My first 5k!

Just wanted to share because I am super excited! I did my first 5k today! Walk/jog and there were some beast hills but I pushed through! I completed it in 53:37, not great I know but I am really proud that 1) I did it and 2) when I did it on the treadmill at the gym my best was 56:47!!


  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
  • Goalsat47
    Goalsat47 Posts: 74 Member
    Way to go. Sign up for your next one right away so you have that goal.
  • Thanks! I already have my next one in mind :)
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Congratulations! And you are already working towards your next one, way to go!
  • grubb1019
    grubb1019 Posts: 371 Member
  • Skye_NS
    Skye_NS Posts: 214 Member
  • diadia1
    diadia1 Posts: 223 Member
    What a nice feeling to know that we have made up our mind for something and we didi it!.
    I did my fist 5k official (36.02 minutes) a week ago and i was so proud after. So i know how you feel.
    That was actually the confidence i was looking for after my bad sprain ankle in march (has left me unable to run comfortably until now). After my 5K, i said "ok now you have done that,so now keep running but with 10 k in mind".

    PS. Hey it is always good to beat our best PR. WOW!
    Good luck (but i sure you don't need it,your are doing so fine!) for your next race.
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    You did a great job! Congratulations. :smile:
  • Thanks everyone!! I am absolutely excited to do my next one and on a hopefully flatter course so I can see what my time would be :) I have the hopes of doing a 10k also eventually! This running thing is pretty addicting!
  • Putcake
    Putcake Posts: 93 Member
    Such great news! It's really wonderful to hear others accomplishing the program goal!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    You ran a 5k. That's so awesome!