Whole 30 sept



  • I'm half though the first day and feeling like total crap :frown: I'm nauseous with a major headache. Peppermint oil is helping a little, but I knew that this was coming and I know it will pass. I have zero appetite, but will do my best to meet my daily goals.
  • I'm half though the first day and feeling like total crap :frown: I'm nauseous with a major headache. Peppermint oil is helping a little, but I knew that this was coming and I know it will pass. I have zero appetite, but will do my best to meet my daily goals.
    This will all pass soon.
    I am on week 6 of a whole 30 and it's going great,I'm doing an Auto Immune Whole 30.
    Get lots of rest and be gentle with yourself.
  • I'm half though the first day and feeling like total crap :frown: I'm nauseous with a major headache. Peppermint oil is helping a little, but I knew that this was coming and I know it will pass. I have zero appetite, but will do my best to meet my daily goals.
    This will all pass soon.
    I am on week 6 of a whole 30 and it's going great,I'm doing an Auto Immune Whole 30.
    Get lots of rest and be gentle with yourself.

    Thanks for the encouragement! I'm just chillin' in the bed today.
  • I sort of backed into Whole30 a week ago. For me, it only meant dropping the booze, dairy and super dark chocolate (boo-hoo). I had been LCHF (low carb/high fat) since end of June during which I had stopped all grains and was eating mostly grass fed meat/butter/cheese/ghee, organic everything, raw milk yogurt (homemade). But I was losing no weight and not feeling like I had gotten anywhere on joint pain, sleep or overall well being. Then I read Robb Wolf, Mark Sasson's PB and finally Whole30. Without the dairy, I can't see any reasonable way of doing LCHF anyway.

    Changes for me in the past week have been striking:
    - I sleep soundly, deeply, a full 8 hours
    - I feel more alert, sharp, no drowsy spells, more energetic
    - Most of all, I am a candidate for double hip replacement -- I have been walking with substantially reduced pain and more flexibility for longer strides the past few days.

    It is still too early to come to conclusions (like "it's the dairy") but I am really encouraged and hopeful.
  • I sort of backed into Whole30 a week ago. For me, it only meant dropping the booze, dairy and super dark chocolate (boo-hoo). I had been LCHF (low carb/high fat) since end of June during which I had stopped all grains and was eating mostly grass fed meat/butter/cheese/ghee, organic everything, raw milk yogurt (homemade). But I was losing no weight and not feeling like I had gotten anywhere on joint pain, sleep or overall well being. Then I read Robb Wolf, Mark Sasson's PB and finally Whole30. Without the dairy, I can't see any reasonable way of doing LCHF anyway.

    Changes for me in the past week have been striking:
    - I sleep soundly, deeply, a full 8 hours
    - I feel more alert, sharp, no drowsy spells, more energetic
    - Most of all, I am a candidate for double hip replacement -- I have been walking with substantially reduced pain and more flexibility for longer strides the past few days.

    It is still too early to come to conclusions (like "it's the dairy") but I am really encouraged and hopeful.
    Just a quick note to say that I do low carb/high fat without dairy and there are lots of others who do the same on here.
    It's a matter of eating fatty meats,coconut oil,nuts,olive oil,etc.
    It's not difficult for me at all.
    Hope you continue to feel great from the whole 30.
    I am on week 6 and feel really good but still waiting on some improvements (hip bursitis being the main one)
    I would say you can notice results from different issues within days of starting a whole 30.
    I hear it all the time.
    All the best on this journey
  • Just a quick note to say that I do low carb/high fat without dairy and there are lots of others who do the same on here.
    It's a matter of eating fatty meats,coconut oil,nuts,olive oil,etc.
    It's not difficult for me at all.
    Hope you continue to feel great from the whole 30.
    I am on week 6 and feel really good but still waiting on some improvements (hip bursitis being the main one)
    I would say you can notice results from different issues within days of starting a whole 30.
    I hear it all the time.
    All the best on this journey

    That's great and thank you for sharing that! Are you seeing any improvements? Are your meats grass fed, organic, etc?
  • Just a quick note to say that I do low carb/high fat without dairy and there are lots of others who do the same on here.
    It's a matter of eating fatty meats,coconut oil,nuts,olive oil,etc.
    It's not difficult for me at all.
    Hope you continue to feel great from the whole 30.
    I am on week 6 and feel really good but still waiting on some improvements (hip bursitis being the main one)
    I would say you can notice results from different issues within days of starting a whole 30.
    I hear it all the time.
    All the best on this journey

    That's great and thank you for sharing that! Are you seeing any improvements? Are your meats grass fed, organic, etc?
    I am seeing improvements,the main issue I deal with is leaky gut and it's going well.
    I don't have access to much grass fed meat but I can at least get antibiotic/hormone free and free range.
    Most of my vegetables are organic as well.
  • I work at an office 8a - 6p and dinner is the only meal I eat at home during the week. I have taken to bringing stuff to the office for meals or to supplement what I take-out locally. What I bring to the office:
    - Semi-hard boiled eggs (I like the yokes on the creamy side, not dry)
    - Cans and more cans of sardines, mackerel and kippers, all in olive oil. I eat one per day, great for protein and omega-3
    - Almond butter
    - Celery sticks, prewashed and cut (great with almond butter), carrots
    - Various nuts & seeds
    - My homemade flank steak beef jerky
    - Apples
    - Avocados

    Today's satisfying breakfast:
    - 1/4 Avocado
    - 1 boiled egg
    - 1 can Trader Joe's Smoked Sardines
    - Cuppa black

    Planned lunch:
    - Chopped salad (arugula, chicken breast, artichoke hearts, cuke, carrot,, broccoli etc) with lemon & olive oil dressing

    Planned Dinner:
    - NY strip steak, 6 oz and light salad

    Planned Snacks:
    - apple
    - celery with almond butter
  • _Amy_Budd
    _Amy_Budd Posts: 378 Member
    Anyone still going? I'm just completed day 25 - 5 more days to go! :)
  • 4miles, you're done now, right? Congrats, how did it go for you?

    8 more days to go here. Weight loss seems to have accelerated to about 2 lbs per week, which is more than fine as far as I am concerned. Two new treats in my arsenal have helped me along:

    - homemade gf beef & wild salmon jerkys
    - homemade energy bars (recipe courtesy of mark sisson's site).
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    4miles, you're done now, right? Congrats, how did it go for you?

    8 more days to go here. Weight loss seems to have accelerated to about 2 lbs per week, which is more than fine as far as I am concerned. Two new treats in my arsenal have helped me along:

    - homemade gf beef & wild salmon jerkys
    - homemade energy bars (recipe courtesy of mark sisson's site).

    Not to nitpick, but I thought that paleo baked goods (like energy bars) weren't part of the Whole30. Just sayin.
  • 4miles, you're done now, right? Congrats, how did it go for you?

    8 more days to go here. Weight loss seems to have accelerated to about 2 lbs per week, which is more than fine as far as I am concerned. Two new treats in my arsenal have helped me along:

    - homemade gf beef & wild salmon jerkys
    - homemade energy bars (recipe courtesy of mark sisson's site).

    Not to nitpick, but I thought that paleo baked goods (like energy bars) weren't part of the Whole30. Just sayin.

    Whoops! I guess my reputation for skimming lightly over instructions (which often don't make it out of the box) is deserved.