
Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
What is everyone doing right now for their workouts?

I am on week 2 of T25. It is hard and I have to use the modifier for some moves but wow what a workout! I have already improved from week 1. Looking forward to the next 8 weeks of the program!


  • jg4ever
    jg4ever Posts: 85 Member
    I have been walking/jogging and it feels great. I'm looking forward to this next week because here in Minnesota it's suppose to be really nice (70's) so that is great walking/jogging weather.
  • crwatson90
    crwatson90 Posts: 2 Member
    I go to group fitness classes at my school's campus Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday because those are the only days that work with my class/work schedule. I take 2 spinning (Mon and Wed) and one BodyPump (Tues) class. I try to stay active on the other days whether it is just getting to the gym to go on the elliptical for 45 minutes or so or walking a few miles. Starting CrossFit soon, should be interesting!!!
  • Well, this is a little embarrassing... I don't have a workout/fitness plan right currently.

    But I am planning on getting up early during the week to walk the dog before my husband gets up to go to work. Then I will probably use a fitness DVD 3 times a week. I've gotten several videos over the years and I'm thinking of using one for this challenge--probably start with the beginner yoga one.
  • MelonGG
    MelonGG Posts: 22 Member
    I kick box 3 to 4 times a week and try to walk at least every day on my lunch hours, I don't know what it is about walking but it really seems to work for me in the long run, or at least it did in the past before baby number two! :smile:
  • hoshaugh73
    hoshaugh73 Posts: 255 Member
    I commute to work by bike everyday, it's a great way to burn 600+ calories each day. Drving takes the same amount of time, plus I get my workout in. I arrive at work mentally and phyically ready to go! I also walk at lunchtime a couple times a week, and then I run a couple times a week.
  • I do weight training on Monday and Wednesday and Spin Class on Tuesday and Thursday. This week I also did a Yoga class on Wednesday. And since I am feeling extra motivation, I think I will weight train again tomorrow.
  • BeckyJo19
    BeckyJo19 Posts: 49 Member
    I just finished week 7 of C25K! I've never finished anything like this before, so who knows what I'll do next.
    I have the Turbo Jam DVD's, Rockin' Body, and pretty much every Jillian Michaels DVD. I try to keep it fresh :)
  • doIlhands
    doIlhands Posts: 349 Member
    I weight train 2x a week with a trainer and try to get in 2 cardio workouts on my own. Its working well for me :smile:
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,611 Member
    I have been doing a cross training regime.

    Today is going to be just a skating day since I did a tough hour group class this morning and will be heading to the rink again in about an hour to work by myself and then with my partner.
  • Fuelingmybody
    Fuelingmybody Posts: 12 Member
    I do a lot of different workouts currently.. I like to mix it up and not stick to a schedule per se.

    I also tend to workout about 75 mins or so a day.
  • aatlchavens
    aatlchavens Posts: 44 Member
    ChaLean Extreme! Oh, and I run two or three days a week too.
  • I do Pilates twice a week, plus another group class once a week. I also walk to and from work almost everyday. BUT I know for a fact that I NEED to start taking weight training seriously. WIthout doing that and some regular cardio I will not get the results of being toned and sleek with a round booty that I want. I'm going to start by creating a schedule for myself for next week for training. Example: Monday: arms, abs Tuesday: pilates Wednesday: abs, butt Thursday: legs Friday: Pilates Saturday: cardio, arms Sunday: off. Wish me luck!!!
  • skyekeeper
    skyekeeper Posts: 286 Member
    I work out 5-6 days a week from 25 to 45 minutes. I have been doing Hip Hop Abs for over the last month. I am getting ready to start Slim in 6 or P90X. Not sure which. Otherwise, I power walk.
  • xX_Samantha_Xx
    xX_Samantha_Xx Posts: 166 Member
    I do Crossfit 3x a week. Hoping to increase to 4x a week in the next couple weeks. It's a great all over workout. :)
  • kathim429
    kathim429 Posts: 379 Member
    I try to get to the gym 5 or 6 days a week, I am hooked on the ARC trainer at the gym, usually doing about 30-40 minutes each time. I am looking to add some strength training now.
  • So, it seems that I am not he only one trying to figure out how much to eat when you burn a lot of calories via workouts.
    I know I have been running for a couple years now with almost no scale movement (which is why brought me here because I blame no nutrition accountability). Before coming here and the first couple weeks here, I never ate back exercise cals and ate about 1200 a day. After several days or weeks of no loss, I get frustrated and quit and then start all over again. (I never stop running though, I love running)
    On Tuesday of this week, I decided to start to eat back about half of my exercise calories. I am hoping this is the solution to keeping me motivated and start the scale moving. It was after doing research on MFP and elsewhere that I decided to try this approach.

    What do you all do - eat back exercise cals? Some? All?

    My diary is open to friends if that helps. You'll see the change between Monday and the rest of the week.

    Thanks - Jen
  • lharri0209
    lharri0209 Posts: 128 Member
    Currently am using my stationary bike 5-6 days a wk, which also has 10 levels of resistance. I can only get up to level 7 right now though. The bike also has personal trainer programs included. I do the bike for 60-80 min per workout. I also walk to drop off and/or pick up my son from school which is a 20 min walk each time. I will include toning exercising in the coming wks especially for my mommy tummy. 3 c sections has left me with some loose skin there.
  • I have been doing Shawn T's Rockin body...its alot of fun, i look forward to it
  • I also have hip hop abs
  • HeatherZousel
    HeatherZousel Posts: 62 Member
    I do Pilates twice a week, plus another group class once a week. I also walk to and from work almost everyday. BUT I know for a fact that I NEED to start taking weight training seriously. WIthout doing that and some regular cardio I will not get the results of being toned and sleek with a round booty that I want. I'm going to start by creating a schedule for myself for next week for training. Example: Monday: arms, abs Tuesday: pilates Wednesday: abs, butt Thursday: legs Friday: Pilates Saturday: cardio, arms Sunday: off. Wish me luck!!!

    I started doing the "You are your own Gym" app workouts. If you have a smartphone it is available for android and iphone. It is a good starting point. I used to be a drill instructor at a prison bootcamp. I used to do 500 lunges and 200 pushups a morning with those guys. I have been in an office job a few years now and did the lower body workout from that app...boy, did my rear feel those 60 lunges!