Time to get serious!



  • Jenelle64
    LittleCulture, it sounds like your doing a great job. I'm pushing my workouts in the fat burning zone too, trying to reduce the belly and the thighs.

    Mel, we all have those times, my last one lasted for like 6 months but don't let a few slip ups or bad days get you too down. Maybe sit down and write all the reasons you started in the first place. It's so easy to sabotage yourself when TOM makes you feel miserable but keep going. We're all here with you!
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    OP get right back on track and you will be fine!
  • Jenelle64
    I'm still not being consistent on weekends and this one will be tough because it's the state fair and we will be leaving early Friday morning to make sure my daughter's rabbits are checked in before noon for the show on Saturday. But, my pants are feeling more comfortable and a few are even getting loose. I'm currently in week 4 of my own 12 week get serious program so I will do a 4 week check point this weekend and take my measurements. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I will see enough improvement to keep me motivated to continue to get up at 4:30 every morning and get on the bike. I think I will because of the way my cloths are fitting. So far today I've done 45 minutes on the stationary bike and 35 minutes of weight training. I think tonight I will try the mini-tramp instead of walking on the treadmill. I haven't used the mini-tramp for burning calories much and not at all since I got my HRM; it should be interesting to see how much I burn.

    Mel, are you getting back on track?
  • ZB1110
    ZB1110 Posts: 70 Member
    Jenelle-that is great you are feeling your pants looser. That is always motivating. Sounds fun a state fair. Bad food all around.
    I'm not on track. I don't know what s up with my head. I've been binging. Stress I think. I've been so busy. That is why I haven't been around. I started a new job, it's just par pt time but still stressful. My baby started pre school, she's almost 4. Ds is in cross country and has meets I car pool and I'm Vice President of PTO and have been very busy with that. Sooo... I'm trying to give myself a break. I mean I'm happier about the way my body looks today more than I have been in 20 years. I've made great strides this year including running PRs and built lots of muscle. I'm letting myself off the hook so to speak. As long as I keep it together to hold the same weight I'm ok. So that is my goal for at least the rest of the month. I'm training for a half marathon and more running means I need more carbs.
    So this week I'm upping carbs so maybe I I won't feel like binging ( i most,y binge on healthy stuff, but healthy or not to many calories is still too many cals.) drinking more water, not eating between 7 pm and 7 am, and try to be more mindful of when I start to feel out of control.
    I really want to lose that last bit of fat, but it's going to have to be a work in progress and to be continued - probably forever lol.
  • Jenelle64
    Stress and taking care of kids make it hard to stay on track. I'm right there with you. Just take one step at a time and forgive yourself when you get off track. And you are a busy lady. I think the way you're keeping your fitness goals up and continuing your runs is awesome.

    I like my clothes loosing up, it shows progress but I'm still not seeing it when I look in the mirror, the little love handles do seem to want to go away.

    I know I need to get more sleep and it showed in my workout this morning, I still rode the stationary bike for an hour but my RPM's were lower then they normally are and my muscles tired about 10 min into the workout. I plan to do my weight training later today and hopefully that will be a better workout.