
kritney Posts: 132 Member
Hi everyone! My name is Kristi and I am so excited to get started. I'm currently finishing a round of Insanity and can't wait to see what Shaun T has done with his newest workout program. My hours at work have recently changed so the shorter workouts will be perfect. I am also a Beachbody coach so if anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask me. You can add me as a friend here too! I'm really looking forward to rocking this workout and fitting into my skinny jeans by Thanksgiving. We can do this!


  • Zakiya05
    Zakiya05 Posts: 36 Member
    HI My name is Zakyia. I just finished Insanity, and I am currently doing Hip Hop Abs and going to the gym to give my body a few weeks break before starting Focus T25. I am excited but concerned about starting T25. I was able to preview a few of the workouts and to me it reminded me of P90X, which I have yet to complete all of the 90 days. I just get bored easily and it couldn't hold my attention for the 1hr+. I am hoping with the half hour routines and only 60 days I will be able to get through this program. I am so excited that it stops around Thanksgiving too! That is perfect timing! I am excited to make new friends so please friend me!
  • justapita75
    justapita75 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello Everyone! My name is Jenn. I just go my T25 and I am super excited to start the program. I have several friends who have had a lot of success with this workout. I am not a seasoned vet like you guys but I am very motivated to get my body in shape and I can't wait to start on Monday. I work 12 shifts 3 days a week so I am hoping that the 25 min workout will be easy to incorporate into my day. Best of luck to everyone!
  • Hello all :smile:

    I have gotten mine and have done the first 2 days. Feeling the pain right now. Just a tad sore. :ohwell:

    I know I am a couple of days early, I hope I can stay.

    I must say, that I thought I was reasonably fit, running 3xweek but this leaves me seriously out of breath and sweating bucket loads.

  • Hello
    My name is Kris and this is my very first post. I'm new to MFP but learning quickly. I have purchased T25 and it should be here on Saturday. My plan is to start on 9/16. This is my first Beachbody program so I am very excited and nervous as well. I am not in the best shape right now but I am determined to stay focused hence the programs name! My main goal it to lose weight and to have some accountability. Can't wait to make friends and see each others progress!!
  • kritney
    kritney Posts: 132 Member
    Sandra - yes, please stay! The more the merrier, right!?! We'll get through it together :)

    Kris - welcome! So glad to have you join our group.

    I'm excited and looking forward to getting some great results and having the support and accountability of the group will really help.
  • bellefille
    bellefille Posts: 50 Member
    Hi all,

    I just received my copy this evening. I think I will start a week later than the rest of the group but I hope I can still fit in with you all!

    I have problems with my knees and ankles, and purchased this primarily because of the low-impact modifications - I plan to stick with Tanya for the first few weeks and hopefully will be able to transition out of it depending on how things go with my knees.

    I will be watching the DVD's this week and planning my menus - and reading your updates.

  • kritney
    kritney Posts: 132 Member
    bellefille - welcome! The modifications are definitely a good thing, I was still sweating! Hopefully you can transition but I think the modified workouts will still get you good results, especially if you are watching what you eat and drinking enough water. Good luck to you! Let us know how you are doing when you get started.
  • brandynicole28
    brandynicole28 Posts: 102 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Brandy and I just started T25 Alpha cycle on the 16th. I loved it!! I got my behind kicked but felt amazing afterwards. Like many of you I also had to use some of the modifications. Looking forward to day 2!!!!
  • TiMoPhat
    TiMoPhat Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Everyone!! I am Ti Awna and I have been doing Focus T25 on and off since the second week of August. I will be starting over with you all but 2 days late but will double up the workouts from Monday and Tuesday during my rest day. I love the workout and I know it works but I definitely need a team to support me and keep me on track. I have a crazy work schedule but I definitely need the support/motivation from all of you so I can stay on track. I have taken my beginning measurements as of Monday of last week to keep track of my progress. I am not only using MFP to track my meals but I am also on weight watchers online. I actually injured my ankle doing some of the squat lunges so please be careful and do the modifier/low impact if you need to. I have been mixing them up based on how my ankle feels. Please friend me and I am looking forward to the progress everyone!!! IGood Luck!
  • embersdream
    embersdream Posts: 401 Member
    Hi my name is ember , im 38 and live in australia...
    by coincidence i just happened tos tart thisprogramme almost a week ago and i am loving it!! time wise and intensity .. problem is i havent been focusing on just doing the alpha first the beta then gamma... so im goong to start now to do it in order, pretend like im beigninning all over again, but since i have been doing it my apetite has increased eek!!
  • kritney
    kritney Posts: 132 Member
    Hey everyone since I seem to be on Facebook ALL the time lately, please feel free to friend me there too: