Healthy holistic health 2 (HHH2) challenge begins NOW!


This challenge starts Wednesday September 11, and ends Wednesday November 20th (the day before American Thanksgiving...that's no coincidence) for a total of 10 weeks, but YOU CAN JOIN AT ANY TIME! (Act now, but this offer will last, and thanks to MFP, it is only 10 easy payments of FREE!).

YOU WILL NOT BE DROPPED so long as you continue to report in. Holistic health is a long term challenge, so while we will have an official winner on Thanksgiving day, getting back on that horse after a rough week is a big part of long term health. Lets be honest, we will all wax and wain in the short term to be healthy long term.

In the same spirit, feel free to TAILOR THIS CHALLENGE TO YOURSELF. Maybe you don't want to participate in the challenger's choice or maybe the self care-reporting feels cumbersome and impedes on your wellness; by George, that's ok! You can still participate in the challenge! You will be able to see your own weekly points and can compete against yourself rather than others. That sounds healthy to me!

Remember to post your results on Wednesday so that I can enter you to compete for the coveted Weekly Wednesday Winner award. ;) On Thursday I will make a chart of the results you all post this week, highlighting both the Weekly Wednesday Winner (WWW!) and the Current Cumulative Conquerer (CCC!; wellness is long term, y'all). I will post the charts in this forum.

We are using an honor system (pftt - I'm not checking in on are the one trying to be healthier, right?).

Please use the following as a template to report your results in a response post to the weekly check ins (message me your email address if you want a chart that I created for myself):

- Number of days you drink 8 cups of water(3 pts):
- Number of days you have 2 (e.g. 1/2c) servings of fruit (3 pts):
- Number of days you have 3 (1/2c) servings of vegetables (5 pts):
- Number of days you avoid refined sugary snacks (5 pts):
- Number of days you log all food consumed in your MFP food diary (5 pts):
- Number of days you exercise for 30 minutes of exercise (5 pts):
- Number of days you exercised for 45+ minutes (7 pts a day):
- Additional self-care* (3 pts each day for self-care items reported):
- Challenger's Choice** identified and completed (10 points)?: Y or N
-Number of pounds lost (10 points per pound):
- or if you maintained your weight (5 points):
- or if you gained weight (0 points):
-Identify Challenger Choice for next week here:

You may have noticed that there is a lot of flexibility in this challenge. That is no accident. You have freedom here, because it is your health. Maybe you eat 1/4c raisins and 8oz of V8 juice. I would count those as a full serving of fruit and 2 servings of veggies. I don't count builders bars against my refined sugar snacks because, although they certainly have sugar, I use that as a healthy alternative to say, a candy bar or whatever else might be lurking in an office kitchen. You are in charge of both the challenge and your health!

So...want to participate? I know some are new, so here are the three simple steps:
1) respond to this post with your challengers choice (if you want to earn those points)
2) begin recording your daily successes from the template above
3) next Wednesday I will post a forum for the week 1 results, and you will respond there with a summary of your successes (just follow the lead of the experts!)

*self-care is defined as any non-exercize, non- food related event that rejuvenates your soul. It may mean a bath by candle light, studying for an exam, meditation, stretching, doing your nails, tai chi, camping in a tent in your backyard, reading a book, religious practice, going to pet puppies, swinging on the playground, not counting calories while on vacation, saying "no", calling a friend or family member, or whatever does your soul good. YOU define what is good for you here.

** challenger's choice="design-your-own-bonus-points" option that you intend to fulfill during the week. The idea here is to be forward thinking in our wellness. As long as it falls into what YOU consider to be "wellness," it's fair game (e.g., finish reading Omnivore's Dilemma, "friend" everyone who is participating In the challenge, complete four days of planks, make an apt to have that funny mole checked, stay under your calorie goal for 5 days that week, or try a new class at the gym). When we check in the following week, we will report on whether or not we achieved it. This is like the self-care category, but with foresight, in recognition that we need to plan for a successful future of health and wellness.


  • Elizabeth_in_MN
    Elizabeth_in_MN Posts: 167 Member
    My challenger's choice is to complete a "research day" this week (i.e. spend a day focusing on research rather than teaching or professional service).

