Check in here!



  • pdxmeghan
    pdxmeghan Posts: 4 Member
    Well, I took the last 10 days or so off from tracking. It was a nice break, but I went a little crazy. I was on break from work, it was my hudband's birthday, we went on an extended weekend trip to a shared house and lots of snacks. Although I ran a lot I also ATE a lot, so I gained some weight. Not sure how much bc I don't know how much is just water weight. This was, however, a good wake up call about going overboard. I'm not upset about it at all bc I knew this is what I was choosing, but I'm ready to get back in a routine and back to eating better.
  • RWtD
    RWtD Posts: 4 Member
    I've taken time off from tracking too. We just moved 150 miles away and I am a student again (for the 8 millionth time), so the week before the move and the days after I slacked and probably ate way too much. I don't own a scale right now, and I'm not going to buy one until I've been consistently working out again. Which starts today!
  • Did everyone recover from the long weekend? I'm about to throw my scale out the window! I have been great all week but somehow from Wednesday to Thursday I gained 2 pounds and they were still there this morning. ARrrgg! I know that the number on the scale isn't everything...but it kind of is when you want to win your DietBet! Oh well, I'll keep trucking along. I hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • bhnguyen82
    bhnguyen82 Posts: 49 Member
    I had to chuck my scale because the floors in my new rental are super uneven and if I move it like an inch, it'll give me variations of like 10lbs. It's a little frustrating not to be able to rely on that or to track it-- I weighed myself every day at the old place and it really helped keep me on track. Like feelgoodnic said though, having one less number to worry about is kinda freeing. I still track calories and try to make good choices overall, and I rely on clothing fit, belt loop and progress pictures on my phone.
  • Novezero
    Novezero Posts: 17 Member
    Definitely a better week for me (although eating is still a bit sketchy and I am making myself eat because I am not really hungry) Back to normal work out routine etc.
    Weighed yesterday at family home and scale said 124.6lbs, which I kind of side-eyed and logged as 125lbs. Thinking I maybe have another 5lbs to lose and then keep toning the squishy bits!
  • I wish weight loss was just a matter of cutting calories.
    I've come to the realization that my weight is fine (okay, a little higher than my ideal), I just hate that I'm not toned at all. I am the definition of "skinny fat". I have cellulite all over my body.. boobs, *kitten*, stomach, legs from gaining so much weight in such a short amount of time.
    I avoid seeing myself naked in the mirror, but today I went shopping and totally broke down. My body looks worse than a 70 year old woman.
    The only thing that will help is exercise but I dread running (but love walking and I do walk a lot!) and have no idea where to start with weights. Mostly because I hate to go to the gym. But I would consider doing weights at home if I can! Where do I start?
    Somebody haaaaalp :(
  • Youtube has a million free strength training videos. Just type in whatever you're looking for, upper body, lower body, abs, beginner, advanced, etc. and you'll see there are so many options. I wrote this on GOMI but a couple of my favorites are Cindy Whitmarsh and Chris Freytag. Do you have dumbbells at home? I find it a lot easier to follow along to someone's instruction, rather than make up my own routine. You can do it!!
  • bhnguyen82
    bhnguyen82 Posts: 49 Member
    I wish weight loss was just a matter of cutting calories.
    I've come to the realization that my weight is fine (okay, a little higher than my ideal), I just hate that I'm not toned at all. I am the definition of "skinny fat". I have cellulite all over my body.. boobs, *kitten*, stomach, legs from gaining so much weight in such a short amount of time.
    I avoid seeing myself naked in the mirror, but today I went shopping and totally broke down. My body looks worse than a 70 year old woman.
    The only thing that will help is exercise but I dread running (but love walking and I do walk a lot!) and have no idea where to start with weights. Mostly because I hate to go to the gym. But I would consider doing weights at home if I can! Where do I start?
    Somebody haaaaalp :(

    There's a lot of bodyweight exercise routines that you can do if you don't want to use weights-- for instance there's a lot posted on Actually they're all I do for strength training and I've *definitely* become more toned. As my fitness level increases I increase reps, hold planks for longer periods of time, etc. Best part is, they're super easy to do while you're watching tv and usually take 20 minutes or less to do even if you repeat circuits.
  • Thanks bhnguyen, that's just what I'm looking for!
  • Good Monday morning!
    Over all the last week was okay. Not brilliant not horrid. I've been focusing more on portion control since I kind of just was too exhausted from life to focus on eating mainly whole foods. I still lost another pound and a bit. I keep joking that I am the tortoise of weight loss.
    Today a male coworker suddenly was like "'ve lost weight!" in total since I've started I've lost 13lbs so I guess it's noticeable!

    I start tap dancing this Saturday again so I'll be getting an extra hour of exercise in which will be nice.
  • allikat819
    allikat819 Posts: 125 Member
    So after a couple of weeks of major stress eating and not exercising much, I was super relieved to see that I had only "gained" a pound (This could be normal fluctuation and not a real gain). I just got signed up for the local YMCA and have already been twice so I'm hopeful that I can stay on track and motivated for a while!
  • pdxmeghan
    pdxmeghan Posts: 4 Member
    I had someone tell me on Saturday that I looked good, which was nice to hear because I had gained a few pounds since Labor Day and the week before (and my non tracking). I went ahead and just called last week bad anyway because I was hit with quite a few unexpecteds. I've realized that I really do well on a schedule (much like in other areas of my life). Back to normal today with a normal work/evening schedule. I'm also back to eating quite a bit of protein, much like I was before. I try to keep protein heavy at breakfast and lunch so that i can kinda say "eh, whatever" when it comes to dinner, although we do eat meat at dinner most of the time.
  • bhnguyen82
    bhnguyen82 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm living abroad at the moment, and my brother came to visit-- I hadn't seen him since 10 months and at the airport he picked me up like it was nbd :)

    Family and friends are also visiting for the next two weeks and we'll be travelling a fair bit. I'll work out and track as much as I can and try to make good choices overall (esp for breakfast and lunch) but overall not be too fussed about it and just truly enjoy myself and the company.
  • The past few days haven't been so great. : /
    My parents came to visit on Thursday and Friday, which made our evenings really busy (this is normally my workout time), busier than usual. I have 2 under 2, so finding the time already feels difficult some days. This did not help. So I didn't workout for like, 3 days. Getting back to c25k last night felt SO rough.
    And eating has been "eh" the past few days, also. Working on it.
  • eraweir
    eraweir Posts: 41 Member
    So, I stopped logging because I felt like it was making me into a crazy person... I am doing conductor training at work and they bring us in lunch every day and after replacing a 83 lbs knuckle I just want to eat the lunch and not panic about how to log this weird stew thing that I don't even know exactly what's in it, etc.

    But then I got a fitbit and it told me I was overweight.

    So back to logging it is!

    On the plus side, this conductor thing alternates between being REAL sedentary and REAL physical, so it's kind of nice that there's at least the physical part. And the fitbit is helping me track calories burned a LOT, so that helps me worry slightly less about being 100% accurate about logging the food properly.
  • Haven't had the best couple of days as far as diet and exercise go. I"ve been under calories, but I've been eating a lot of processed food. I work 10pm to 6am, and on my days off I stay busy catching up on stuff I need to get done during the day and manage to not work out OR get enough sleep. Gotta work on that this week! I'll go back to day shift at the end of the year, so hopefully I can manage a decent routine by then.

    Oh, and to kick me while I'm feeling crappy today, a co-worker asked me if I"ve picked up weight. Niiiiiiice, thanks for the boost, lol.
  • Hey everyone! I'm kind of new to this group, but I thought I'd chime in on the check-in thread. My main goal in September is to find some stability. I moved at the beginning of the month, so I relied on a lot of takeout that could be eaten using a cardboard box as a table (fun times!). I also got diagnosed with hypothyroidism this month, which explains some of the intense fatigue and weakness (plus maybe some of my recent weight gain) that I've been experiencing. I'm starting on medication, though, so I'm hoping to feel at least a little better in the next month. So yeah, my September mantra is "get back to healthy eating and get lots of rest."
  • I am falling off the wagon. HARD. Or I fell of and am in denial. I just keep eating crap. I want to eat a salad but I get sidetracked and magically find myself eating a bag of chips.
    I feel like I'm in a weird haze and I feel gross like my stomach is too full of junk to even think about eating but I can't stop thinking about eating.
    Like I just ate chips so now my brain is telling me to eat something sweet to cancel out the salt.
    I don't know if it's the season change, pms or the feeling that I hit 169 and now must sabotage myself.
    I'm drowning.
  • allikat819
    allikat819 Posts: 125 Member
    I am falling off the wagon. HARD. Or I fell of and am in denial. I just keep eating crap. I want to eat a salad but I get sidetracked and magically find myself eating a bag of chips.
    I feel like I'm in a weird haze and I feel gross like my stomach is too full of junk to even think about eating but I can't stop thinking about eating.
    Like I just ate chips so now my brain is telling me to eat something sweet to cancel out the salt.
    I don't know if it's the season change, pms or the feeling that I hit 169 and now must sabotage myself.
    I'm drowning.

    Oh man. I can SO relate. I'm living this right now, too. I'm at 168, and officially, have lost 30 pounds from where I started a year ago. I've really stabilized at this weight for the past 6 months or so with some minor fluctuation, and I'm happier about it than where I WAS, but I know that it's not where I want to BE.

    I know that one of my problems is that I'm a HUGE stress/emotional eater. And September has been a really tough month! My best friend moved half way across the world. I'm overwhelmed at work. I interviewed for a new job, and I haven't heard one way or another about yet (hopefully by the end of the week). Evaluating the relationship I have with my boyfriend - and if I get this job, will he move out of state to stay with me. I have a lot on my mind and I'm totally eating instead of truly coping with all of it.

    I'm not really sure how to move forward from here. Part of this whole process is trying to deal with these bad habits that I have, or find a way of dealing with them that's much healthier, but I'm really not having much success right now.

    Threatsofpizza - I wish I had advice and could steer you in the right direction, but the best I can do right now is commiserate. Maybe you just need some moral support?
  • YES, allikat and threatsofpizza, I feel this 100%.

    I use food to cope with pretty much every emotion. Lately I've been eating to procrastinate and to clear my mind.
    This week is solely devoted to exam studying and paper writing so my brain just flat out hurts. I don't want to think about anything, and it seems like the only way I can unwind after exams is to sit in front of the tv and mindlessly eat.

    I wish I had advice to give. And I hope both of your weeks get better from here on out!

    Anybody have suggestions for what to do to clear one's mind?
    I really like to stretch, and this usually relaxes me, but when I get home all I can think about is FOOD AND COUCH, PRONTO. Stretching never even crosses my mind!