need help with macros!

idk what im doing wrong but i have been following my macros for about 2 weeks and nothing. ive actually gained weight for some reason. anyone can help me with exactly how many macros and calories i should be consuming? i usually stay under my carbs but i always go over protein by alot. im trying to gain more lean muscle while lossing body fat. i have a physique show coming up in march and i need to start prepping now. can anyone help?!? :explode: :explode: :explode:


  • OliverJackDavies
    Have you been logging everything? as in, not guess work, actual label reading? This could be the problem, I've just started the IIFYM up so I'm no expert but I've read around a lot. If you're gaining you're going over on your cals that's it., So make sure you note everything, are you weighing food with scales?
  • pdxchic
    pdxchic Posts: 4 Member
    Hey! I agree with the post above... In addition, you should weigh your foods. I have a food scale I use religiously to make sure my nutrients are correct to the gram. This has made a huge difference to me, for example I never knew what an ACTUAL Tbsp of peanut butter was until I weighed it lol.

    Make sure your macros are in line with your prep goals- I recommend hiring a coach to determine your starting macros/adjustments or doing a TON of research on your own. We tend to overestimate our TDEE as well so if that's too high your macros will not be optimal. Sometimes it also takes 4 weeks to show profound response to dietary changes so patience is key :) hope this helps!