Hello, Knoxville

heidiyf Posts: 8 Member
It doesn't look like anyone has posted here in awhile but I am interested in finding people who live near me. I'm thinking accountability buddies and maybe even someone to walk/exercise with but for right now, I'd just really like some FitnessPal buddies from around here. I am a 28 year old female looking to lose about 70 lbs.


  • MusicInMyHeart
    Hey there! Knoxvillian here! Sending you a Friend Request now :)
  • morninglory5782
    morninglory5782 Posts: 30 Member
    Hey! Another Knoxvillian! Feel free to friend me, chat anytime, and I'm interested in walking buddies too!
  • mcblevins
    mcblevins Posts: 74 Member
    Yaaaa for being healthy!!
  • Lizzzy22
    Lizzzy22 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey - just joined the group today. If you are in the N. Knoxville area - let me know.
  • Lizzzy22
    Lizzzy22 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey guys - how's everyone doing today????? Staying on plan and working out?? What eating "plans" are you guys doing? I'm doing Paleo. Love it! If anyone wants any info on it, let me know. I'll be happy to point you to some resources I use all the time.

    BTW - it's storming like a BIGDOG where I live. What about you guys??:bigsmile: