Knowing Your Body

As I am taking the time to track and log my daily meals, quite a bit of vital information is being revealed. Now, let me tell you that before I embark on any journey, I kinda "have a lil talk with Jesus"! He's my friend too, ya Anyway, when we decided to start this process, I prayed that God would reveal to me any possibility of change that would aid in healing my body from edema. For years I have been battling this demon of fluid retention and taking medication as well. While my symptoms have improved tramendously, I still have obstacles to overcome. I am currently on a lower dosage than when I started, so major progress. But, I wanted to know more about why my body refuses to release fluid properly, so that has become my focus and prayer. I would notice that I would feel grand one day and miserable the next, so why the up and down?!?!!? Well, I think I am seeing the light. As I am logging my meals, I see that many of the foods I eat, even those that are considered to be more healthy, contain high amounts of sugar and sodium!!!!! I thought I was eating better than most. For example, I love lowfat vanilla yogurt with blueberries and granola,....A WHOPPING 24gr OF SUGAR!!!!! (in my Joey voice from Blossom,...WHOA!!!!) What a revelation and now I know how to alter my meals. You should see me planning my meals in an effort to stabalize the categories. God revealed to me exactly what I needed to improve my health and I would be foolish at best not to make the changes. Thanks ladies, for helping me on my journey to a better "Me". You guys rock.


  • Wow! That is awesome Mary! My journey into eating better came through my participating in the Daniel fast with my church several years ago. During the fast, which was 21 days of fruits and vegetables, I experienced a dramatic change in the way I felt and looked! Although the intention of the fast was not to loose weight, it changed the way that I looked at the food I was eating. It was then that I realized that even some of the so called "healthy" foods contain sugar and preservatives that were contributing to my weight, blood pressure, and water retention. I stopped eating cereal, pasta, white rice, and white bread. I have recently discovered that often times the wheat breads and brown rice contain just as much sugar as the white! Its definetly a journey, but the more we learn and share, the better we are for it! Be encouraged!
  • It really is an eye opener when you start tracking what you eat and realize that one garlic stick at Olive Garden is 200 calories and to think I like to eat at least 2! 400 calories is essentially one meal! It just really stinks that the things that seem to taste the best aren't the best for us.
  • mwalton40
    mwalton40 Posts: 4 Member
    Ladies, come December we are going to look brand new! Inner and outter beauty on display and we are going to wear it well. Let's get ready for week 2 and the fabulous results that are to come. Have a great and healthy weekend!:smile: