Week 1: 9/1 to 9/8 start weight in and discussion



  • lacyrae83
    lacyrae83 Posts: 6 Member
    Ok official Monday weigh in 166.8 pounds. I feel like I was to relaxed over the weekend so guess its time to push myself harder :) Happy Tuesday all!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,425 Member
    CW: 156
    GW: 151

    My goal for September is to lose 5 lbs. I'll achieve this by exercising more consistently as well as tweaking my meals. Smaller portions, more water, plenty of protein as well as fresh fruit and veggies!
  • kmouse2
    kmouse2 Posts: 93 Member
    ok off to a fair start - I lost 1 pound since my last weight in so now have 9 more pounds to go - will try to keep walking daily for 15 minutes and watch my carbs. Now to stay true until next Monday's scale time. Also need to stay out of the kitchen after supper - no after dinner snacks!
  • newlife6745
    newlife6745 Posts: 129 Member
    My overall goal is to lose 94 lbs.

    Started 08/15/13: -6 as of today.

    My interim goals are:

    12/01/13 - 30 lbs (started 8/15/13)
    04/01/14 - 28 lbs
    07/15/14 - 25 lbs
    09/11/14 - 11 lbs
    12/01/14 - 6 lbs (bonus) :smile:

    My weigh-in day is Wednesday's so I'll update tomorrow.
  • SassyMama5
    SassyMama5 Posts: 10 Member
    Starting Weight: 203
    Current Weight: 200
    Nov 30th Goal: 187

    I had a buys labor day weekend, and getting the final things for the kids school. I will weigh in on Sundays though :)
  • ChasingStarlight
    ChasingStarlight Posts: 424 Member
    Welcome those who have just joined!

    I have done the table but am just tweaking it so that it can read ok, so it should be up in the next day or so.

    I'm working today and I have taekwondo and bootcamp tonight. So far so good, I am feeling better about myself already!

    lacyrae83- weekends have been my downfall the last few weeks, so I really want to be careful this weekend.

    I feel antisocial if I don't join in with eating the same as everyone else, but I will just have to stick to it. Lucky this Friday we are going to a japanese restaurant so it is reasonably easy to eat healthily and there won't be desserts I like.
  • I am focusing more on losing inches but my weight loss goal is ten pounds, focus on the moment at hand and continue challenging myself....
  • GunslingerGirl
    GunslingerGirl Posts: 251 Member
    Start weight :254.8
    Goal for November 30: 200ish
    I weigh in on Thursdays

    I'm starting off with swimming twice a week and belly dancing almost every day.

    11.5lbs until 25% done
  • GunslingerGirl
    GunslingerGirl Posts: 251 Member
    So I meant to type 225-230ish. Not 200. That would be an insane amount to lose! Gosh, I'm glad I caught that.
  • Matt_1972
    Matt_1972 Posts: 56 Member
    My scales are weird and gave me a low weight yesterday and a more realistic one today so I am going with today's as the start point.
  • Whoops, posting a little later than 9/1 (I've been busy!) and my start weight is 162lbs. My Nov 30 goal weight is 148lbs. That's a total of 14lbs between now and then (which works out to 1lb a week). Good luck to everyone! Long term I'd like to be between 130lbs-135lbs.

    My focus needs to be on dealing with cravings and portion control. I already do cardio (running on nature trails and HIIT on the treadmill), and I am currently training for a 5K. I need to start incorporating strength training, but I find it incredibly dull!

    I can, generally speaking, lose weight easily when I put in the effort food wise. However, I go overboard often and restrict a lot of food types/calories, and it's never sustainable weight loss, which is the real goal.
  • ChasingStarlight
    ChasingStarlight Posts: 424 Member
    sorry, list will go up soon, I have been busy- I work and have three kids and have been exercising a fair bit.

    landyardsale- I lose weight easily when I make a real effort too. I have made a real effort as I am going to have to cut my exercise down in a couple of weeks so I want to make good progress in the meantime.

    How has everyone been doing?

    I have been doing very well with my cals, but the weekend is my danger time. Exercise has been very good. I have walked at lunch twice this week, run home from work one night (7km) done taekwondo three times and one circuit training. I am resting today as I can feel I need to. On Saturday I am going to try to run 9km and on Sunday I am grading for my red belt in taekwondo.
  • Matt_1972
    Matt_1972 Posts: 56 Member
    My cycling hasn't happened as it should have this week due to medical reasons on Tuesday and yesterday it was raining. I have tried to make up for this deficiency by getting out and walking this week. I have about 10km's on the clock so far and should be able to add another 6 or 7 tonight. Saturday is pretty busy but with any luck i might get a decent ride in on Sunday morning before i head off to the footy.
  • MissFuchsia
    MissFuchsia Posts: 523 Member
    I've had a good week so far. I've been well under calories. Restarted stronglifts which has been going well. I have a family wedding tomorrow so will be over but will still go for a run at least.
  • GunslingerGirl
    GunslingerGirl Posts: 251 Member
    I've been doing pretty well. I started C25K this week to get ready for a color run next summer. I've also been getting my calories under control and keeping them in the right place. Been a pretty good week.
  • ChasingStarlight
    ChasingStarlight Posts: 424 Member
    GunslingerGirl- ooh the colour run will be so fun! I entered one last year but couldn't run it as I had concussion dammit!

    ok, the starting table is up- on the first post to this thread. The last few weights posted may not be on that list, but they will be on the next one. PM any mistakes.

    I have had a good week, am hoping for a reasonable loss.
  • autumnlily31185
    autumnlily31185 Posts: 279 Member
    Week 1-no loss, was busy getting things ready for a tag sale we had over the weekend, so wasn't able to get in workouts during the week.
  • amberka
    amberka Posts: 22 Member
    Week 1 loss = 1.8 lbs
    Currently 140 lbs

    Surprised because I've gotten very little exercise in the last few days and haven't been eating as cleanly as I'd like thanks to a long road trip and moving back into the dorms. Hopefully the stresses of the first week won't undo this progress.
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