    And for those of you who played last time....I'm in it to win it this time! I'm not sitting this one on the sidelines this time! :)
  • jcramer1227
    jcramer1227 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm going to give it a shot again. I think things have settled down just enough for me to focus on something other than work lol I don't think I'll be logging all my food (still attempting to stay away from that aspect), but my challenge this week will be to recalculate my calorie intake. Since I have a desk job now instead of a serving job, I'll probably set myself at sedentary or lightly active. Anyway, that's my goal :) So count me in!
  • azmiz
    azmiz Posts: 128 Member
    Here we go!!! My challenger choice for this week is to do at least 20 planks for 1 min each. This is a problem area for me and I am not a plank fan! Good luck everyone.
  • JulieB_MN
    JulieB_MN Posts: 223 Member
    Elizabeth I bet you will win it!!!!!!
    My challengers choice will be to make sure that everything I need at work (school) is set out for the next day before I leave for the night. I have to be over organized this year so that if my dad needs me I can be gone in a flash:)
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 780 Member
    I am totally in. Things are a little crazy in my life right now but hopefully this will help me get back on track. My challengers choice this week is to be under calorie goal for the first week. That way I can try to get back on the. Ball food wise.
  • Dreamermoth
    Dreamermoth Posts: 56 Member
    I'm in. :)

    My challenge for this week will be twofold as I am going on Recreation leave at the end of week - is not to snack on sweet treats on my night shift tomorrow night, and to do 10 squats per day as well as the exercise program recently set out by physiotherapist for injury mobility.
    I will spend time tonight writing up my program, instead of doing it when I remembered and what I remembered at the time.

    Cheers everyone.. We Rock!!!! :devil:

  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    I am afraid, but I am in! I am starting at 150.8 this am and want to be lower!!!

    Next Wednesday, I will report on:

    Number of days you drink 8 cups of water(3 pts):
    - Number of days you have 2 (e.g. 1/2c) servings of fruit (3 pts):
    - Number of days you have 3 (1/2c) servings of vegetables (5 pts):
    - Number of days you avoid refined sugary snacks (5 pts):
    - Number of days you log all food consumed in your MFP food diary (5 pts):
    - Number of days you exercise for 30 minutes of exercise (5 pts):
    - Number of days you exercised for 45+ minutes (7 pts a day):
    - Additional self-care* (3 pts each day for self-care items reported):
  • BrainOnAStick
    BrainOnAStick Posts: 126 Member
    Let's do this!

    My Challenger's Choice for the week is to work on my dissertation for four hours a day at least three days this week.
  • doin_it
    doin_it Posts: 414 Member
    I am going to give it another try..hopefully I will beable to get past this plateau and the defeated feeling I have been having lately. It's gotta give would think anyway!!

    My Challenger's Choice this week is to get my walk in every day and to stay within my calorie range. Hopefully that will get me back on track and on the road to much slimmer me!!
  • Elizabeth_in_MN
    Elizabeth_in_MN Posts: 167 Member
    Wonderful challenges, everyone! We DO rock!!
  • I am totally in and am hoping this will give me the incentive I need to get back into exercise and healthy eating. I have been having an issue lately that has me snacking at night, so my challenge goal is to not snack past 7 pm. This is a tough time of day for me, so this will be a real challenge.

    Good luck to all the participants!
  • My challengers choice is to prioritize studying for pharmacology over socializing this week. I need to give it some real energy.
  • what kind of things are included in seflk care items?
  • SandraJN
    SandraJN Posts: 305 Member
    I'm in. Hopefully I won't fade to black like I did the last time! My challengers choice is to make it through the week without my meds I've been on due to head injury. Dr. thinks it's time to give it a try. Hopefully I can be my curmudgeonly self again without depression. :)
  • mousemom18
    mousemom18 Posts: 172 Member
    Okay, I'm in. My starting weight is 146. My challenger's choice is to exercise BEFORE 10 PM at least 4 days this week. (Very often I wait until a whole batch of other stuff is done before putting in the workout videos)