New Weekly Check-in 9/9 to 9/15

teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
Today is day 29 of Insanity for me. I have made it to Recovery Week. Time is flying by so fast.

Keep up the great job of pressing play everyone. The results are well worth it. You all are doing awesome!!!!


  • cassi9879
    cassi9879 Posts: 57 Member
    Final week of Slim in 6 and no clue which workout I'm doing next. I need to move into a larger room for the others but we have no curtains. Front room lights on and getting darker outside they'd see everything I'm doing. I don't want to distract drivers with all my bouncing. Not a good way to start the day causing wrecks LOL
  • beckyyates
    Tony Horton 10 minute trainers Total Body, Cardio, and Lower Body. Today was great for a Monday. Looking forward to Tuesday and more healthy eating and great workouts. Keep going strong everyone!!!
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Insanity Core Cardio and Balance
    Shakeology: Chocolate with frozen strawberries
    Nutrition 8/10
    My lymes disease or something has been acting up on me the past 7 to 10 days. Its been over a year since I have had the symptoms this bad. I have not had much energy but still manage to press play. Time to go back to the doctor if my symptoms do not go away or improve soon.
  • alexsandstrom1982
    Power 90 is still going great. I weighed in this morning and 2 more pounds have been shed since my last weigh in. That is now 63 pounds lost in around 110 days. Thank for Ryan for giving me that extra support when I needed it 3 months ago. I never dreamed I would be having the results I got so soon. Thank you everyone else for your support and motivation and posting on your progress. It makes me want to keep at it even more.
  • jessa271
    I just finished Insanity Month 2, Day 2. Having a problem with my HRM so I got a bogus calorie burn tonight which really bums me out. I was looking forward to another amazing number like last night's! My triceps were aching today and I bet I'll be feeling Max Interval Plyo in my quads tomorrow!
  • jessa271
    My lymes disease or something has been acting up on me the past 7 to 10 days. Its been over a year since I have had the symptoms this bad. I have not had much energy but still manage to press play. Time to go back to the doctor if my symptoms do not go away or improve soon.

    I had that a few years back when I was working with the Humane Society. Luckily I found the rash early enough for them to cure it. I'll never forget how tired I felt, even worse than the chronic anemia exhaustion that plagues me. Hope you get it under control!
  • LCFulmer
    LCFulmer Posts: 183 Member
    I haven't worked out since Friday due to Iritise in my left eye.. I'm hoping to now begin to workingout today or tomorrow. The sensitivity to light is decreasing so I'll be able handle the light from the TV.
  • LCFulmer
    LCFulmer Posts: 183 Member
    I haven't worked out since Friday due to Iritise in my left eye.. I'm hoping to now begin to workingout today or tomorrow. The sensitivity to light is decreasing so I'll be able handle the light from the TV.

    Oh, I've been in remission for little more than a year before this current episode.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    My lymes disease or something has been acting up on me the past 7 to 10 days. Its been over a year since I have had the symptoms this bad. I have not had much energy but still manage to press play. Time to go back to the doctor if my symptoms do not go away or improve soon.

    I had that a few years back when I was working with the Humane Society. Luckily I found the rash early enough for them to cure it. I'll never forget how tired I felt, even worse than the chronic anemia exhaustion that plagues me. Hope you get it under control!

    Hi Jessica. Yes the exhaustion is really bad this week. I had to see the doctor today. They took a lot of blood so hopefully they will find something out. I have been sleeping 12 hours a day and still feel exhausted. It is much worse this year than last year if this is my Lyme disease again. I hope to have it under control soon. I want week 2 to go well in Insanity.

    Since February I have not had any of these symptoms until a few weeks ago. I will keep pressing play unless my body tells me something different. Keep up the great job everyone.

    LCFulmer sorry to hear about your current episode of Iritise. I hope you get well soon. You are doing great. Keep it up!!!
  • EniBee
    EniBee Posts: 274 Member
    Yesterday was day 10 for me. Flew to Romania on Tuesday for a business trip. Did insanity in my hotel room and then hit the gym for an hour. Flew back to the UK yesterday and got home at about 7:30 PM and really did not feel like working out, talk less of doing Insanity!!! I asked my son, who was doing his biology revision, if I should skip a day. His instant response was No! It was hard - Plyo cardio circuit, but I am glad that I did it! Most important thing is that I am still on track, even though I still have 50 days to go!

    Side note: My HRM had been logging 360 calories burn each time per exercise. I don't know what to make of it! My sweat "intensity" is high and varies, but HRM keeps on reporting 360 calories. I weigh 68kg. I get a much higher calorie burn when I run for an hour and a bit (700 calories). I suppose my question does 360 calories seem right for this type of workout?
  • LCFulmer
    LCFulmer Posts: 183 Member
    Yesterday was day 10 for me. Flew to Romania on Tuesday for a business trip. Did insanity in my hotel room and then hit the gym for an hour. Flew back to the UK yesterday and got home at about 7:30 PM and really did not feel like working out, talk less of doing Insanity!!! I asked my son, who was doing his biology revision, if I should skip a day. His instant response was No! It was hard - Plyo cardio circuit, but I am glad that I did it! Most important thing is that I am still on track, even though I still have 50 days to go!

