New - looking to get motivation and support

Hi everyone,

I'm kind of new here. I used MFP years ago and now I have decided I really need to lose weight. My initial goal is 10kg but ultimately I would like to lose 20-25kg.

I've had many failed attempts at trying to lose weight and eating healthy, I'm now really determined to try again and hopefully this time I will actually reach my goal and keep it.

I just started yesterday and MFP has set my daily calorie intake at 1200 calories. This first 2 days have been hard since I feel like I am always hungry... and I think because I'm a public servant and sitting at my desk most of the days I tend to reach for food.... I am trying to stop this. Yesterday I went over my 1200 calories slightly but hopefully in the next few days/week I will be able to meet the 1200 calorie goal.

I would love to get some tips for me to stop thinking about reaching for food when I'm sitting at work...or even at home on weekends.. And also tips about what to take for lunch since I sometimes don't find enough time to be able to prepare and bring lunch to work.

Thank you


  • traycharry
    traycharry Posts: 22 Member
    I understand completely what you are saying. I have an office job and always found it hard to resist the urge to snack every opportunity I could.

    I have started teaching self discipline!!! I am/was my worst enemy!

    I now only take to work with me with me what I have pre planned the day before. NOTHING MORE. Also keeping my food out of sight, even keeping it in the car so I have to make an effort to go out to get it has helped. I keep a bottle of water nearby and sip each time I even think about food!

    Lets say after 3 months I am at a stage that I am back in control, drinking heaps of water and struggling to finish lunch most days!

    Stay strong. Stay true to yourself. You can do it.

    Add me as a friend if you like, let's do this together!
  • ina_j
    ina_j Posts: 18
    Thanks Traycharry! I am trying to get rid of all the unhealthy food I have at work now and only bring what I need.

    It's been 4 days since I've started and I've already lost I'm hoping I can keep it up and lose more. I am going overseas in 6 weeks to the US so I really would like to lose some and not gain any when I'm overseas.
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    Hey. Yeah I have a desk job too, its hard. 1200cal is tough but do able. Remember you can eat some of your exercise calories which helps. Have low cal snacks on hand at your desk to munch on like carrot/celery/green beans and of course water.

    For lunches I make mine the night before and bring it in most days. I'm time poor too (work 10+hrs a day, have a young family, exercise 4+ times a week) but you just have to fit it in Alternatively I have steam fresh vegies in the freezer at work and some eggs, both of which are microwavable. Not the most apetising lunch but it fills the hole.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like to see my diary. I average 1200-1400 cal.
  • ina_j
    ina_j Posts: 18
    Thanks Manda. I've managed to do 1200 cal or just a bit more in the last few days... I have been finding that I'm getting hungry in the afternoon..

    What kind of lunch do you usually bring to work (other than steam fresh vegies and eggs)?

    Also, I'm going to the US for 3 weeks in October. Any tips on how I can keep losing weight (or at least maintain the weight I've lost) while I'm on holiday? I'm going with a friend and 1 week of the holiday I am doing a Topdeck tour which has some food included in the package.
  • traycharry
    traycharry Posts: 22 Member
    For lunches I normally will take a salad with either tuna or boiled egg etc a little bit of protein, wraps, fruit etc ... I know you can get sick of the same things all the time quite easily!

    I am currently doing lite n easy, different things everyday and portioned controlled. It has taught me to make the right choices and how much I should be serving! Wow was I over eating.

    I think if you research what are good choices that you are happy with and try to introduce the lifestyle you may have while in the USA it may be a little easier for you. Also remembering to still enjoy and make the most of your holiday!!!!
  • ina_j
    ina_j Posts: 18
    Thanks. I've actually just put an order for Lite n Easy for next week. I'm going to try it out for a couple of weeks and then try to do it myself after that.

    Yeah I hope I can keep the weight off in US. I'm worried about the big servings that they have though. I think I will just have to watch what I put in my mouth. I'm hoping I will be doing a lot of walking anyway so that will at least offset some of what I eat.
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    Lunches are usually garden salad/vegies with protein. Mountain Bread is good too, low cal so you can make wrap for lunch or use them as pizza bases. I have greek yoghurt every day, either as a snack or with breakfast.
  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member
    I'm guessing you've set your weight loss goal to lose 1kg per week? If so, do yourself a favour and change it to lose a 1/4 to 1/2 a kilo a week, which will increase your daily calorie goal to a much more reasonable target (TDEE - 20%). Losing weight doesn't need to be about starving yourself and going through a scarification process as a result. Be patient, eat well and do it right so you'll hopefully never have to do it again.
  • nicoleisback
    Good luck with your weight loss. I will be going back to work at the start of next month after my maternity leave ends, also to a desk job. I would love if you could share what worked for you in the office as it will help me out too. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • ina_j
    ina_j Posts: 18
    Thanks Froody2 for the advice.

    Nicole - i've added you. I have only started getting back on track less than a week ago. I found what has helped me in the office is get rid of any food in my drawers and desk so I don't continuously snack when I'm bored or stressed. I only bring the snacks that I allow myself to have. Also I've been using the stairs instead of the lift so I get some exercise. It's been 5 days and I've already lost 2kg.. I know it will slow down but at least I am getting there slowly but surely.