Hi there!



  • 20072013
    20072013 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi All! I am so excited to see this thread as well! I am 6 ft tall and want to loose about 30 more pounds, I have lost 11 in the last month using MFP. It seems like there are some unique challanges/ situations as a tall lady! Feel free to friend me!
    GW: 180-185
  • carakit
    carakit Posts: 126 Member
    Hi Everyone! I am 31, 6'2" and currently weigh about 245. I started at 255 and my goal weight is 175. I played college basketball and am trying to get back in the shape I was in college.......or at least close to it! I think once I graduated I just wanted to take some time off of getting up early every morning and working out and that little time off ended up being about 7 years (I stayed in shaped my first several years out of college)!!! I have struggled with trying to lose weight for the last 5 years. I would swear I was going to change then fall off the wagon. So since I have been using MFP this has been the longest I have tracked my food. I usually dont do to back through the week but on the weekends I really struggle.

    I started doing Insanity 4 weeks ago and have finished the first month but, since I started my weight loss has stalled. I am losing inches but not weight. Unlike most people I do really love to workout however, I also love to eat!!! Portion size is my biggest issue.

    Feel free to add me if you would like a tall girl friend!!
  • 1802go
    1802go Posts: 77 Member
    another tall one me 6 feet :laugh:
  • 1802go
    1802go Posts: 77 Member
    the tall girls don't post much do they??
  • 1802go
    1802go Posts: 77 Member
    Hi to all the pretty tall women just saying keep talking!!!
  • celcey
    What happens is that people pickup friends here, and the conversations move to private news feeds.
  • 1802go
    1802go Posts: 77 Member

    Sept 1 at 335.6
    Sept 8 at 333
    Sept 15 at 330
    Sept 18 Dr apt 328 happy dance he he

    Have you ever notice how skinny short always say ho your just big boned?
    I tall and have med to small bones I am just over weight.
  • 1802go
    1802go Posts: 77 Member
    I love being TALLLLL :laugh: