you read my name?
    How old are you? Old. 37.
    Where do you come from? Military brat.
    How tall are you? Not tall enough. 5 11.
    Are you married? Yup.
    Where do you live? Texas
    Do you have any children? Blended family with 5 kids.
    What do you do in your spare time? Scout.
    What sports do you like? Baseball.
    Do you have a car? Yes. It isn't like I am going to walk anywhere.
    What's your favourite film? 3 Musketeers.
    What's your job? Medical coder.
    Do you have any pets? 2 cats.
    What kind of music do you like? Country.
    Whats your family like in general or towards your diet? Supportive.
    What makes you splurge on your diet and what do you reach for? Sweets.
    Do you have a calling? Varsity Coach for the BSA
    Do you have a testimony you would like to share? Nope.
  • harmonyhoran
    harmonyhoran Posts: 48 Member
    Hi everyone!

    What's your name? Harmony
    How old are you? 27 in 12 days
    Where do you come from? Melbourne, Australia but have been in Christchurch New Zealand for 13+ years
    How tall are you? 5'7"1/2 or 170cm
    Are you married? yes, 5 years now
    Where do you live? Christchurch, New Zealand
    Do you have any children? Yes a 21 month old son
    What do you do in your spare time? I dont get much but when I do I workout, clean or browse through MFP
    What sports do you like? Well I used to play netball and Soccer but these days my 'sport' is the treadmill. I dont really watch sport unless its the olympics etc
    Do you have a car? yes. I wouldnt cope being a stay at home mum with no car. I dont know how people can do it!
    What's your favourite film? umm some of my favorites are Tomorrow when the war began (Aussie film, see it or read the series by John Marsden), Bring it on is my guilty pleasure, Im a hugh Jackman fan so Xmen,
    What's your job? Stay at home - do everything - mum
    Do you have any pets? cat Kiki and a puppy Luna (puppy and toddler = lots of extra work!)
    What kind of music do you like? Pop, dance, some alternative and rock. mostly I listen to the theme songs of kids tv programmes like Dora or Go Diego Go.
    Whats your family like in general or towards your diet? Husband thinks Im a little too into it but he likes that you can see the results and it keeps me happy. I wish he would make an effort with food because he loves junk food (as do I) so we'll see how it goes.
    What makes you splurge on your diet and what do you reach for? Usually in the house I only have marshamllows because its my sons treat, or wurthers originals. If Im out and near donuts I have to evaluate if its worth it
    Do you have a calling? Yep, 1st counsellor in Young Womens. Im ALWAYS in young womens
    Do you have a testimony you would like to share? I've got one but I wont go into detail. Lets just say that I live the way I do because I know its the right thing according to my knowledge, beliefs and experiences.