Information overload and now feeling very confused

I have been using MFP for about 2 months now. Not being very familiar with the program, I did my research and learned it is one of the better trackers out there. When filling out my profile I set it up to lose 2 lbs a week. So far with a combination of medication (phentermine), change in diet and exercising at least 3 days if not more a week, I have lost 26 lbs in those 2 months.

Where I am getting confused is with my calorie intake. MFP started me at 1570, then 1490 and now down to 1430. Problem is I am averaging about 1200-1300 calories a day. When I workout, I do not eat any of my calories back. Right now the workouts have been strictly cardio burning roughly 300-500 calories. I am soon transitioning and will alternate weight training days and cardio days.

I just wonder if I am eating enough. I'm guessing with the 26 lbs down so far that things are moving along just fine but I don't want to sabotage myself because I have been noticing the weight loss has begun to slow down. Plus the medication really does suppress my appetite and I sometimes feel like I have to force myself to eat.

Any advice you can provide would be greatly appreciated.


  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    First off, I have no idea how you can get by on less than 1800 calories. But that's just how my body works...

    MFP calories are set with the assumption that you will eat your exercise calories back (that's why they are added in to goal number). I'd recommend that you start doing that, and ensure it is good quality protein, especially on the days you lift weights.

    I also think you should retool your goals. Two pounds a week is great when you have a lot to lose, but as you approach your goal weight, it is going to get harder and harder (as you noted with the calorie goal calculation. With this ongoing calorie deficit, you're losing muscle and fat (and not necessarily in the way you want), which can make you skinny fat (looking thin but still having a high fat percentage).

    Which leads me to this: Is the number on the scale all you care about? I've dropped inches without losing a pound. Lifting weights (heavy weights) will make your body look and feel better. But as you add muscle, you probably won't show much of a weight loss (add muscle and lose fat at the same time).

    I would always prefer to add muscle. It raises your metabolism and makes you look and feel better.
  • jasonmva

    Which leads me to this: Is the number on the scale all you care about? I've dropped inches without losing a pound. Lifting weights (heavy weights) will make your body look and feel better. But as you add muscle, you probably won't show much of a weight loss (add muscle and lose fat at the same time).

    I would always prefer to add muscle. It raises your metabolism and makes you look and feel better.

    Thank you for the response. The ultimate goal is not the number on the scale but where I feel comfortable. I'm not looking to be muscularly bulky and have a six-pack but just want to be toned. I think my biggest confusion lied with my doctor saying that 1200-1300 was a good amount for me to eat. I don't feel starved by any means.

    With that said, I will start looking at retooling my goals as you suggested. I picked the 2 lbs to start because I felt like I had a lot to lose (starting at 247 I am trying to lose between 50 and 60 lbs). It has just been a bit of a fear I've been having about eating too much and gaining everything back but slowly realizing it is what I eat back and not how much.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Yes, improve the quality of your food and you improve the quality of your body. I target 2000 calories in a day, 180+ grams of protein. But we're all powered differently and live in different ways, so you might get by fine on 1300 - 1500. Listen to your body, it knows what it needs.
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I feel confused myself at times.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Well, guys, we're all in this together. If you have questions/concerns, go ahead and post your questions here. We will get the answers together.
  • pizzmor
    Have you consulted with a doctor yet?

    Are the meds you are on something you need to take? Just curious because you don't want to play around with your health, but if you feel good then maybe you are ok. I am constantly looking for that Goldilocks zone.