New members introduce yourself please :)

If you're new, please drop by and say Hi!!


  • My name's Becky, i had a gastric sleeve in August last year, and i have since lost 103lb! Its the best thing i have ever done for myself, and i have no regrets. However, it isnt always an easy road, WLS needs lots of research and support, hence setting up this place. I have used MFP for about a year now, to track my calories and protein levels, and so i feel this group could be useful to many as we're daily anyway!
  • ptipton520
    ptipton520 Posts: 83 Member
    My name is Pat. I am starting the path toward gastric bypass surgery. I tried to do this a few years ago and the insurance I had then turned me down. Now, at age 67, I'm on Medicare and Medicare will cover it (or so I'm led to believe). I have my first appointment 09/27. I've read everything I can on the subject (pros and cons). I've also observed two nieces who had the lap band and they did real well the first couple of years but are now back to eating almost the way they started. Considering all this I've decided I want the bypass. Now we have to see what the doctor has to say.

    I'm 5 ft 3 in and weighed in at 264 last week at the doctors. I have, of course, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.

    I'm taking very seriously what I've been reading about post surgery diet so thought using MFP would help me track and provide reinforcement.
  • Hi im Rhonda and I have had the gastric bypass in March 2010. I weight 365 when I got it and got down to !77. I now weight 225 and not happy with the gain so Im changing my habits to good one. It was the best thing I have ever done and i'm glad I did it but now it time to tone up and I would appreciate all support!
  • My name is Pat. I am starting the path toward gastric bypass surgery. I tried to do this a few years ago and the insurance I had then turned me down. Now, at age 67, I'm on Medicare and Medicare will cover it (or so I'm led to believe). I have my first appointment 09/27. I've read everything I can on the subject (pros and cons). I've also observed two nieces who had the lap band and they did real well the first couple of years but are now back to eating almost the way they started. Considering all this I've decided I want the bypass. Now we have to see what the doctor has to say.

    I'm 5 ft 3 in and weighed in at 264 last week at the doctors. I have, of course, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.

    I'm taking very seriously what I've been reading about post surgery diet so thought using MFP would help me track and provide reinforcement.

    Hi Pat, welcome to the new group :) Well done on trying to work out the post op way of eating already, thats forward thinking for you! MFP really helped me, and still does :)

    Sorry to hear about two nieces with their bands! I hear this quite often these days, how they fail years down the line!
  • Hi im Rhonda and I have had the gastric bypass in March 2010. I weight 365 when I got it and got down to !77. I now weight 225 and not happy with the gain so Im changing my habits to good one. It was the best thing I have ever done and i'm glad I did it but now it time to tone up and I would appreciate all support!

    Hi Rhonda, welcome! I really hope mfp and this place can help you to get rid of your regain! Its quite a common phenomenon, isnt it, a bit of bounce back once we stabilize.
  • DrSchizo
    DrSchizo Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, my name is Yolanda and I've had several appointments to get me started towards WLS. I have a couple friends who have had the surgery, one chose the bypass and didn't lose too much - she openly admits its probably because of her eating habits and lack of exercise. I have another friend who chose the lapband and was not very successful either. Another friend of mine chose the sleeve and has been very successful, therefore, I am choosing the sleeve. I have tried to make positive changes in my diet, and have started going to a gym 3 weeks ago. Unfortunately, I have not seen any changes in my weight since I have started, and am hoping I will still be able to get the surgery. I have an appointment in one month to make sure everything is good to go, and will hopefully get my surgery scheduled then. My main concern about the surgery is to figure out what shakes to drink after the surgery. I haven't been given a list of which are best, and which are preferred so I am hoping to find that here. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  • Hi, my name is Yolanda and I've had several appointments to get me started towards WLS. I have a couple friends who have had the surgery, one chose the bypass and didn't lose too much - she openly admits its probably because of her eating habits and lack of exercise. I have another friend who chose the lapband and was not very successful either. Another friend of mine chose the sleeve and has been very successful, therefore, I am choosing the sleeve. I have tried to make positive changes in my diet, and have started going to a gym 3 weeks ago. Unfortunately, I have not seen any changes in my weight since I have started, and am hoping I will still be able to get the surgery. I have an appointment in one month to make sure everything is good to go, and will hopefully get my surgery scheduled then. My main concern about the surgery is to figure out what shakes to drink after the surgery. I haven't been given a list of which are best, and which are preferred so I am hoping to find that here. Any suggestions? Thanks!

    Hi Yolande, well done on getting to the gym already, and good luck with your sleeve referral!

    The main concern immediately afterwards is that the fluids are kept high, sip,sip,sip all day. Then when you can get a bit more in, start on the protein shakes, in the UK the popular site at the moment is

    Maybe you can find the same where you live.

    Whey is the best type of protein, although some really dont like it, me included, so others have the egg based protein shakes, made by Jay Robb.

