New Beachbody Challenge - Spaces are limited!

Jovan0609 Posts: 233 Member
It's September which means the temperature is about to change and we will start bundling up in oversized sweaters and jackets to cover up the great foods of the holidays...and believe me, no one is looking forward to that more than me.

But...then January rolls around and we all make that vow to lose weight and work out right? But why wait until January? Why not make this the FIRST year that you start your resolution BEFORE the holidays and the first year where you don't have to make a vow to lose weight. Why? Because you're already losing it!

My 90-day Chalean Extreme Challenge group will be a place where you can tackle your Beachbody workouts, vent your frustrations, and share your successes with a group of people who are there to support you along this journey because we are all doing it together. I have three people that have already signed and only have a few spaces remaining...

If you're up for this challenge,then send me a message or respond to this post and I'll be happy to share more details with you! You can also find me at


  • I am tired of hiding all winter long under oversized sweaters, just to experience the bad surprise (once again, just like every single year) which shows up, when it's getting to warm for hiding in cozy cotton.
    I would love to join your group and try to rock this challenge with you ;)