14 Weeks till Christmas - Weekly Check in



  • lacyslosing
    lacyslosing Posts: 8 Member
    CW: 204
    Lost this week: 0.8
    Pounds to lose: Not sure, will decide and post it next week.
    Goals: I need to get organized! It's easy to screw up when you don't have food prepared and I did that twice this week, got home late, was tired and didn't bother to plan for the next day so I ended up grabbing a bagel at the coffee shop and once I'm on the downhill slide I just keep sliding. So getting organized and if I have a mess up not letting it mess up the whole day is what I'm going to work on this week. Also making exercise a priority. I have a tendancy to let that be the thing that I skip if something interrupts my schedule so I'm going to make it a priority and everything else will have to wait!
  • 1. CW 222.8

    2. Lost 1.6 this week

    3. NSV - a couple of things that were really tight are actually getting baggy :)

    4. Goal for next week - have a 70,000 step week.(not sure if I will ever make this one)

    5. 27.0 lbs to lose by Christmas
  • Steffani911
    Steffani911 Posts: 196 Member
    I finally lost .5 lbs.
    NSV=Getting out of maintenance mode and boom, weight loss. I think I'm getting this weight loss thing down.
    Goal for next week is just to stay on track.
    20.5 lbs to go by Christmas.
  • 1. Current 171 lbs
    2. I've lost 1 lb since last week
    3. NSV- my trainer commenting that I'm looking leaner (need to do some measurements but I love hearing that!)
    4. My goal for next week is to just stay motivated and keep making good choices
    5. 19 lbs to go by Christmas!

    On a side note....last year at Christmas I was 186 lbs. I'm already proud of myself for making changes and getting healthy! I love that I've found a place where I can get support and advice from people who are all working towards similar goals!
  • USMCnetty90
    USMCnetty90 Posts: 277 Member
    Checking in on time this week - yay me...

    CW 143
    LOSS - Zero - but I'm ok with that
    NSV - My coworkers said that my 15 year old son probably gets teased alot for having a Hot Mom
    To go: 13lbs.
    my goal for next week is just to run more...
  • TaraRichardson913
    TaraRichardson913 Posts: 157 Member
    I was so disappointed yesterday when I saw the scale and I avoided MFP- silly, right.

    SW 180.8
    CW: 182
    NSV: Someone asked if I lost weight
    22lbs to go by Christmas.
  • Steffani911
    Steffani911 Posts: 196 Member
    I was so disappointed yesterday when I saw the scale and I avoided MFP- silly, right.

    SW 180.8
    CW: 182
    NSV: Someone asked if I lost weight
    22lbs to go by Christmas.

    How long have you been going?

    When I first started getting serious about the exercise portion, I went up 2.5 lbs and stayed for 2.5 weeks. I was so sad.
  • maguariento
    maguariento Posts: 72 Member
    Ditto on no loss for a week or two (gained, actually!). Not sure what it is, but it was like my body freaked out and held on to everything it could. Eventually it relented, though, and the scale started to move in the proper direction.

    This is the pep talk my husband gives me: We are doing all the right things. We are eating better and exercising more. It will make a difference in the long run.
  • MissMom3
    MissMom3 Posts: 101 Member
    Hi I haven't checked in yet but better late than never!!

    1. 159.6 lbs. (as of Wednesday 9/11)
    2. 0 lbs.
    3. I re-started Turbo Fire Monday 9/9 and have stuck with it. Also, I made it to the gym twice this week!! (I haven't been in a few months)
    4. Lose 2 lbs. and keep pushing play!!
    5. My goal is to be 130 lbs. by Christmas so 29.4 lbs.!!
  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    sorry first time checking !

    1. Current weight 171Ibs

    2. weight lost since last week 3Ibs

    3. hmmm N/A

    4. Goals for next week - finish uni shopping ! (busy, busy, busy)...Lose another 2-3Ibs & walk some more

    5. weight to go by Christmas 26-35Ibs (shall see close to he time!)
  • bkesecker
    bkesecker Posts: 163 Member
    A little late but you know what they say....

    1. Current weight - NOT SHARING
    2. NONE - Scale is being stubborn
    3. Pants fitting better
    4. Pass my PT hip sport test and get a full release from PT and doctor
    5. 23.5
  • gazelle6
    gazelle6 Posts: 2 Member
    1. Current 199.0
    2. I've lost 1 lb since last week
    3. NSV- variety of fitness-spinning, hiking, yoga
    4. goal this week -better food tracking
    5. 19 lbs to go by Christmas
  • asundeen88
    asundeen88 Posts: 32 Member
    1. 277.2
    2. -3.6 lbs :)
    3. Well yesterday we went to the fair and walked to go see a show there was a pretty steep hill I had to push my daughter up and I could actually do it. It wasn't killing me. My boyfriend even offered to push the stroller but I was alright :)
    4. Successfully make it through week 6 of my c25k.
    5. 23.4 more pounds to go!
  • srmacey29
    srmacey29 Posts: 11 Member
    No change since last week. I'm sure that traveling has been a part of the problem. My exercise has been consistent and good though.