    Try to find a site that will send you a load of samples that you can try now!
  • DrSchizo
    DrSchizo Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for the tips! I will definitely try getting free samples...I didnt even think of that!
  • mbcaldwell123
    mbcaldwell123 Posts: 79 Member
    Hi. I'm Beth. I got the band 4 years ago. I have lost 155 lbs so far but I still need to lose MORE!!! I having a hard time losing more weight. I go to gym 5 to 7 day per week and see a personal trainer 3 to 5 times per week. My fitness level is phenomenal but I just can't seem to lose any more lbs!!!!! Hopefully this challenge will help me through this plateau!!!
  • Hi. I'm Beth. I got the band 4 years ago. I have lost 155 lbs so far but I still need to lose MORE!!! I having a hard time losing more weight. I go to gym 5 to 7 day per week and see a personal trainer 3 to 5 times per week. My fitness level is phenomenal but I just can't seem to lose any more lbs!!!!! Hopefully this challenge will help me through this plateau!!!

    Hi Beth! Well done on losing so much, wow, and making such an effort to go to the gym, you put me to shame! Do you eat mainly protein?
  • aldomodo
    aldomodo Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, I'm Alison. I am going to have surgery at the end of November. The date and surgeon are fixed but I haven't decided whether to have a gastric plication or a sleeve yet. Having the surgery booked has been quite motivating as far as diet and excercise goes.
  • Hi, I'm Alison. I am going to have surgery at the end of November. The date and surgeon are fixed but I haven't decided whether to have a gastric plication or a sleeve yet. Having the surgery booked has been quite motivating as far as diet and excercise goes.

    Alison 14lb is a great loss already! if you can keep that going you'll not be needing the WLS! Do you use mfp already to log your food?
  • aldomodo
    aldomodo Posts: 19 Member
    Yes I use MFP. As we all know losing is easy - keeping it off is the problem, which is why I want the surgery. About 10 years a go I lost 7 stones and for the first time ever as an adult I had a BMI under 25. I have since regained it all and more. :sad: It's very hard to look into the future facing what feels like a lifetime of deprivation. Hoping the surgery will keep me satisfied with enough food to keep the weight off.
  • Yes I use MFP. As we all know losing is easy - keeping it off is the problem, which is why I want the surgery. About 10 years a go I lost 7 stones and for the first time ever as an adult I had a BMI under 25. I have since regained it all and more. :sad: It's very hard to look into the future facing what feels like a lifetime of deprivation. Hoping the surgery will keep me satisfied with enough food to keep the weight off.

    We've all been there! So far, a year out, my sleeve has done exactly that for me. I still enjoy my food but am satisfied with a lot less. And i love the added bonus of not feeling hungry.
  • Hev4
    Hev4 Posts: 2
    Hi there

    I'm Heather and I'm 58 and had the sleeve op 18 months ago. Great at first I lost 7 stone (I was 29 at my most heavy) but this year I have struggled to lose 7lb. Exercise is very difficult because of my knees but I do try and walk as much as possible. There is no support group here and to attend the hospital one is to far away and for medical reasons I am unable to drive.

    I have started today to be stricter about my diet and try to lost a couple of stone before my next hospital appointment in November,
  • aldomodo
    aldomodo Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Heather - 7 stones lost must have made a huge difference to your health and mobility already so congratulations on losing than and maintaining it. You say there is no support group where you are. Where are you based? Did you have surgery with the NHS?
  • Hi, My name is Rebekah. I hope it is ok that I am not from the UK. I am from Maine in the US. I am 23 and currently weigh 294. I went to the initial support group for WLS. I will be getting dates for my actual appointments soon. I have lost weight in the past but gained it back. I am hoping to do the bypass surgery. Trying to get my eating habits under control right now! Thanks for starting this group!
  • Hi! I'm Heather from the US. I visited my childhood pen pal in the UK last year. I am 1 week post op and am thrilled to join your group to see how you are managing weight loss surgery. Oh, and for some yummy British recipes that are gastric friendly!
  • aldomodo
    aldomodo Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Heather, Your loss so far has been amazing. Things are bound to be slower when you are at a lower weight. Hope you can get things moving again.
  • Wannabslim2014
    Wannabslim2014 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi all,

    I have been heavily overweight for nearly 12 years after I left school and I'm only 28! (337lbs at the moment) I have tried every diet under the sun but my health has begun to deteriorate. I have dislocated both my knees and now have arthritis in them, have a bad back and continually getting colds etc. I can lose the weight but cannot keep it off and when it goes back on it doubles. I spoke with my doctor and we both agreed that unless I do something soon...well it doesn't bear thinking about really.

    I will be having the Sleeve Feb/March 2014. I have had the consultants appointment, my dieticians appointment is 17th January and then we are all set to go and book a date.

    The question I would like to put to the group is has anyone had to lose as much as I do and how was your body after losing all the weight. I will be doing exercise once the weight starts to come off but just wondering what the after effects are like or do you require corrective surgery afterwards?
    I look forward to hearing from you and please add me, I'm happy to chat xxx