2nd Week Weigh in.

How did everyone do this past week? Did the long holiday weekend help or hinder your progress? I made poor food choices this past weekend and didn't exercise once. Ugh. Anyway, back to it this week. On the plus side, I did lose another half pound bringing my total overall loss to 1 pound.

Happy Hump Day!


  • nansanchez
    nansanchez Posts: 6 Member
    Hello Karlene86,
    Congratulations on your weight loss. The holiday weekend messed me up a little bit too but I jumped right back on and figured I didn't do as bad as I normally would if I wasn't counting calories. Today was a little of a challenge I have a co-worker who is the biggest Sabatoger I know since he knows I am dieting he wants to bring me some Glazed Donuts and Sugar Cookies. I was happy with myself because I told him NO THANK YOU and walked away he kept saying oh come on you know you want one so I just ignored him and he finally went away. What is wrong with people? LOL!!!
  • shea33ana
    shea33ana Posts: 19 Member
    I have lost 3 lbs since first weigh in. Weekend went well, really watched the quantity with everything and enjoyed a little of everything ....a little being the key. Hoping for a great week kids schedules are really picking up. Gotta make meals ahead to heat and eat.
  • snowfooper
    snowfooper Posts: 14 Member
    Down 2 pounds! Yay!! :)

    We can do it everyone!
  • LauriTerrell
    LauriTerrell Posts: 69 Member
    The long weekend was a blessing for me as we walked all weekend. After showing a 1.2 lb loss the first week, I was THRILLED to see a 3 lb loss this week.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    0.2lbs down. Not much but going in the right direction.
  • dettiot
    dettiot Posts: 180 Member
    Down a pound today! I'm now more than a third of the way towards my goal, which is great. Even more awesome is seeing how my body is changing and improving, both in appearance and in strength & endurance. :-)
  • bettbett87
    bettbett87 Posts: 47 Member
    No holiday weekend here for us in the UK so no excuse for me to eat too much!
    My appetite has dropped to a sensible level (MFP sometimes tells me I have not eaten enough!) so the weight is finally starting to shift :-)

    6lbs down this week and wearing a pair of jeans that haven't fit for 18months
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    Great job guys!!!! We had an event EVERY day from Fri-Mon. Yikes!! I made ok food choices, it was the wine that was the bad thing. :drinker: I did manage to lose 2 lbs though!! Though for some reason I found them this morning..which I think is next to impossible since I've exercised my butt off and stayed at my calories goal and under! I'm hoping its just water or something like that. Anywho...... I am getting closer to my goal. Since we started this group, down 4 and 30 more to go!! We can do it!!! :heart:
  • F1GHT4F1T
    F1GHT4F1T Posts: 66 Member
    down 2.2 lbs which is good considering i havent been working out
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    I just weighed in:

    CW: 232

    ..............yikes............... *no sleep and no exercise make melissa something something* *gain weight?...don't mind if I do!!!!!*

    Gotta get moving. I've planned an outing to a park on sunday with family. Its a 2 mile walk. Hopefully it won't fall through with anymore injuries or illnesses this time.
  • Diligent1a
    Diligent1a Posts: 19 Member
    Down another 2lbs this week. 16lbs left to go and it WILL GOOOOOOOOOOOO.
  • prissybunny
    prissybunny Posts: 46 Member

    Weigh in

    8/29 264.4
    9.8 263.8
  • Siennacita
    Siennacita Posts: 67 Member
    MFP SW: 195
    Challenge SW: 179.2

    Week 1: 178.0
    Week 2: 176.6

    Total loss: 2.6:smile:
  • DawnW3218
    DawnW3218 Posts: 9 Member
    2.5 lbs down since 21st Aug - :happy: