The Woes of Chafing

Does anyone else have the problem where their body seems to need to chafe somewhere after a long run?? I was having trouble with chafing in my inner thighs, so I wear compression capris, solved that problem. I was having trouble with chafing under my arms, so i bought a different arm band and apply this talc powder lotion stuff, solved that problem. Now I'm finding that if I'm not chafing where my underwear line is, then I'm chafing where the top of my pants are.... last week I chafed inside my belly button!! seriously?!?! short of bathing in body glide I guess I'll just have to deal and apply where the chafing is most bothersome. Anyone else have weird places that they chafe?? or have this problem? Oh and I've found this only happens on my long runs 8+ miles in duration. I'm hoping that it's just because it's been so humid and when it cools off a bit I won't have as much of a problem...


  • fabiomuralha
    fabiomuralha Posts: 114 Member
    Try to use a proper running clothing... If the issue continue put some Vaseline wherever it may happens again...
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    It is running clothing, Dri- Fit sweat wicking stuff and compression leggings. and I don't know where to put the chafing lube because I seem to chafe in different places every run. I put it on the places that always chafe and that took care of the problem, but the other places move around.
  • fabiomuralha
    fabiomuralha Posts: 114 Member
    Interesting... When I use any clothing that gives me this kind of chafing I try not to use this again. So I'll be always using "secure" clothing... LOL
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    I had this happen during my most recent 5K. I was wearing capris that I have worn many, many times, including on runs longer than 5K, and I was also wearing underwear that I've worn frequently while running. I still got some chafing on the tops of my inner thighs. It was really sore for a day or two. Totally out of the blue though because I haven't had that issue before or since.

    I have a recurrent issue with my HRM strap chaffing. I tend to just not wear it when its the most sore and ignore it the rest of the time.

    Recently I've been using A & D ointment (yep, diaper ointment LOL), which is working really, really well. It is a combo of lanolin and petroleum, so it both protects and heals the skin. I've seen a noticeable improvement, applying it day and night for 3 days.

    I would recommend using something like A & D or body glide in places you know you might have an issue.
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    hmm that's an awesome tip thanks!!
  • Mlkmaid
    Mlkmaid Posts: 356 Member
    I've never chafed but I wear compression shorts and big, fairly loose Under Armour tops over. Sounds like you're wearing appropriate attire. Some people chafe regardless because their skin is just delicate. Check out Body Glide at your local running store.
  • PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot
    Body Glide. I could be a salesman for that stuff.
  • TheBrolympus
    TheBrolympus Posts: 586 Member
    It is running clothing, Dri- Fit sweat wicking stuff and compression leggings. and I don't know where to put the chafing lube because I seem to chafe in different places every run. I put it on the places that always chafe and that took care of the problem, but the other places move around.

    Run-On (running store in Dallas) sells really small tubes of glide that could be carried on a run. Since you aren't sure where it will hit, you could bring some with you and discretely apply if it gets bad.

    Chaffing can ruin a run for me so use the Glide very generously.