15 weeks till Christmas - Weekly Checkin

kravmark2 Posts: 158 Member

If I haven't gotten a chance to say this already welcome to our group! We are all here for the same purpose which is shedding some pounds by Christmas and giving support to others along the way. I decided I should post this up early since some people's Wednesday happens before mine in New York.

Anyways. Feel free to say anything you want on here because I believe in having fun. Remember everybody does things differently and what works for one will not work for all. With that said any advice you can give another group member will be greatly appreciated.

Here's what you should post on this thread ( for those of you who just posted yesterday in the weekly check in thread you can either repost here or just wait until the same day next week to post on here. The idea is that weigh-ins will be Wednesday for a couple reasons.

1. Christmas is on Wednesday this year
2. Some of us splurge a little on the weekends which make an accurate reading on Monday almost impossible.
3. It's just a guideline. IF you'd rather post your results to this week on a different day you have 7 days till I post a new week.

Feel free to let me know if you have any good ideas to make this group better. I will post my stats either tomorrow or thurs...

Cheers :)

Here are the stats I want on this thread

1. Current weight (optional)
2. weight lost since last week
3. Other accomplishment or NSV (non scale victory) for the week
4. Goals for next week
5. weight to go by Christmas


  • kittiesandfarts
    kittiesandfarts Posts: 101 Member
    1. 208.8
    2. 0lbs lost
    3. Cut my calories from 1660 to roughly 1400 daily.
    4. Work out with my University's Women's Rugby team. I've never done it, so here's to trying new things.
    5. 30 lbs
  • Ivey05131980
    Ivey05131980 Posts: 1,118 Member
    1. Current weight (optional) -Glad it's optional! LOL!
    2. weight lost since last week-0
    3. Other accomplishment or NSV (non scale victory) for the week -wore an outfit that was NOT plus size today!
    5. weight to go by Christmas-20 lbs
  • battybecks
    battybecks Posts: 147 Member
    1. Current weight 11 stone 5lbs
    2. weight lost since last week nothing. Only just starting!
    3. Other accomplishment or NSV (non scale victory) for the week Having started in the first place.
    4. Goals for next week 1 lb loss
    5. weight to go by Christmas 14 lbs (a stone is a nice round number!)

    If I can lose 1lb, every week then I WILL be 10 stone 5 by Christmas. That's my projected loss on mfp's goals, so all I have to do (in theory) is keep within my limits. YEAH!

    Come on guys, we can do this :)
  • TanyaAJ
    TanyaAJ Posts: 30 Member
    1. Current weight 186.8 lbs
    2. weight lost since last week 1.4 lbs
    3. Other accomplishment or NSV won a very tough game in racquetball!
    4. Goals for next week go to bed earlier
    5. weight to go by Christmas 15 lbs
  • Eldee36
    Eldee36 Posts: 109 Member
    Challenge starting weight: 211 lb

    1. Current weight:  211 lb
    2. No change since Sep 1
    3. Lowered sodium and cholesterol (!) and exercised every day.
    4. Find an appropriate yoga video for beginners (any recommendations?) and drink more water
    5. Christmas goal is 181 lb...oh, let's make it an even 180.  :)
  • Me2FitMe
    Me2FitMe Posts: 1,285 Member
    1. 166.6
    2. No change so far
    3. Adding more veggies to my food intake
    4. Get back into the 4-6x a week workouts for 1-2 hrs a day
    5. 26.6 lbs to go by Christmas-- ugh!
  • 1) 225
    2) lost 4 pounds
    3) exercised 4 times last week for 30 min or longer (went 7.5 miles one night)
    4) Goals this week - get up to 10 mile each workout alternating stationary bike and elliptical
    5) I have 26 pounds to lose by Christmas
  • dirtmagnets
    dirtmagnets Posts: 116 Member
    1. 192.4
    2. none - actually, a bit of a gain. Bad, bad road trip eating.
    3. moved forward a week in C25K yesterday and it wasn't as hard as I'd expected
    4. no caffeine, more water, getting out to run 4 times
    5. weight to go by Christmas: 27.4
  • prissybunny
    prissybunny Posts: 46 Member
  • kravmark2
    kravmark2 Posts: 158 Member
    Good job everybody !!! thanks for checking in. This is the beginning of 15 weeks till Christmas. I will post 14 weeks on Tuesday evening.