    Side note: My HRM had been logging 360 calories burn each time per exercise. I don't know what to make of it! My sweat "intensity" is high and varies, but HRM keeps on reporting 360 calories. I weigh 68kg. I get a much higher calorie burn when I run for an hour and a bit (700 calories). I suppose my question does 360 calories seem right for this type of workout?

    Good job at sticking to workingout... you are setting a positive example to your son. Regarding the HRM check the battries in the watch and the strap. This may cause the low number. I had the same problem an changing batteries worked.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Yesterday was day 10 for me. Flew to Romania on Tuesday for a business trip. Did insanity in my hotel room and then hit the gym for an hour. Flew back to the UK yesterday and got home at about 7:30 PM and really did not feel like working out, talk less of doing Insanity!!! I asked my son, who was doing his biology revision, if I should skip a day. His instant response was No! It was hard - Plyo cardio circuit, but I am glad that I did it! Most important thing is that I am still on track, even though I still have 50 days to go!

    Side note: My HRM had been logging 360 calories burn each time per exercise. I don't know what to make of it! My sweat "intensity" is high and varies, but HRM keeps on reporting 360 calories. I weigh 68kg. I get a much higher calorie burn when I run for an hour and a bit (700 calories). I suppose my question does 360 calories seem right for this type of workout?

    Great job sticking with it and staying on track. 360 does seem low but everyone is different. As LCFulmer said you should try to replace the batteries. Also make sure your information is set up correctly such as you height, weight, and age.

    There also are some heart rate monitors that have bad readings. What brand and model do you have? You should google and read the reviews. Keep going at it. You are doing great.
  • EniBee
    EniBee Posts: 274 Member
    LCFulmer & Teamryan90,

    Thanks for your comments. I will certainly stick to this insane workout routine!
    I will also try and replace both batteries before I do today's pure cardio and cardio abs routine. I've had the HRM for exactly a week, but I guess I don't know how long the batteries have been in both devices before I received them. Also noticed yesterday during workout that my heart rate reading was low (135) even though my heart was racing. I made a slight adjustment to the monitor and the reading crept back up. I'll let you know how I get on. Thanks again for your encouragement.

    It's a Polar FT4
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    LCFulmer & Teamryan90,

    Thanks for your comments. I will certainly stick to this insane workout routine!
    I will also try and replace both batteries before I do today's pure cardio and cardio abs routine. I've had the HRM for exactly a week, but I guess I don't know how long the batteries have been in both devices before I received them. Also noticed yesterday during workout that my heart rate reading was low (135) even though my heart was racing. I made a slight adjustment to the monitor and the reading crept back up. I'll let you know how I get on. Thanks again for your encouragement.

    It's a Polar FT4

    Polar is an awesome brand. I have a Polar FT7. Keep up the awesome job. Let me know if you have any more questions.
  • eating4me
    eating4me Posts: 239 Member
    I thought I posted here this week, but apparently I didn't....Well, I completed Week 8 of Insanity! Only one more week to go...I feel like I'm beginning to grieve! I will miss it. I still haven't decided to do P90X only, or do a hybrid of Insanity with P90X. Have any of you done a hybrid?

    Ryan, I really hope you start feeling better. My autoimmune disease causes a real struggle for I can relate to your problems quite a bit...a lot of the same symptoms overall as Lyme Disease. Take care of yourself, and rest when your body tells you.
  • jessa271
    I thought I posted here this week, but apparently I didn't....Well, I completed Week 8 of Insanity! Only one more week to go...I feel like I'm beginning to grieve! I will miss it. I still haven't decided to do P90X only, or do a hybrid of Insanity with P90X. Have any of you done a hybrid?

    Somewhere I found a calendar for a P90X/Insanity hybrid, but I haven't tried it. I'm just finishing up week 6 of insanity and already trying to decide if I want to do T25 or repeat Insanity. I haven't gotten the weight results with insanity that I was hoping for, but I have seen incredible changes in my strength and cardio stamina!
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    I thought I posted here this week, but apparently I didn't....Well, I completed Week 8 of Insanity! Only one more week to go...I feel like I'm beginning to grieve! I will miss it. I still haven't decided to do P90X only, or do a hybrid of Insanity with P90X. Have any of you done a hybrid?

    Somewhere I found a calendar for a P90X/Insanity hybrid, but I haven't tried it. I'm just finishing up week 6 of insanity and already trying to decide if I want to do T25 or repeat Insanity. I haven't gotten the weight results with insanity that I was hoping for, but I have seen incredible changes in my strength and cardio stamina!

    I have not done a hybrid but I will be this winter. I have several members in my Facebook groups who have done a hybrid of P90X and Insanity and a few with T25 and P90X hybrid.