Day 4

Geojerm Posts: 291 Member
I finally did an early morning workout !! Yeah Me :happy:

I'm on a mission to get these workouts done first thing, get up early, get a great start to the day!!

This being my third attempt at 30DS - I'm feel like I'm almost ready to face LEVEL 2 (well... in 6 more days :tongue: )


  • svf636
    I find it easier to do these workouts in the morning - it wakes you up and then you have the rest of the day to play with! If I have to do them in the evening I struggle to motivate myself to get going again. Day five tomorrow morning and I'm going to give level two ago!
  • cad1963
    I really like morning workouts also. Yesterday I kept putting if off saying I would do it later. Well, later never happened and I had to complete day four this morning instead.
  • momlady6
    momlady6 Posts: 31 Member
    I would like to do it in the am as well but the snooze button is so close and I have to get up before 6 normally to be into work by 7:30.i have been managing to do my first four days at around 9:00 pm- I kick everyone out of the tv room to do it- they grumble a bit but are generally supportive.

    On Monday, a friend and I are going to do it at lunch time so hopefully that will rev up the metabolism earlier in the day- I am just going to use my iPad and she will try day 1
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    @momlady - I find its easier to do later on in the day when I'm not so tired, but its fitting it in then so I'm sticking to my 6am rise :( but we can do this :)