    1. 229.4
    2. .2lbs
    3. 10 mile run completed today, waist & love handles feel smaller
    4. 5lbs to make up for no loss this week
    5. 30.4lbs (199 by Christmas)
  • scronen
    scronen Posts: 98 Member
    Current weight- 236.6
    weight lost since last week- 0
    Other accomplishment or NSV (non scale victory) for the week 
    Goals for next week-walk 3 miles everyday for 1 week
    weight to go by Christmas- 30
  • Pinkee33
    Pinkee33 Posts: 769 Member
    1. Current weight ... (optional) This gal sure does love options.... I'll tell ya at the end :wink:

    2. Weight lost since last week: 2.2 lbs

    3. Other accomplishment or NSV (non scale victory) for the week - Had coffee with a friend I hadn't seen all summer and her first comment was, "You've lost weight!" Woot Woot

    4. Goals for next week: Get my Macros in line....

    5.Weight to go by Christmas: 33 lbs.... I think I'd be happy with that as a Goal Weight... haven't seen it since College! Lookin' forward to burning it up with you guys! We're here.... we're strong.... and we're gonna do this! So bring it!:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • 1. CW 224.4

    2. Lost 1.4 this week

    3. NSV - shopping in my closet, things are starting to fit :)

    4. Goal for next week - have a 70,000 step week.

    5. 28.6 to lose by Christmas
  • maguariento
    maguariento Posts: 72 Member
    Everyone is doing so well! And even if you didn't lose (or happened to gain), don't stress it. Just keep on keepin' on... we're doing the right thing, one day at a time!! My first couple of weeks back to working out and counting calories saw a gain, but about 2-3 weeks later, whamo - I'm seeing the signs of success.

    1. CW: 140.6 lbs.
    2. 1.8 lbs. down from last Wednesday. However, not sure I believe the scale or that amount of drop. Have a feeling it was mostly water-weight... We'll see what next week brings.
    3. NSV: just today I finally started biking to work. It's an easy 2.5 miles, and I live in Southern California. No more excuses!!!
    4. Goal for next week: Keep on biking, try to get the workouts in that have slacked a bit this last week, with the holiday and life and all. Really need to make weight training a priority!!
    5. 5.6 more to go by Christmas, or whatever poundage of FAT (combined with the hopeful addition of LEAN muscle) it takes to (a) fit into all my clothes, and (b) lose the giggling!! Bike shorts tell all, so I'm hoping not to blind anyone :noway:

    Go, team!!
  • kasey721
    kasey721 Posts: 5 Member
    1. CW: 182; I weigh on Saturdays only, so I'll update this again then.
    2. 2 lbs.
    3. 7-year-old grandson noticed I'm not as fat anymore! :noway: Who you callin' fat, kiddo?
    4. I'm going to increase my workout from 1 hour a day to 1 1/2 hours a day.
    5. 32 more pounds by Christmas ... no excuses ... just DO IT! :bigsmile:
  • Steffani911
    Steffani911 Posts: 196 Member
    1. Current weight Same

    2. weight lost since last week 0

    3. Other accomplishment or NSV (non scale victory) for the week: This was a tough one because I have been struggling to get all my tools in order. So I have to say my NSV for the week was actually making a meal plan. I made a calendar with all meals planned for each day for the next week starting this Sat. Shopping list is almost finished. Grocery shopping planned for Friday. This has been the toughest part for me to get back in the game.

    4. Goals for next week: Stick to planned meals and snacks and log log log my food!

    5. weight to go by Christmas: 21
  • bkesecker
    bkesecker Posts: 163 Member
    1. Current weight (optional) - Definitely not sharing that !!!
    2. weight lost since last week - 1.5 pounds
    3. Other accomplishment or NSV (non scale victory) for the week - Longer run intervals, big gains with strength at PT
    4. Goals for next week - another pound or two and 5 days of some sort of exercise, be honest with my food log
    5. weight to go by Christmas - 28.5 pounds
  • TaraRichardson913
    TaraRichardson913 Posts: 157 Member
    1. Current weight is 180.8
    2. 0.8 pound
    3. Ate a lot of salad and healthy snacks
    4. Lose 2 lbs- stick to the cal limit consistently and go to the gym twice at eleast
    5. 30 pounds
  • Loluka88
    Loluka88 Posts: 38 Member
    1. 220
    2. -1.6
    3. All days except one i stayed under my calorie goal.
    4. To finish making up for my one day where I went over.
    5. 26 lbs to go.
  • Ravenous4Captain
    Ravenous4Captain Posts: 144 Member
    1. CW 301

    2. Lost 2 lbs this week

    3. NSV - Stomach is looking smaller

    4. Goal for next week - lose another 2 lbs

    5. 41 lbs to lose by Christmas