Cheaters/Short cuts



  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    I often just get a post-it and a pencil and keep track of my rounds that way. Easy-peasy. :-)
  • Dmkolls
    Dmkolls Posts: 150 Member
    Okay.....Got it. So it's a whiteboard/Wodify thing? I'm guilty of miscounting or losing track of my reps or jumps when doing singles (easy when trying to count to 450). Typically I try to do extra to compensate.

    Heck half the time I forget to enter my Metcon time/reps into Wodify. I'm trying to get better at putting my weightlifting amounts there because I can never remember.

    Again - I'm too tired/focused/exhausted to know what's going on around me. Plus, I couldn't care less if they did lie. It cheats them in the end, not me.
  • lilmissmanx
    lilmissmanx Posts: 81 Member
    it does happen in our box, but the coaches seem to spot it, and speak to the person individually. its important not to cheat as our coaches use our times, weights etc in order to design their programming around our capabilities. So pretending your a super hero isn't going to do anyone any favours in the end.

    If I think i've messed up a count, i'll add a few extras at the end. If I know i'm likely to miscount rounds/reps in a particularly insane or action packed WOD, i'll use a clicker.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    We track each classes scores on the board. You can spot the cheaters pretty quickly if you compare times and loads. Granted there are the Ninjas who are just beasts at WODs, but you know who they are by reputation.

    I'm talking about the people who post Filthy 50 times of less than 20 minutes when more experienced & fit CrossFitters are posting 30 minute times. If you lie about the time did you really win? And is there a win in a daily WOD? It's not the games bro!

    Bottom line, I'm there for me and I don't really care if someone is cheating themselves. If they are, it shows their character. Besides, if they ever do a competition their lying will be exposed immediately LOL.
  • Eat2Live2Run
    Eat2Live2Run Posts: 137 Member
    I have never noticed anyone intentionally cheating at my box, but apparently it happens. There have been a few times now where the coaches have made statements about cheaters only cheating themselves, blah blah blah. Honestly, I don't really care what anyone else does. If you can afford to pay that much money to cheat yourself, whatever man. The only time I even look at the board to see other people's times/reps/score is to estimate approximately how long a workout will take me or approximately how many rounds I might do.