All about YOU!

This is your place. Tell us all about you, who you are, your goal's, hope's, dream's, struggle's & triumph's. This is YOUR PLACE!:heart:


  • My name is Christine. I am 24 and I attend TCC for now. I would like to be a nurse. I hope to get in shape and become a better runner in order to prepare myself for the Susan G. Komen 3 day race that will take place in November.

    We will run 20 miles a day for three days and everyone participating must raise money for breast cancer research. I have raised $2,160 so far since February and somehow was able to raise $1,000 in just four days. The hard part for me is getting in shape. So here I am.

    I hope to raise a lot of money for this cause. My goal is to lose 25 pounds and I hope to have a great time in November at the Susan G. Komen event.
  • I am also looking forward to interacting with anyone through here and getting/providing motivation. GOOD LUCK, EVERYONE!!!!
  • DFlynSqrl
    DFlynSqrl Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Everyone! My name is Rodney; I’m 41 and live in Haslet. I’m a computer programmer that sits at a desk all day. I had to start dieting last fall after the doctor started giving me lectures about cholesterol and blood pressure (was just over 200 lbs.). I really didn't want to start taking medications. By May I was stuck at 192 and making no progress so I joined a gym. It made a huge difference when I really got serious. I just recently jumped back on MFP to track calories. Now I’m down to 175 and just ran a 5k last weekend. Really feeling great, but want to do more. Just thought I join a group of locals for motivation and inspiration for trying to workout in this heat! Ugh! Best of luck to everyone in achieving your weight and fitness goals.
  • Hey is this board active.

    Looking to find workout buddies or just active people to do things in the North Fort Worth area.

    I live in Haslet but work in Fort Worth and have time and energy.

    I work out at 24hr fitness and then enjoy just going to trails and parks.

    I am a soccer coach and player.

    My goal is to complete a Tough Mudder next year!

  • n8moyer
    n8moyer Posts: 8 Member
    Hello FitWorth-ians! I'm Nate. I'm a healthcare professional and becoming a stronger fitness zealot every day that passes. I've been "getting fit" for about 3-4 years now, and have lost a grand total of 85 lbs in that span. I'm a newly found run-a-holic and like biking the Trinity Trails. I've taken on the quest of Knocking Austin off the top spot in the H-E-B Community Challenge. If you haven't signed up for it yet the link is:

    My wife and I have been in Fort Worth for almost a year now and have set off on training for the CowTown's 1/2 marathon as a CowTown Challenger, and ran in the 5k last year. This summer we rode in the 25 mile division of the Hotter'N Hell and had a blast at the Joe's Run.

    We workout at Planet Fitness in River Oaks.